DMS Implementation: 10 Steps to Efficient Implementation, Including Tool Tips

We show you what a good document management system brings and how to implement it efficiently

Table of contents
  1. What is a DMS and what features and benefits does it have?
  2. EFSS and ECM - Relatives of Document Management Systems
  3. Implementation of a Document Management System
  4. The best document management systems on OMR Reviews

A virtual filing cabinet for improved collaboration and efficient offices - Who wouldn't want that? Many of you are still dealing with the filing and retrieval of documents. In everyday life, these are clear money and resource eaters. The solution is to introduce a document management system (DMS)

The DMS facilitates many of the daily to-dos or even makes them disappear. With the DMS you have access to all document types in the office, home office and on the road. Information flow between decision-makers thus speeds up significantly and this across organizational and country borders.

In this article we give you an explanation of DMS functionalities, show you step by step how to successfully introduce a Document Management System (DMS) and give you 10 examples of outstanding Document Management Systems

What is a DMS and what features and benefits does it have?

Paper-based procedures slow down all processes in your company. The production of documents on paper is time-consuming, fragile and a thing of the past. A digital document management system provides you with a solution and greatly optimizes digital processes.

In short, a document management system is a database-supported program that accompanies the entire life cycle of a document. Starting from its creation or capture, through its distribution and processing, up to its archiving or deletion.

Dokumentenmanagement Bestandteile im Überblick

The most important elements of a DMS

With these basics a DMS impresses

Capture documents

Information is often available electronically and is automatically recorded in the DMS, but the classic paper form still exists. These are entered into the DM system via a document scanner. Depending on the need, paper documents are scanned and filed or converted by OCR into digital, editable and searchable files.

Index documents

As soon as a document docks onto the DMS, it is indexed. Information from the document is included in an index. The index ensures faster findability and supports practical full-text search.

Structure Information

Metadata through indexing, as well as near-instant text recognition and full-text search allow you to structure your documents precisely. This allows you to find the right information at the right time in the right place - the basis of efficient business processes.

Organization and allocation

The DMS ensures that your departments are supplied with necessary documents. Documents are automatically delivered to your teams based on set parameters (project abbreviation, customer number, year) and further processing steps and workflows are initiated.


Documents are usually stored in an archive that are no longer needed and may have retention requirements. The DMS offers central, digital archiving for legally necessary revision safety

A video says more than 1000 words? Feel free to click here for the video by DocuWare about document management systems. The video concisely explains the advantages of implementing a DMS. You can find more about the provider in our DMS recommendations further down or in our Document Management Software category on OMR Reviews.

Even more facts? Even more clear benefits of a DMS:

  • More transparency and structure in your filing
  • Your documents and information are quickly findable and just as quickly dispatched
  • The central data storage in the DMS promotes collaboration in your teams and allows shared use of documents
  • Also, the central administration concept reduces the maintenance effort on your data
  • Automatic versioning keeps track of your changes and allows previous document versions to be restored
  • Intuitive DM systems enable rapid familiarization and increase productivity in the foreseeable future
  • Documents in the DMS deliver information wherever you want, 24/7
  • Data security and access controls are also on your side
  • The system automatically manages your deadlines and escalation stages
  • Even derivative processes and workflows become faster and more transparent

The shift to digital documents , and in the best case also workflows, is a key step in digital transformation. Topics like paperless office, digital archiving and digitizing of business processes are taking a synchronized start or going hand in hand. You are thus addressing issues that have gained importance through the Corona crisis.

EFSS and ECM - Relatives of Document Management Systems

Enterprise File Sync & Share systems (EFSS) are the precursor to a full-fledged document management system. Its function is limited to synchronizing, storing and sharing files (documents, images or videos). The file types can be stored locally or in clouds, but do not trigger workflows.

The term Enterprise Content Management Systems (ECM) is also often used synonymously for DMS. However, the functionality goes beyond that. ECM systems incorporate automated workflows, document management and content management (for Web or Social Media) in one system. As standard solutions, these systems serve especially large companies.

Implementation of a Document Management System

Are you already impatient and want to know what to pay attention to in planning? Here we describe how to choose and implement the right DMS step by step.

Step 1: Inventory

At the beginning of DMs introduction, you must know and examine the structures and processes in the company well. Key questions in this step are: What types of documents are in your company? Through which IT systems, interfaces and departments do they travel? Who uses, edits, or stores them?

In order to fully know the current state, speak especially with your colleagues from relevant professional departments. They are your knowledge carriers and provide a picture from everyday life. Also, the more documents in paper form are produced, the greater the potential for improvement with the introduction of DMS.

Step 2: Define goals

You now know exactly where most paper is generated in your company and which workflows depend on it. In this second step of the DMS introduction, you present your target workflows. A graphical representation of future operational processes is very helpful for this task. This illustrates where the main improvements through the DMS develop. Tools that support you in the presentation are Miro or Confluence.


Define your workflows and objectives before the DMS implementation

We also recommend consulting an external consultant. He or she can tell you exactly which optimization steps are useful and what additional benefits are still possible. The consultant thus gives you even more insights about the structure and introduction concept of document management systems.

Step 3: Set indicators

Based on your goals, you can now define clear indicators. Where exactly do you want to achieve which measurable improvements. For example:

  • Number of searches per day
  • Effort for the document search
  • Time spent making copies
  • Duration for the creation of an outgoing invoice
  • Number of staff needed
  • Duration of a release process
  • Rent
  • etc.

Step 4: Find a provider

Equipped with inventory and clearly defined goals, in the fourth step of the DMS introduction, you dig through offers and solutions. Pay attention to binding prices for both the software and the accompanying services such as development and support when searching for a provider. An offer is only really good when the following points fit:

  • The DMS can reflect your processes and reflects your wish list
  • The system technology is up to date and can be flexibly expanded for future challenges
  • The provider is oriented towards all legal requirements such as sales tax law or GDPR
  • It is clearly defined what basic requirements it needs to implement the DMS (e.g. procurement of additional hardware, conversion to cloud-based storage)
  • Service and support are guaranteed to the extent you desire

Further down in the article we have compiled our top 10 document management systems for you. They support you in the selection of a suitable DMS provider.

Step 5: Hire internal professional

Now, you activate an IT professional, who is well familiar with your IT infrastructure. This ensures that the seamless integration into the existing technology works. Your expert will become the communication interface within the departments and an important link to the DMS provider. This person is now involved in all subsequent steps.

Step 6: Implement and establish a base

In the sixth step of the DMS introduction, the chosen DMS is implemented. The roll-out itself should disrupt ongoing operations as little as possible and takes as short a time as possible.

First, standard processes are created. For this, it is necessary to convert relevant files from the paper archive into digital versions. Depending on the amount of paper documents, an external scan service provider can be commissioned or internal staff can be used.

Scanned documents and digitally added files are now fully automatically read out, sorted, or indexed as needed. Based on the DMS, document attributes such as order number, customer number, employee number, etc. can now be linked, classified or newly indexed across systems.

Step 7: Training and Motivation

Now it's time, the many unstructured documents are finally history. But the project is not yet completed. Your internal IT professional is already the specialist for the DMS and should be trained enough to train other employees. Rely on high-quality training organization, use project teams and foster communication in full. This ensures that the motivation to switch succeeds. Tutorials, wikis, corporate blogs are additional measures you can take.

Step 8: Evaluation and establishment

You have integrated your desired DMS into the company and made a valuable contribution to increasing productivity. But this is only the preliminary end. After regular operation with the document management system has started, we recommend conducting a first evaluation. For this, you look at the metrics you defined at the beginning and evaluate them anew. Have you achieved or even surpassed your productivity increase? Or is there still potential for improvement? The results generally vary from indicator to indicator. A sign that not all screws are tight yet.

Another evaluation can also be done by your provider. He looks at the ongoing operation and the DMS work of your colleagues. This way you get more practical tips that lead to progress in your overall productivity.

In the next round, internal or external requirements (changes in laws, new processes, other interfaces) will lead to further optimization of the document management system for your needs. Also, the provider generally does not stand still and keeps his system up-to-date.

Keep optimizing and become even more efficient!

Funktionen und Standardprozesse

Functions and standard processes of a DMS - So you can say goodbye to the Paper-Office

The best document management systems on OMR Reviews

Thanks to the OMR-Reviews-Community, you don't have to search far to find the heroes among the DMS. The list below includes the most popular systems, based on verified reviews and experiences from our community. In addition to exciting key facts, our reviews also provide package and price information as well as information on demo availability.

1. Microsoft OneDrive for Business

With Microsoft OneDrive for Business you can store, open and find shared files on your preferred device. Changes can be made offline and are synchronized as soon as you are connected to the internet again. Full collaboration and integration of the office programs are included.

2. Bynder

The Digital Asset Management System Bynder primarily supports collaboration in the cloud. You can use it to bring content to market faster and increase the impact of your messages. Customer-specific solutions, additional modules and all functionalities you expect from a Digital Asset Management System are delivered with Bynder.

3. ownCloud

ownCloud is an open-source software for synchronizing and collaboratively using files and content. Teamwork is possible irrespective of location and can be used on any device. You can use it to find, edit and share documents on mobile devices in the office or from home. The system is suitable for companies with more than 25 users.

4. amagno

The Digital Workplaxe Solution from amagno combines document management and enterprise content management. You are primarily supported in the use and simple provisioning of digital documents, which you can link with corresponding scans, e-mails and files. Another feature is the preview of documents in large sheet format for almost all file formats.

5. Docuware

DocuWare promises maximum productivity in your business and supports you through cloud-based document management and workflow automation. With this DMS concept, you can digitize any type of documents, archive them to be revision-proof and take them up again for processing. DocuWare is particularly suitable for teams working at different locations.

6. Filestage

Another cloud solution for the approval of media content is Filestage. Ideal for communication between freelancers, agencies and marketing departments. With Filestage, you can easily share, comment and release videos, designs and documents in the browser. Your customers can also access and participate.

7. Zoho Docs

The file management system is a secure solution for storing and managing all types of files. Users can create, upload and distribute different file formats without having to integrate additional software. Zoho Docs also promises you to manage whole databases without having to worry about file sizes.

8. heyData

heyData is a Compliance Software as a Service company and supports your SME in quickly and digitally becoming GDPR compliant. The software provides you with all the legally prescribed documents. Employee training and communication with the authorities are included in the service.

9. CloudConvert

CloudConvert is an online file converter for more than 200 audio, video, document, eBook, archive, image, spreadsheet and presentation formats. Most conversion types can be customized to your needs, e.g. quality tuning. You can use the tool without installing any software and only pay for what you use.

Check out the complete overview of our favorites in the Document Management category on OMR Reviews.

Margit Kustor-Neubauer
Margit Kustor-Neubauer

Margit Kustor-Neubauer ist enthusiastische Texterin und freie Redakteurin bei OMR. Mit Background in Online Marketing, Medien und Kommunikation konzipiert sie seit 15 Jahren Content im Einklang mit Zielgruppe und USP. Dank ihrer Expertise und Kreativität schraubt sie die Ergebnisse von Websites und Newsletter nach oben, bringt Redaktionskalender zum Glühen und Blogs zum Überlaufen. Mehr über Margit gibt es unter MKN Textdesign.

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