Amazon Product Photos: 7 Tips for Higher Sales Opportunities

Do you want to create your own Amazon product photos and show your goods from their best side? We show you 7 tricks to make that happen!

Table of contents
  1. Why high-quality product photos are essential
  2. Product photo basics: guidelines and key elements
  3. 1. Professional equipment for professional results
  4. 2. Show your product in action
  5. 3. Pay attention to your product category
  6. 4. Go easy on the text
  7. 5. Different compositions and angles for livelier images
  8. 6. Stay consistent
  9. 7. Post-processing for optimal photos
  10. Conclusion: High-quality photos are a must!

A picture says more than 1000 words - this wisdom also applies to Amazon. Because before potential customers can deal with the product characteristics in more detail, they want to be inspired to click by an appealing picture motif (and a matching product title). You don't always have to spend a lot of money on a professional photo shoot for this: small tips and tricks can also help you to ensure that your goods come across just as convincingly, as in reality. We have therefore summarized seven tips for Amazon product photos for you, with which you start your sales platform.

Why high-quality product photos are essential

The importance of optimized product photos on Amazon cannot be overestimated. They are the figurehead of your product and the first point of contact for potential buyers. Since your customers cannot physically touch, feel, or try out the product, they rely on the visual information that your images provide. An appealing and high-quality product photo can make the difference between a click on the product or whether they simply keep scrolling through the search results.

Photos are therefore a crucial factor in the buying experience and the decision of customers. They not only communicate what your product looks like, but can also represent functions, quality and even the lifestyle associated with it. With images, you can involve customers in the story of your product and show them how it fits into their lives.

Product photo basics: guidelines and key elements

Before you get started with the camera in hand, you should familiarize yourself with Amazon's product photo guidelines. These ensure that the quality and consistency of the product images on the platform are maintained and offer customers a consistent shopping experience. The most important guidelines for your Amazon product photos are:

  • The main image must be on a pure white background (RGB color code: 255, 255, 255).

  • The product should take up at least 85% of the picture.

  • The image must show the actual product, not a graphic or an illustration.

  • The main image must be a professional photo or a complete computer graphic of the product, not a drawing or sketch.

  • The main image must not contain any visible brands, watermarks, or logos.

  • The images should not depict offensive content.

Now that we have covered the basics, let's move on to tips for optimal Amazon product photos:

1. Professional equipment for professional results

One step to optimize your product photos on Amazon is investing in professional equipment and the right settings. Professional equipment doesn't necessarily have to be expensive, but it can make a big difference in the quality of your images.

Let's start with the camera. A DSLR or mirrorless model offers excellent image quality and control over the settings. But even an advanced smartphone camera can be sufficient, especially if you are just starting and have a limited budget.

A tripod is another essential tool. It provides stability, prevents blurry pictures, and allows you to take pictures with consistent angles and distances.

Lighting is a crucial factor in the quality of your product photos. Natural light is ideal, but not always available or adequate. Therefore, you should invest in good lighting equipment, such as softboxes or LED panels. They generate a soft, diffuse light that minimizes shadows and evenly illuminates the product.

Your backgrounds should be simple and inconspicuous so that the product is in the foreground. For the main picture on Amazon, a white background is required anyway. You can use a simple white paper roll or a special photo tablecloth.

As for the camera settings, you should use manual mode to have full control over exposure, ISO, aperture, and shutter speed. Depending on the lighting conditions and the specific product you are photographing, you will need to adjust these settings accordingly.

When focusing, it is important to ensure that the product is sharp and clear, while the background is blurred to highlight the product. You can achieve this by adjusting the aperture (smaller f-number for a blurrier background). Finally, it is advisable to shoot in RAW format. This format stores more details and allows better post-processing.

2. Show your product in action

Even if your main picture needs to be factual, you can be a bit more creative with your other images. Displaying your product in action, also known as lifestyle shots, is an excellent method for this. It shows potential buyers how they can use your product in their everyday lives. It can help establish an emotional connection with the product and stimulate the customers' imagination. Here are some points to keep in mind:

  1. Identify the purpose: Before showcasing the product in action, you need to be clear about what your product is used for. What problem does it solve? How does it improve users' lives? These answers can help you create the right scene.

  2. Create a suitable environment: The environment in which you show the product should be relevant and realistic. If your product is a kitchen appliance, for example, show it in a kitchen, not an office.

  3. Bring in humanity: People can help demonstrate the use of the product and establish a human connection.

  4. Tell a story: Every good lifestyle shot tells a story. It could be the story of how your product makes everyday life easier, or how it makes a special moment even more special. Try to convey this story through your image.

  5. Keep an eye on quality: Even if they are lifestyle shots, the images should still be professional and high-quality. Pay attention to lighting, composition, and focus, just like your other product images.

  6. Follow the Amazon guidelines: While Amazon allows lifestyle images, they must still comply with the general product image guidelines. Make sure they follow the rules and do not contain forbidden elements.

3. Pay attention to your product category

Not all products are the same and what works in photographing one product, may not necessarily work for another. That's why it is important to adapt your approach to product photography depending on the product category. Here are some specific tips for different product categories:

  1. Clothing and fashion: For garments and fashion items, it is ideal to show them on a model to give the buyer an impression of fit and style. Make sure to show all relevant details like seams, patterns and trademarks.

  2. Jewelry: In jewelry, it is important to make detail shots to show quality and craftsmanship. Use macro settings or lenses to take close-ups, and play with lighting to highlight glitter and reflections.

  3. Kitchen appliances: For kitchen appliances, you should not only show the product itself, but also its functions. Show the product in action by showcasing it in a kitchen setting and maybe even show how it performs a particular task.

  4. Electronics: For electronic products, it is important to highlight all technical details and features. Show various angles and focus on special buttons or functions.

  5. Books: For books, the cover is the main focus, but also remember to take pictures of the side view and back. If it is an illustrated book or a picture book, also show some pages inside.

  6. Food products: For food, the eye appeal is crucial. Make sure the food looks fresh and delicious. Use natural lighting to make the colors pop and consider showing the product in a scene that shows its use (such as cookies on a baking tray).

4. Go easy on the text

Using text on product photos may seem like a good idea at first glance. You might see the opportunity to highlight important information, explain features, or draw attention to certain aspects of the product. However, there are good reasons why you should be cautious when considering adding text to your product images.

Adding text to product images can make the image cluttered and potentially confusing for your customers. Images are supposed to provide a quick, visual impression of the product. If there is too much text, this could distract attention from the product itself and make it harder for buyers to quickly understand what you are selling.

In addition, using text on product images can sometimes be seen as unprofessional or of a low quality. It's often better to use high-quality images that let the product speak for itself, and instead use text in your product descriptions and bullet points to provide additional information.

Of course, this does not mean that you should never use text on product images. It can be useful in some cases, for example, to clarify the dimensions of a product or highlight special features. You should, however, use it sparingly and thoughtfully.

5. Different compositions and angles for livelier images

The composition of your product photo is a crucial factor that affects how appealing and effective it is. Composition is about how the various elements of your photo are arranged to lead the viewer's eye and create a certain effect or message.

Experiment with different composition techniques to see which one best highlights your product. This includes rules like the rule of thirds, where the image is divided into thirds and the product is placed at the intersection points to create a balanced and interesting image.

Also try different placements: Do you put your product in the center of the image or more to the side? Which placement best directs viewers' attention to the important parts of the product? Remember to keep the product and its surroundings clear and clean to minimize distractions.

Angles are also crucial: for example, a side angle can help show the depth or profile of the product, while a top view can be helpful to show the interior or top of the product. A low angle can make your product look larger and more impressive, while a high angle can give it a sense of accessibility.

Don't forget to also take close-up shots to highlight specific features or characteristics that make your product unique. And if your product can be shown in action, consider from which angles it is best seen.

6. Stay consistent

Consistency in your product photos creates a cohesive brand image and builds trust with your customers. In an online environment where your buyers cannot physically touch or try out the product, your photos form an important connection to your product. To stay consistent, you should therefore pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. Consistent style: Develop a consistent style for your product photos that suits your brand. This can include aspects like color palette, lighting, image composition, backgrounds and the use of models or props. A consistent style helps to make your brand recognizable and strengthens customer trust.

  2. Even quality: Make sure that all your product photos have high quality. Blurry, poorly lit or pixelated images can give the impression that your product or your brand is of poor quality. Consistent quality on the other hand shows that you pay attention to detail and are a reliable provider.

  3. Consistent representation of the product: The product should look the same on all photos (aside from intended changes, such as showing different color options). Differences in size, shape or color between the photos can cause confusion.

  4. Coherent setup: Keep the order and arrangement of your product photos consistent. For example, you could always start with a front view of the product, followed by side views, close-ups, and images of the product in action. A predictable arrangement makes it easier for customers to find the information they seek.

7. Post-processing for optimal photos

The post-processing is a crucial step in creating professional product photos for Amazon. It is the process where you edit and improve the images you took to ensure they provide the best possible representation of your product:

  1. Use the right software: Programs like Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom are excellent tools for post-processing. There are also less expensive or free alternatives like GIMP or Canva Pro, that offer many useful features.

  2. Optimize the exposure: Maybe your photo is a bit too dark or too bright. Use the exposure sliders of your editing program to brighten or darken the image until it looks right. Be careful not to brighten too much, as this can wash out details.

  3. Correct the colors: The colors on your photo should replicate the colors of your real product as accurately as possible. If the colors on your photo are not quite right, you can adjust them with the color correction tools of your program.

  4. Improve contrast and clarity: With the contrast and clarity settings you can make your image sharper and more dynamic. But don't overdo it - excessive editing can look unnatural and hence unprofessional.

  5. Remove disturbing elements: If there are small blemishes or disturbing elements on your photo, you can remove them with the retouching tool.

  6. Add a pure white background: Amazon requires that the main image of your product has a pure white background. You can achieve this by highlighting the background of your photo in your editing program and setting the color to white.

Conclusion: High-quality photos are a must!

Optimizing your product photos for Amazon is a crucial factor for your sales success. Through high-quality and appealing images, you create trust among customers and increase the likelihood that they will make a purchase. Various aspects play a role here: compliance with Amazon's guidelines, understanding the basics of product photography, the right equipment and settings, post-processing and experimenting with different compositions and angles.

At the same time, it is important to stay authentic in presenting your product and create a coherent brand image. This requires a balance between creativity and consistency, and it may be necessary to pursue different approaches depending on the product category.

Remember, the product photography process is a continuous learning process. Be prepared to learn from your experiences and constantly refine your approaches to get the most out of your product photos. After all, a great product photo is often the result of patience, practice, and attention to detail.

Nils Knäpper
Nils Knäpper

Nils ist SEO-Texter bei OMR Reviews und darüber hinaus ein echter Content-Suchti. Egal, ob Grafik, Foto, Video oder Audio – wenn es um digitale Medien geht, ist Nils immer ganz vorne mit dabei. Vor seinem Wechsel zu OMR war er fast 5 Jahre lang als Content-Manager und -Creator in einem Immobilienunternehmen tätig und hat zudem eine klassische Ausbildung als Werbetexter.

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