Painting by Numbers: How an Algorithm Generates AI Images

Nils Knäpper 2/17/2023

Not only texts, but also graphics are now often generated with the help of artificial intelligence - we take a look at what's behind it.

Table of contents
  1. Artificial Intelligence vs. Algorithms
  2. What are AI images?
  3. How does an algorithm generate images?
  4. What are the applications of AI-generated images?
  5. Examples of AI images: It depends on the request
  6. 3 AI tools that can generate images
  7. Conclusion: What AI images (still) cannot do

Is it art, or can it be discarded? You might also have asked yourself this question in view of some AI pictures. Sometimes, the artificially created visuals that are haunting the internet remind us of scenes from fever dreams or of surreal beings from the works of H.P. Lovecraft. On the other hand, there are examples where AI images are hardly distinguishable from real works. So what matters when it comes to creating graphics, photos, or paintings with the help of artificial intelligence? We will pursue this question below and take a look behind the hype of AI image generators.

Artificial Intelligence vs. Algorithms

Before we start, a few words about the terms used here: AI and algorithm or algorithms are sometimes used synonymously, but they differ in their meaning. An algorithm is a clearly defined process that is based on predefined logic and does not include an "intelligent" decision-making process. Algorithms can be used to solve complex problems, such as sorting or search problems.

Artificial intelligence refers to systems or technologies that are capable of performing complex tasks that would normally require human intelligence, such as speech recognition, image processing, decision making, etc. AI systems often rely on a combination of algorithms, statistical models and machine learning to achieve adaptive and intelligent functionality.

In other words, an algorithm can be viewed as a basic tool used in the development of AI systems, but AI systems are much more complex and can be able to solve various types of problems because of their adaptive and learning nature. In summary, it can be said that algorithms are a fundamental concept in computer science, while AI is a super-term that encompasses a variety of technologies aimed at achieving intelligent functions. So when we talk about algorithms, we naturally mean those functions on which the AI is ultimately based.

What are AI images?

Thanks to the advanced technology of artificial intelligence, it is now possible to generate not only texts but also images by the interaction of different algorithms. These can create new images based on a given image, which have a similar visual pattern. Although these AI images represent a brand new approach, they are still able to maintain a similar aesthetics and visual similarities with their originals. The technology of AI images is an exciting new way to create new visual patterns and creativity.

The underlying technique is just as fantastic as the pictures themselves: By using neural networks, AI images can mimic the visual experiences and results of a human being. The fact that this naturally does not only causes storms of enthusiasm is also obvious: Many artists feel threatened or at least plagiarised by the imitation by AI in their creative work. Therefore, the subject of AI images will not only remain exciting from a technical point of view but also from a legal point of view.

How does an algorithm generate images?

From different pixels, an algorithm can create a realistic image. But how exactly does the creation of AI images work? To generate AI images, algorithms must analyse the behaviour of pixels and colours. This is done by machine learning, where the algorithm analyses photos that are used as references. Then it combines the learned data to create new images. The result is images that do not directly come from real life, but sometimes look realistic.

Images generated in this way provide an interesting alternative to photos taken with a camera. Some of the advantages are that algorithms can create more variations and combinations than a photographer could ever do, and that the images are more consistent and of higher quality. The generation of AI images is therefore an exciting area of artificial intelligence. It allows graphic designers and creatives to explore new ways to create authentic digital images.

What are the applications of AI-generated images?

AI-generated images are a relatively new field of application for artificial intelligence.

  • Marketing: AI-generated images can be used in many different areas of marketing, from product photos to social media images and animated GIFs. Using AI-generated images, companies can convey their messages more clearly and emotionally.

  • Entertainment: AI-generated images are often used for entertainment purposes. There are already numerous apps and games that work with AI-generated images and assets.

  • Science and Research: AI-generated images can also be used for scientific purposes. Using AI-generated images, scientists can visually present their results. AI also offers interesting possibilities in other respects: Through the ability to learn from existing images, image AI could in future be used in the medical field to detect diseases in X-ray images at an early stage, for example.

Examples of AI images: It depends on the request

Let's get back to the question we asked at the beginning, why some AI images are hardly distinguishable from human-made works and others seem completely off. The simple answer: As with AI text generators, it depends on what input you give the machine. Generally, AI image generators work better the more precisely you specify what final result you want. Below you will find some examples that we created with Neuroflash. The pictures on the left were created with relatively short prompts, for the pictures on the right we gave the AI much more input. What requests we made to the AI is listed under the respective image.


While the left image looks very sterile, you can literally smell the coffee in the right image.Prompts:Left: coffee mug. Right: steaming mug of coffee on a wooden table, closeup, bokeh, realistic, photo, highly detailed;


Where would you rather drink your hot chocolate?Prompts:Left: Fireplace. Right: cozy fireplace, detailed lighting, high quality, sharp focus, digital art, artstation;


While our hero on the left looks like he was ordered on wish, our muscle man on the right looks like he actually has the number of the Justice League saved in his phone.Prompts: Left: superhero. Right: superhero, painted by stanley lau, painted by greg rutkowski, painted by stanley artgerm, digital art.

Laughing man.jpg

Particularly human faces are currently often a challenge for AIs.Prompts:Left: Laughing Man. Right: laughing man, photo, realistic, black and white, close up, studio background.

3 AI tools that can generate images

You want to try AI images yourself? Then a variety of tools are available. We have brought three providers for you here:

Conclusion: What AI images (still) cannot do

The conclusion after my research about the AI images is that the use of algorithms for image generation is a cost-effective alternative to conventional methods. With the latest technologies, artists can combine creativity and competence to create unique images. However, one realises that the technology still has catching up to do in the representation of people and faces in order to really be able to create lifelike graphics. It remains exciting to see what developments there will be on the subject of AI in the future.

Recommend AI-Text-Generators

On our comparison platform OMR Reviews you can find more recommended KI text generators. There are over 60 different systems to choose from, tailored to the specific needs of small and medium-sized companies, start-ups and large corporations. Our platform offers comprehensive support in all areas of text creation and optimization. Take the chance to compare different AI tools and consult real user reviews to find the perfect tool for your specific requirements:

Nils Knäpper
Nils Knäpper

Nils ist SEO-Texter bei OMR Reviews und darüber hinaus ein echter Content-Suchti. Egal, ob Grafik, Foto, Video oder Audio – wenn es um digitale Medien geht, ist Nils immer ganz vorne mit dabei. Vor seinem Wechsel zu OMR war er fast 5 Jahre lang als Content-Manager und -Creator in einem Immobilienunternehmen tätig und hat zudem eine klassische Ausbildung als Werbetexter.

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