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Personnel Development: Definition and Goals

Carolin Puls 11/2/2022

This is how you promote personnel development in your company

Table of contents
  1. What does personnel development mean?
  2. What reasons and goals are there in personnel development?
  3. What are the classic measures of personnel development?
  4. Why you should use software in personnel development
  5. This HR software supports you
  6. Modern personnel development means satisfied employees

In times of shortage of skilled workers, increasing motivation to change and the changing demands of Generation Y and Z employees on their workplace, it is more important than ever to secure the best long-term employees for your company.

Against this background, personnel development has a special significance nowadays. To keep your colleagues satisfied and motivated in the long term, you have to develop effective strategies in your personnel policy and follow them consistently. Because if you want to make your company successful, you have to start with the personnel.

With the personnel development that suits you, you strengthen talents and specifically build potential. But how do you keep the necessary measures in view, without losing sight of the everyday work of the personnel department? You'll find out in this post.

What does personnel development mean?

The field of work of personnel development includes all measures for further education and promotion of employees in your company. Through this development, you ensure that the company's objectives are achieved and your company remains successful. At the beginning of the strategic personnel development process is the Inventory and needs analysis, i.e., where you stand and what you want to achieve. Next, you determine the social, professional and methodological competencies needed to successfully accomplish this task. Afterwards, in exchange with your colleagues, a concrete development result is defined, which they should achieve through various measures. This is followed by the elaboration of the goal through specific personnel development measures and their implementation. Afterwards, you check the success of your measures and document whether your defined goals were achieved.

What reasons and goals are there in personnel development?

In order to ensure the long-term success of your company, you need qualified employees, who correspond to the current and future requirements of the market and your customers. Standstill in personnel development usually means a setback in our fast-paced times. Through strategic personnel planning, you also keep in view which employees your company will lose in the coming years due to their age and where long-term expertise is therefore lost. You can counteract this with targeted qualification measures. These measures also help to make your company more efficient and economical, as you identify weaknesses and deficits through further training and courses and counteract them. The open offer of individual further development also makes your company attractive to applicants who want development opportunities. For employees, your personnel development also offers the opportunity to take the next step in their career planning and to hold higher positions and earn more money in the long run. This has a positive effect on their motivation and their loyalty to the employer.

What are the classic measures of personnel development?

The classic personnel development measures are divided into their spatial relation to the respective workplace:

  • On the Job Measures: The learning of new skills is carried out directly at the (later) workplace, offering you the most practical training possible. On-the-job measures include, for example, coaching, trainee programs or employee interviews.
  • Near-the-Job Measures: The qualification takes place within your company, but not directly at your colleagues' workplace. Typically, a training or seminar room is provided for this time. Near-the-job measures include, for example, internal further training and seminars.
  • Off-the-Job Measures: Theoretical knowledge is imparted in an environment outside the company. With these measures, your colleagues bring fresh wind and new ideas from outside, but they have to first transfer the newly acquired knowledge to the practical everyday situations. It can also happen that the knowledge imparted is not specifically tailored to your situation, as employees from many different companies attend these further trainings.

Why you should use software in personnel development

Depending on how many employees your company has, it can sometimes become straining to keep track of all your personnel development measures - from needs analysis to documentation of the measures to their follow-up. With the right Software for personnel development you can streamline your personnel work and concentrate on what is really important - the qualification of your colleagues.

Modern Human Resources solutions enable your colleagues to carry out simple processes such as capturing a new address after moving or changing the tax class flexibly and self-determined. Someone forgot to clock in? With a click in the software, the actually worked hours can be recorded in an instant. This self-service solution supports you in optimizing existing processes in your personnel department and freeing up valuable time resources. A personnel development software can remind you of regular appraisal interviews, inventory tracking and goal tracking with different employees. By documenting your discussion results, you have all information stored in one central place, so that you can support each other. Such a tool enables you to automate and optimize personnel planning, personnel development, personnel recruitment and remuneration management.

This HR software supports you

We firmly believe: For every company, there is the right HR Software. On OMR Reviews, you can get an overview of the tools best rated by our users. These include:

Based on the example of the Sage HR Suite we will present the Advantages of a software for personnel development in more detail. Sage offers small and large companies the new generation of solutions in finance and personnel administration. The HR software delivers real-time information through social and mobile technology, allowing you to make informed decisions. It facilitates your daily work through various smart functions. The personnel data and specific information on the professional development of your colleagues, which are processed into Sage, are intelligently processed by the HR software. It also supports you in the creation of complex analyses and prepares meaningful results for your personnel requirements planning.

The Sage HR Suite supports you in all tasks throughout the entire employee life cycle. From data management in the application process and evaluation of applicants, through onboarding to the departure of employees. You can manage employment contracts, staff questionnaires and registration forms for social security inside the tool and create them uncomplicatedly. It is also possible to map your time management via the software. Correct time recording as well as the input of absence times and holidays provide important calculation and planning bases for your company. The documentation can be carried out by all colleagues themselves and conveniently with a mouse click. So annoying and error-prone transmissions from the timesheet into the system are eliminated.

Another advantage of the tool is that you can capture both individual and team goals in it and track them. This allows you to track how the company's objectives are being met by employees. The HR software securely stores all personnel data in the cloud. It ensures complete data protection, which complies with all German and EU directives.

Modern personnel development means satisfied employees

By initiating the right personnel development measures, you contribute to the satisfaction of your colleagues and to the success of your company. The right HR software supports you comprehensively in all task areas that exist in your personnel department. At the same time, this process empowers your colleagues to take their career to the next level and pursue their goals. If you follow this path consistently, not only will the current employees remain with you, but many motivated applicants will also want to work with you. You see - personnel development is an investment that pays off.

Carolin Puls
Carolin Puls

Carolin ist freie Redakteurin bei OMR und mit ganzem Herzen Autorin. Als Brand Managerin war sie bereits bei verschiedenen Unternehmen aus der FMCG-Branche für das Marketing zuständig. Währenddessen hat Carolin berufsbegleitend Ihr Studium zur Marketing-Betriebswirtin abgeschlossen.

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