It's All About AI: Can Jens Polomski Make Marketing Jobs Obsolete in 20 Minutes?

Chantal Seiter 5/19/2023

AI and tool expert Jens Polomski demonstrates at the OMR Festival using a marketing campaign, what is already possible with artificial intelligence.

Table of contents
  1. “How I replace you with AI in 20 minutes”
  2. Auto-GPT runs automatically, but not without errors
  3. “My good friend ChatGPT”
  4. AI text we can do, but what about AI images?
  5. Brand building with artificial intelligence
  6. Texts, images, brand voice: Of course, AI can also voice
  7. Now it's time for marketing
  8. Will we be replaced after all?

“It's not just any experiment.” This is how the speech by Jens Polomski on the Yellow Stage is announced on the second day of the OMR Festival 2023. The AI and tool expert from Cologne has come up with something very special for his performance. Of course, it's all about artificial intelligence. And about the question of what can be done with it in terms of marketing campaigns. Or more specifically: Can AI take over the job of a marketing agency? This question is of burning interest to many visitors, either because it affects their budgets or potentially their own job.

Jens has brought an answer, but first he introduces a whole range of AI tools that could potentially make us obsolete. No one really knows. What we can reveal in advance: There is no cause for concern. At least, if you stay tuned and deal with artificial intelligence and the possibilities it offers. The best way to start is with this article.

“How I replace you with AI in 20 minutes”

In his 20-minute talk, Jens wants to replace us with AI. It sounds almost like a threat, but the Cologne resident remains friendly. He shows us what is already possible with AI – we remember: ChatGPT was launched at the end of November 2022 – and quickly sets up a complete marketing campaign for a fictional coffee brand. What should reassure many: No programming skills are needed for any of the steps. Because Jens actually can't program.

Despite this, the first tool looks dangerously like coding: With Auto-GPT, the Cologne resident lays the foundation for his next steps. After all, we only know that we want to sell coffee. What it should be called and what it should look like is hopefully what the AI will tell us. For this purpose, Jens has Auto-GPT create tasks and sub-tasks for all important steps. The tool can set goals and make decisions, for example to autonomously perform Google searches or create Python scripts. The basis is GPT-4, the latest language model from OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT.

Auto-GPT runs automatically, but not without errors

Installing Auto-GPT is a bit more complex. Those who dare can find installation instructions at For everyone else, ingenious developers have integrated the open source application into different web interfaces. One of these is After a short command, the tool starts Google searches for top coffee brands, creates content independently and knows surprisingly well what needs to be done.


Looks cryptic: Auto-GPT is an open source application that you can install yourself. Access to the AI is a bit easier via Photo: Jens Polomski

As with ChatGPT, caution is advised here, Jens emphasizes. Auto-GPT was only released at the end of March 2023 – about two weeks after the launch of GPT-4. Like ChatGPT, the tool does not work entirely without errors. Nevertheless, it is already a game changer. “Give the thing another two to three weeks or maybe two to three months. Then it will look completely different,” says Jens.

“My good friend ChatGPT”

No AI coffee campaign without ChatGPT: The chatbot, which has revolutionized the school and work routine of many people within a few months, must of course not be missing here. Jens relies on the tool for brand building: What does he have to consider when setting up a campaign? And: does ChatGPT also have specific suggestions for a brand? Of course it does: From the exchange with the tool emerges the coffee brand “Energize Me” – the coffee brand for energy and concentration enhancement. Perfect for high performers.

You probably don't need us to tell you again what you can do with simple prompts in ChatGPT – or rather, can have done. But here we have ten tricks for you that can make you use ChatGPT even more effectively. The free application is still based on the GPT-3 language model. However, those who use ChatGPT Plus can also access GPT-4. Here, in addition to text inputs, image entries and more complex tasks are possible. According to OpenAI, the tool works more accurately this way and can draw on an even broader range of knowledge.

AI text we can do, but what about AI images?

ChatGPT has only been available for a good half a year, but it is almost a thing of the past. The powerful tool is great for creating texts and especially for simple research. However, if you want to develop a whole brand, pure texts won't get you very far. It's a good thing there are AI tools like Midjourney. Midjourney runs via an interface with Discord and generates the most diverse images for your new coffee brand – or whatever you want to sell.

Jens created the entire first branding of “Energize Me” with the help of Midjourney. The only time he cheated was with text: He had to insert it in Canva because AI image tools are not yet capable of processing text well. “But we'll get there,” Jens is sure.


"Camffee"?! Text is something the image AI Midjourney can't (yet) handle properly. But for the first design steps, the tool gives you good foundations. Photo: Jens Polomski via Midjourney

Brand building with artificial intelligence

The idea is in place, the first steps have been done with the help of Auto-GPT or, ChatGPT and Midjourney. Now Jens just has to sell his coffee. And artificial intelligence is supposed to help with that, too. The starting point is Miro: The whiteboard tool is not only great for joint brainstorming sessions. Since recently, you can also make AI work for you with MiroAI. The beta version, for which there is currently still a waiting list, creates mindmaps for you that you can expand as you like. In his case, Jens wants to have to-dos for a “Go-to-Market plan for a new coffee brand”. Nothing easier than that.

From these to-dos, among other things, there arises a need for a website. And AI can conjure one up for you too – theoretically at least. Jens tests the AI Website Builder from for this task. It generates a whole website for you with the content you need. The result is not exactly a design fireworks yet, technically speaking. So Jens gets inspiration from Midjourney. The tool is not yet able to handle texts, but it does produce appealing designs for landing pages, which can be a good source of inspiration for designers. And the AI can also generate product images, campaign visuals, and images for social media for you.

At this point, of course, testimonials should not be missing, who advertise the delicious coffee of “Energize Me”. The recordings of Barack Obama, Elon Musk or Mozart, holding steaming coffee cups and packs in the “Energize Me” design, are frighteningly realistic. Jens probably doesn't have to emphasize at this point that such AI image tools also come with risks – but he does so just in case.

Texts, images, brand voice: Of course, AI can also voice

For those who weren't astounded enough by the “Energize Me” testimonials Barack Obama and Elon Musk, Jens adds another one: Because, of course, a brand also needs a voice, a brand voice. The tool expert has generated this with Elevenlabs. And of course, there is also a face that tells us everything about “Energize Me” to match the voice. The video of Albert, that's the man's name for the voice, comes from Colossyan Creator. The tool makes AI actors speak deceptively real – matching the voice generated by Elevenlabs.

By the way, entire podcasts could be produced with the voice. It would be funny if someone greeted us who sounds deceptively like OMR founder Philipp Westermeyer. Maybe with the words: “Hello, I'm Philipp and can't wait to hear all about my favorite drink every week.” Or?! At the latest with regard to AI voices and videos, an appeal to one's own morality is appropriate.

Now it's time for marketing

The experiment is nonetheless exciting. Jens even managed to produce an entire image video with the help of AI or rather, have it produced. It is not yet completely round, but it shows what is already possible and what will probably be possible in the future. The following tools have helped him with this:

  1. ChatGPT for the text or the script
  2. Elevenlabs for the voice-over (which again comes from Albert)
  3. Runway for the video
  4. AIVA for the music

And for the marketing of his coffee brand, the tools presented here are also used: Jens has the texts generated directly in his marketing and content plan in Google Sheets. For this he uses the API interface to ChatGPT. Images for social ads come from Midjourney and ChatGPT quickly writes a code for a coffee quiz with which Jens wants to generate leads. More content for his website is also provided by artificial intelligence: ChatGPT knows great coffee recipes and Midjourney has the appropriate images for the blog article ready. If you need funny content but can't compete with El Hotzo, even offers a AI meme generator. Wow.

Will we be replaced after all?

Building a brand with the help of artificial intelligence: In general, the experiment was a success. At the same time, however, weaknesses became apparent that will certainly be eliminated in the next weeks, months and years. Whether AI will then replace us? Jens has a clear opinion on this: “AI won't take your job, a human with AI will.” (“Artificial intelligence won't take your job, a human with AI will do it.”) If you don't deal with AI now, you will have disadvantages later, says Jens. Henrik Roth, co-founder of the AI tool Neuroflash, sees it similarly, with whom we discussed, among other things, about the future of our jobs.

Finally, Jens has three tips for you which will make artificial intelligence more of a friend than an enemy:

  1. Don't be afraid of AI, but dare to try out AI tools and expand your horizon
  2. Use AI as a tool and see it as a practical addition for every step of your work
  3. Stay curious and informed: What's happening in the AI world right now and what's relevant for your business case?

For the third point, Jens has something right away: Together with OMR Reviews, our tool expert is currently working on the OMR Reviews chatbot. It's still in development, but you can sign up for the waiting list here. And it's worth it: Our chatbot will soon take over the search for the right software for your to-dos. It knows OMR Reviews inside out and shows you the right solution for your needs. Stay tuned!

At the OMR Festival 2023, Jens Polomski showed us what is already possible with artificial intelligence. You can watch his entire talk here.

Chantal Seiter
Chantal Seiter

Chantal ist Redakteurin bei OMR Reviews. Wenn sie gerade mal nicht in die Tasten haut, betreibt sie Café Hopping oder erkundet neue Städte. Am liebsten beides zusammen. Vor ihrem Start bei OMR Reviews hat die Eigentlich-Kielerin in Kreativagenturen und als Freelancerin gearbeitet. 2022 hat sie außerdem eine Weiterbildung zur Fashion Stylistin abgeschlossen.

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