The 6 Best WordPress Backup Plugins: How to Use Them

Nils Martens 1/7/2024

How to avoid disasters with WordPress backup plugins

Table of contents
  1. What does a WordPress backup plugin do and what should you watch out for?
  2. How to create a WordPress backup
  3. How to restore a WordPress backup
  4. What are the 6 best free and paid WordPress backup plugins?

You're deeply engrossed in your dissertation, preparing a presentation, or tinkering with an HTML site when suddenly your laptop shuts down. Battery dead. Autosave? Nowhere to be found! Backup of important words? Nowhere to be found. Thankfully, such scenarios are a thing of 20 years ago. Today, automatic backups secure everything you do; even going as far as backing up your WhatsApp communication at night. It's thus little surprise that when it comes to WordPress you shouldn't half-ass the security of your data. This way, you protect yourself from losing your website due to misuse, system errors, or other damage. It's then easy - unless you do it manually – to restore these. Creating a new website, on the other hand, costs time, money, and in the worst-case scenario, revenue because you're not reachable online. The solution: A WordPress backup plugin. At this point we can already put your mind at ease: You don't need to be a CMS pro to install and use such a plugin.

We'll first explain to you what a backup plugin for WordPress exactly does, and then how you can create a WordPress backup and restore it when necessary. We're saving the best for last: 6 WordPress backup plugins with their advantages and costs, which you can directly install because they include everything that such a plugin must have.

What does a WordPress backup plugin do and what should you watch out for?

Such a plugin backs up your data on external servers - all of it, including your images, videos, posts, themes and everything that has to do with your WordPress website or your WooCommerce shop. So far, so understandable. However, backup plugins for WordPress don't just do any old backup. They can do so much more and offer various functions. Some of them make sense, others less so. Keep an eye out for the following features:

  • Backups are created automatically. The classic, which every good WordPress backup plugin should have on board.
  • Your data is stored in several locations.If you're only saving on your device, for example, your data could also become compromised if something happened - such as a hacking attack. Therefore, it's essential that the backup is not secured on the same server where your WordPress website is located and is also saved on additional servers; for example, in the cloud at Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive. Safety first!
  • Backup intervals can be adjusted individually. All plugins have similar options. However, many only have rough settings such as per week or per month. It makes more sense for you to be able to determine backup intervals exactly to the day. Also ensure that manual backups are possible.
  • Have the plugin only make backups when something has been changed. We're talking about incremental backups here. If a backup is scheduled according to plan, the plugin first checks whether changes have been made to your website or online shop. If that's not the case, a backup will be omitted. This spares the performance of your website.
  • For your personal sense of security, you can download the backups.So you can back them up on your hard drive or a USB stick additionally. But that's a matter of taste and suitable for those who don't fully trust third-party providers.
  • Be prepared just in case the backup plugin provider encounters problems.This provider is never 100% immune to technical difficulties or other incidents. That's when a disaster recovery plan comes into play. In other words: a backup is always made of your backup.
  • Last but not least, good usability and a clean interface design are crucial.After all, it's time-consuming enough to familiarize yourself with WordPress, create a website, and maintain it. So the usability of plugins should be uncomplicated and quick.

How to create a WordPress backup

If we're exact about it, there are a total of three possibilities to make a backup of your WordPress projects. In addition to using a plugin, many providers offer data backup along with WordPress hosting. However, even here you should take a close look, as not all backups are created equal, as we've determined in the previous chapter. The mentioned features are not present with every provider, just as they aren't available in every WordPress backup plugin. However, the most laborious method is the manual one. Whereby you carry out the storage of the WordPress files and the database yourself. For this, you need an FTP program as well as the user interface phpMyAdmin.

In your WordPress dashboard, you will find the menu point 'Plugins' on the left. The submenu 'Install' takes you to a huge selection of extensions for your website. Search there for a backup plugin for WordPress or use one from our list. Depending on the provider and the tariff you have chosen, the setup of each plugin is different. However, installation and subsequent activation are the same for all. We'll show you what this could look like using the free BackWPup plugin as an example. Dashboard, menu, and other interfaces are similar to those of other plugins.


After the activation of the plugin, BackWPup has got its own WordPress menu point. Here you can first watch tutorials or get straight to it - after all, you're reading our clever article and are thus well-instructed. First, you create a job in which you determine what, when, and how should be secured. Under 'Protocols' you will see corresponding activities over time, so that you can always track when a WordPress backup was created according to your settings. The last relevant area of such a plugin is the stored backups. Here you can use the current version if something goes wrong and a restoration is necessary.


How to restore a WordPress backup

While the paid backup WordPress plugins restore the saved data with a simple click of the mouse, the free versions are a bit more complicated. However, you don't need a bachelor's degree in computer science for this. Each backup of your data and the WordPress database leaves behind an archive. If a restoration of one of your last backups is necessary, you download this. You will then need the open-source software phpMyAdmin. However, as this would exceed the scope of this article, we refer to the documentation page of BackWPup, where the necessary steps are explained in great detail. All other plugin providers also offer instructions that explain to you step by step how to manually restore your WordPress backup. An easier way is through your provider, who should have a pre-installed access to phpMyAdmin - including a good guide. But as hinted at before: better choose a plugin with premium access right away and save yourself a lot of time and effort when restoring your WordPress backup.

What are the 6 best free and paid WordPress backup plugins?

Whether you use a WordPress backup plugin for free or for a fee is determined by A, which features you need and B, how extensive your website arsenal is. Never make it depend on your budget. Without a backup plugin or sufficient functions, disaster is more or less pre-programmed. The larger the respective backups will be, the more sense it makes to put money into it. And paid versions can also make the difference when restoring backups. You're sure to find your perfect solution in our ranking of the best 6 WordPress backup plugins.

BlogVault - The showcase backup plugin with extras

We're starting right off with a reasonably priced, but extensive backup solution. BlogVault meticulously ensures that the same servers used for backups aren't the ones on which your website is located. Every 24 hours, an automated backup of your data and database is made, and you can manually create a WordPress backup at any time. Moreover, BlogVault offers the option to only make backups of your WordPress database if changes have been made. Otherwise, a backup interval would be skipped. The backup archives are stored for 90 days or for 365 days in the Advanced tariff. All plugins installed by you, your theme, as well as the core updates of WordPress are secured. BlogVault can, however, not only create backups according to plan (and restore them), but also has performance and security tools for WordPress included. This costs comparatively not much money, making BlogVault the ideal solution for freelancers and small businesses.


Restoration Options

  • Backup archives are stored for 90 days (365 days in the Advanced edition)
  • Restoring your backup is possible with a click


  • All possible options of a backup plan can be selected (automatic, manual and incremental backups)
  • Additional performance and security tools are included in the plugin
  • Backups are secured on BlogVault's servers (offsite backups)


  • 149 dollars per year for the Plus version (suitable for most WordPress websites and WooCommerce shops)
  • 299 dollars per year for the Pro version, which can store backups in real time for 365 days

Jetpack Backup (formerly VaultPress) - By the WordPress Co-Founder himself

This is the FC Bayern Munich of WordPress backup plugins - both in terms of price and performance. Despite the cost of 120 euros per year for the simple version, Jetpack Backup is one of the most popular plugins. This may be because the developer company Automattic is behind it, founded by Matt Mullenweg, the co-founder of WordPress. With Jetpack, he has brought a round-the-clock backup plugin on the market. It saves automatically once daily or in real time if you lay a bit more money on the table. While setting backup plans is still simple, when it comes to setting up Jetpack, it gets a bit more complicated. You should set aside some time to install the plugin. As the trust toward Automattic carries some weight and Jetpack Backup also provides a few more features than usual, the prices are reasonable. But with every tariff, look closely at what's included and what you really need. If it's just about the backup, without security frills or other functions, the plugin is overpriced.


Restoration Options

  • Archives are stored for 30 days (up to 365 days in higher tariffs)
  • Restoration is automated and possible within minutes


  • Extensive performances depending on tariff
  • The plugin was developed by Matt Mullenweg, the co-founder of WordPress
  • Many security options available (even from the cheapest tariff)
  • Excellent support


  • Approximately 108 euros per year when paying annually for the security package
  • The Complete version costs almost 275 euros and is aimed at extensive WordPress projects
  • However, Jetpack usually offers a 50 percent discount in the first year, making things more affordable at the start

ManageWP - The solution for individual pricing

ManageWP is the optimal solution for you if you're managing several WordPress sites - either as the owner or as an external person hired for the job. With this backup WordPress plugin, you get a dashboard through which you can control all websites without having to log in to each individual site. You do updates cross-site, as well as security checks. The backup of your data runs as a cloud backup, which you can adjust individually. It works incrementally, meaning that it only makes backups if the WordPress plugin detects changes on one of your websites. Plus, you can specify whether to save on servers in the US or Europe. But we haven't even told you the best part yet: the cost. The free version already includes a lot of decent functions including monthly backup and 1-click restoration. If you want additional features, such as automated security checks or customizable backups, you only purchase the add-ons that you need. Accordingly, the price is different for everyone and you only pay for what you really need.


Restoration Options

  • 1-click restoration
  • Backups are stored for 90 days, with option for more


  • Individual pricing model
  • Choice of server location
  • Dashboard for all your websites
  • 24/7-support already included in the free version


  • Basic version is free
  • Each additional add-on is charged at 1-2 dollars per month (up to 25 websites, for freelancers)
  • If you manage more websites, the All-in-One-Package costs 150 dollars, and Individual add-ons cost between 25-75 dollars per month

WP Time Capsule - The all-around backup package

With WP Time Capsule you get a feature for little money that others demand high fees for: Real-time backup. For just 49 dollars a year, you get this alongside many other useful features. And WP Time Capsule limits itself really just to everything regarding the backup of your website, offering no additional functions such as security or website dashboard. The advantage is clear: Because the developer company behind the backup plugin concentrates on the core theme, great performance comes into play. The tariffs vary mainly concerning the number of websites for which you use WP Time Capsule, and the archiving periods. Depending on pricing, you're credited between 30 to 365 days in which the last backup can be restored.


Restoration Options

  • Simple restoration possible
  • You can first test restoration before it goes online


  • Good price-performance ratio
  • Plugin focuses solely on your backup
  • Real-time backups included in all tariff plans


  • Between 49 and 199 dollars per year (depending on archiving period and number of websites)
  • Alternatively, you can choose one-time payments between 149 and 699 dollars

BackWPup - The price-performance hit

BackWPup is a WordPress backup plugin that we've already introduced earlier, as it served as an example. The free version already includes several useful tools, but BackWPup only really shines through its Pro version. For instance, it offers restoration with a mouse click, which you have to do yourself manually in the free version. You can test the backups beforehand and the entire interface is relatively easy to use - Some tutorials from the developer also support you with the first steps. And since the developer does not provide his own servers, you can save on all kinds of platforms such as Amazon S3 or Dropbox. If you prefer Google Drive, Amazon Glacier, or HiDrive, you'll have to reach into your pocket. But the prices are humane and the pro plans all include 365 days of premium support. While it often gets more expensive from the second year on with many, it's the other way around with BackWPup.


Restoration Options

  • Manual restoration in the free version
  • One-click restoration in the pro version


  • It addresses almost all known storage services
  • Helpful video tutorials and 365-day support assist you with the usage of the plugin


  • Standard version starts from 59 euros and already includes all important features
  • Prices vary depending on the number of websites for which the plugin is installed, going up to 299 euros.

UpdraftPlus - The audience favorite

UpdraftPlus is considered an audience favorite in the WordPress crowd. More than three million installations and excellent ratings speak for themselves. The free version even already includes everything that most of you would need in terms of backups. Data is stored in the cloud of your choice and restoration also becomes easy with UpdraftPlus. In addition comes the fact that you can automate backup plans individually and select which files should be backed up. And all this without you having to pay a single penny. However, if you prefer premium support, encryption options, or incremental backups - and you've learned that these are important - the paid version of UpdraftPlus is certainly advisable. And just in case it's relevant for you: UpdraftPlus is used amongst others by NBA, Princeton University, Microsoft, and NASA.


Restoration Options

  • Already possible with just one click in the free version


  • High trust as it's the most popular WordPress backup plugin
  • Simple operation
  • Large selection of features already in the free version


  • Free version available
  • Afterwards it starts at 83 dollars per year for up to two WordPress websites
  • The enterprise version, with an unlimited number of websites costs 232 dollars annually
  • Additionally, adding storage via UpdraftVault is possible

Nils Martens
Nils Martens

Nils ist Gründer der Personal Branding Rebels und seit Jahren fester Bestandteil des LinkedIn-Games. Mit seinem Team hilft er Menschen und Unternehmen, auf LinkedIn und anderen Plattformen als Personal Brands sichtbar zu werden. Die Rebels unterstützen dabei, Corporate Influencer auszubilden, Personal Brands aufzubauen und bieten Workshops an. Immer mit einem rebellischen Ansatz: Out-of-the-Box-Denken und authentische Sichtbarkeit stehen im Fokus, fernab von starren Algorithmen und Blaupausen.

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