Best Workplace Management Software & Tools

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PIIPE Workplace
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NEOCOSMO is a digital work platform enhancing both internal and external communication and learning for modern businesses.
GARAIO Experience Plattform
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GARAIO AG offers tailored software solutions, including a Digital Experience Platform, E-commerce solutions, and chatbots. Ideal for businesses seeking IT modernization.
Basaas Smart Workplace
Price: From 0.00 €
Basaas boosts productivity through a digital hub for Microsoft 365, streamlines remote work, optimizes SaaS and link management. Available from $6.50/user/month.
Time Doctor
Price: From 7.00 $ / User / month
Time Doctor is a productivity monitor with automatic time tracking, team analysis, and workload insights. Features include payroll and screen monitoring.
No price information
Witco software aids in workplace management with features for desk booking, room and space organization, community management, and digital access control.
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Carr offers Xerox tech & IT services with features like ConnectKey copiers, cloud business integrations, data security, and managed services. Pricing varies.
Command E
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Command E is a free, encrypted productivity app for swift searching across computer and cloud apps, enhancing work efficiency.
Productivity Lab
Price: From 0.00 €
Productivity Lab offers a digital workspace, combining an online whiteboard and time tracker for efficient team collaboration, with pricing from €4.99.
Price: From 120.00 € / Month
ITEXIA digitalizes inventory management, offering tracking and deadline observance. Available at various pricing starting from 120 euros per month.
TRIRIGA Application Suite by IBM
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IBM's TRIRIGA Application Suite enables real estate and facility management with AI-supported insights, dynamic spatial planning, and real-time occupancy overviews.
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Workero offers office management and desk booking system via a mobile app. Manages facility and data, tracks building occupancy and optimizes workspace use.
Price: From 160.00 € / Month
OfficeRnD is a workspace management software suitable for coworking and hybrid workplaces. It integrates with Office 365, Google Workspace, and Slack.
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iOFFICE is a SaaS suite for office space planning and asset management, helping firms to create hybrid workplaces.
POC Systems
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POC Systems is a web-based software for managing commercial spaces. It offers real-time workspace overview, room optimization, space management solutions, and a booking app.
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Planon offers an Integrated Workplace Management Solution, bringing together data and solutions for effective facilities management.
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Archibus allows space planning, risk management, and connects employees for bookings. It offers central views, metrics, alerts, and integrates with AutoCAD.
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OfficeSpace is an all-in-one solution for workplace strategies, providing real-time notifications, interactive floor maps, portfolio reports, and distance planning.
Price: From 0.00 £
Ehlo is a virtual workspace enhancing team productivity across 60+ countries, featuring 'Edge' notifications and one-click interactions. Available from £6 per user monthly.

More about Best Workplace Management Software & Tools

Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) Definition: What is an IWMS?

The Integrated Workplace Management System, or IWMS, is a platform through which the entire lifecycle of business premises and real estate can be managed. It is typically used by IT, facility management, or real estate professionals.

IWMS solutions are usually modular in nature - depending on the priorities or requirements of the company. An IWMS can particularly assist companies in optimizing the use of their existing workspace and in saving resources. The systems offer an integrated approach with various tools. They enable targeted management of space utilization, more useful building services, energy savings, and the possibility to handle investment projects more holistically and smoothly.

Such an integrated, flexible solution has the significant advantage of combining numerous management functions in a single database and under a uniform user interface. This results in more efficient handling of the tasks mentioned above and other possible to-dos.

Why should companies use IWMS?

There are actually some good reasons to implement IWMS (more on that below). The ability to significantly reduce costs in real estate and facility management is a particularly strong argument for most companies. Suitable efforts can account for more than 20 percent of a company's expenses. The larger a company is and the more locations there are to manage, the more noticeable these efforts become. A properly aligned, integrated workplace management system offers an effective remedy. Various studies demonstrate the potentially high impact of such platforms. For example, Research & Markets has found that the use of an IWMS can lead to a 14% reduction in maintenance costs. At the same time, workplace management can be improved by up to 40%. The efficiency of plant use can be increased by up to 42%.

Therefore, an IWMS is primarily used by companies seeking greater cost efficiency in their facility management processes. It also increases transparency, flexibility, and employee and customer satisfaction.

How does Workplace Management Software work?

IWMS software is based on a central database. Business processes from all relevant areas are interconnected and integrated. This ensures high-quality, consistent management information, complete compliance, optimal monitoring, and effective control.

An ideally coordinated solution integrates exactly those functional areas that the respective company needs for the optimization of its space, real estate and/or resource management. It integrates essential tools within a single workspace that were not originally connected or even non-existent. The following functional areas are typical:

  • Facility Management: Facility management tools allow users to optimize the operation and maintenance of workplace facilities. This includes the management of employee services, relocation management, resource planning, building data modeling, and space allocation. Floor plans or other maps can be provided in an easy-to-understand view for all necessary analyses or information procurement. Sensors can also be used to collect data on room occupancy and analyze the ideal cost orientation in this regard.

  • Investment project management: Investment project management usually involves the planning and implementation of building expansions or renovations, the replacement of facilities, and the creation of relevant plans. With an IWMS, the organization, capital management, procurement, scheduling, tendering, and documentation are handled, among other things.

  • Facility Maintenance: It is crucial that the users of buildings feel comfortable and safe. The facilities must be maintained accordingly. IWMS solutions can include a database with the necessary information for this purpose. This includes everything important about maintenance requests and intervals, inventory, suppliers, warranties, work orders, and related costs. Preventive maintenance measures can also be analyzed and organized to avoid possible additional costs in the future. Such tools effectively help to predict maintenance needs and provide real-time monitoring of facilities and associated assets.

  • Real estate lifecycle management: Property management requires combined data sets about the managed assets, including square footage, costs, assets, lease terms, occupancy, and more. All of this can be recorded in an IWMS. It also provides an opportunity to visualize different spaces for presentation and planning purposes using such a system. This allows for easier organization of resources and collaboration with potential tenants and all other people who interact with the property. This includes craftsmen and other external contractors. An IWMS can also manage information in the event of a purchase. This includes portfolio management, lease management, accounting, and tax administration.

  • Resource Management: Companies generally gravitate towards more sustainable practices. IWMS software reflects this. Modern facilities can measure, analyze, and reduce resource consumption and waste. This applies, for example, to the use of water, energy, and the reduction of emissions. With an IWMS, companies can organize corresponding processes on a central platform. Facility managers can also log and monitor target specifications. Various data on this can be collected and presented in automatic reports. This makes it possible to very accurately demonstrate whether the goals have been achieved or not. Practically everything - from lighting to temperature adjustment - can be regulated using intelligent sensors and an Integrated Workplace Management System.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Integrated Workplace Management Systems?

Some advantages of IWMS software have already been mentioned in the previous sections. Here, the greatest benefits of appropriate solutions are presented in detail:

  • Complete Transparency: Relatively many companies do not have a sufficient overview of their real estate portfolio. Its value, area dimensions, occupancy, maintenance organization, leases, service providers, SLAs, etc. are known but not centrally organized. This can pose an enormous risk in terms of costs, compliance, responsibility, and business continuity. A suitable IWMS helps. It brings transparency in all relevant aspects by forming a central, standardized, and optimally structured data repository for all relevant processes. Those responsible can track exactly how much space is available for future growth. They have an overview of the area distribution in order to ideally organize cleaning and maintenance contracts. Moreover, they always know in time when lease contracts are expiring.

  • Efficient Utilization: Office spaces, meeting rooms, and workplaces appear to most executives in companies to be well utilized. However, in practice, it is repeatedly observed that the average degree of utilization is only around 50 to 60 percent. IWMS software offers specific tools with which managers can measure and evaluate actual utilization. This can significantly improve space efficiency and increase the value of the rooms to the company.

  • Proven Compliance: Compliance, responsibility, guidelines, and laws play an increasingly important role in facility and real estate management as well. Employee health and safety, maintenance regulations, and sustainability organization are just a few examples of processes that companies must implement in accordance with regulations today. Besides correct execution, structured administration and correct documentation must be ensured. In the case of audits by official bodies or disruptions or accidents, it should be able to prove that the operator's responsibility has been met. Failing to do so may result in significant legal consequences. Within an Integrated Workplace Management System, those responsible have the opportunity to ensure the necessary compliance with the help of specialized (administration) tools.

  • Decision Support: Rapid and correct decisions are extremely important in today's business world. The pressure on facility and property managers is increasing due to faster merger, acquisition, reorganization, and budget constraint opportunities/threats. As a result, there is an increased need for reliable and comprehensive management insights to effectively support decision-making. Within IWMS, those responsible can find exactly this information. Reports, analyses, dashboards, benchmarks, and all possible other relevant facts can be organized there.

  • Cost savings: The benefits listed above include substantial cost savings. The respective space, real estate, and/or resource management processes can generally be organized with less effort and more efficiency. Although a blanket representation of the monetary advantages is difficult, as the conditions are of course different in every company, there are certainly some reliable surveys in this regard. In addition to the figures already mentioned, the analysis data of the market research organization Gartner is particularly interesting. Here, they talk about a 10 to 15 percent cost reduction in space through efficient management. An additional five to eight percent in savings is expected from process improvements and optimized contracting. Finally, Gartner speaks of a five to eight percent reduction in rent costs through professional rent management. Further research results refer to savings of 10 to 20 percent in real estate and plant operation through greater transparency and control of data and information.

If you are now asking yourself whether there are any disadvantages to IWMS given these clear advantages, here is the appropriate answer: Like any software solution, an Integrated Workplace Management System is of course not perfect. Specific challenges can arise in the following areas in particular:

  • High Acquisition Costs: Although free Integrated Workplace Management Systems do exist, these usually offer only a very limited range of functions. Companies of a certain size or with a certain space and multiple properties usually need a broader collection of tools. In this case, an IWMS can very quickly become very expensive. It is important to weigh costs and benefits very carefully.

  • Complex Organization: If an IWMS solution is really useful to save costs, it should ideally match the requirements of each company. The individual providers generally support their (potential) customers very well in this. However, the responsibility for determining the needs or for choosing the right modules rests with the executives from the buying companies. If not analyzed in sufficient detail, a lot of money can be wasted, or an inadequately equipped application can be purchased.

How to choose the right IWMS solution?

An Integrated Workplace Management System is usually a platform that includes a variety of tools. Accordingly, those interested can choose precisely those functions at the very basis that are best suited to meet their requirements.

Due to the often substantial costs of IWMS software, those responsible should take sufficient time here. If only the features that are genuinely needed are used, this can significantly reduce the price. Below is a list of features and requirements that should be considered when choosing workplace management software:

  • Modular System: In most cases, it is sensible to opt for a modularly designed Integrated Workplace Management System. Here, those responsible can choose exactly the applications they really need. A modular approach also allows individual features or larger bundles to be added flexibly when the company grows. This way, the solution can be used securely even in the long term.

  • Scalability: Scalability has already been mentioned, but needs to be addressed again. For the necessary level of flexibility, it is not sufficient that the respective application can be expanded by modules. For long-term security, the features most likely to be used must be available. When choosing, those interested should ideally look into the future as detailed as possible.

  • Integrations: A primary goal of IWMS is to create more holistic software-supported processes in facility, real estate, and resource management. The application should also be able to fit into any existing software architecture. This is the only way to ensure maximum efficiency.

  • Additional Features: The main functions are similar in most integrated workplace management systems. However, some developers offer additional tools that allow teams to further boost effectiveness. These can be tools for user experience, multi-views, individual colors, and symbols, settings for sharing or privacy, and other features.

  • Mobile application: Those responsible should ask themselves in advance whether employees need to access the IWMS on the move? This is particularly important for teams with field staff who need to report information about the respective facility or location.

  • Reporting: Even in facility, real estate, and resource management, nothing goes today without reports for management or executives. The more detailed such reports need to be, the more attention should be paid to detailed functions for their creation.

  • User-Friendly: If a workplace management platform is difficult to use, its users may not be able to fully utilize their capabilities. Therefore, it is always appropriate to choose an intuitive tool. This should also drastically reduce the effort required to train employees.

How much do Integrated Workplace Management Systems cost?

The prices for IWMS are usually determined either over a monthly or yearly subscription fee or a license fee in advance.

Most Integrated Workplace Management Systems are web-based nowadays. They are generally offered via a subscription model as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). The monthly or yearly fee often depends on the range of functions in addition to the number of users who access the system and/or the positions to be managed. Some pricing models are based on the square footage of rooms to be organized.

A one-time fee per user or computer is often incurred for local solutions. There are also SaaS solutions that run under such a payment model. Some products allow multiple users within a single license, while others require an additional license for further users. Separate costs can be incurred for updates, support, and training.

The price range is very wide here. Indeed, there are solutions that can be used completely free of charge. Other providers offer a trial version free of charge for a certain period and then start with packages from around 100 euros per month. Depending on the equipment, however, several hundred or even over 1,000 euros can be charged per month. Since IWMS are often modular or can be equipped flexibly, most developers do not provide standard price lists. Costs are as a rule calculated individually according to needs.

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