Best Product to Consumer (P2C) Software & Tools

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Sales Layer
(1 reviews)
Price: Auf Anfrage
Sales Layer is a platform centralizing product data for faster market launches. It analyzes and optimizes data issues, and links product details with all B2B and B2C channels.
Price: From 1,090.00 € / Monat
Quable is a no-code PIM platform helping brands manage product data across channels. It enables real-time activation, simplifies releases, and accelerates market strategy.
Dynamicweb eCommerce Suite
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Dynamicweb eCommerce Suite offers an e-commerce platform, integrating into Microsoft ERP for B2B, B2C, and D2C.
Price: Auf Anfrage
1WorldSync speeds up product launch with comprehensive content solutions, boosting customer engagement, order quantity, sales, profit and reduces return rates.
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PIMWORKS manages product info, price lists, catalogs, social media, apps and BI for seamless marketing and sales. Great for medium-sized industry/trade firms.
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Prodexa is a PIM system aiding in effective data management. It centralizes, organizes, and updates product data while eliminating data silos.
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Skubana unifies e-commerce operations including order processing, shipping, inventory management, and analytics. Integrates key partners, outlets, warehouses.
Price: From 99.00 $ / Monat
Webgility syncs e-commerce shops with QuickBooks, providing a unified dashboard to manage inventory, orders, and shipping.
Image Relay
Price: From 300.00 $ / Monat
Image Relay offers secure cloud-based storage and management for digital assets. It features easy search, and user overviews for workflow details. Suitable for all business sizes.


Organizational interface

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More about Best Product to Consumer (P2C) Software & Tools

What is P2C Software?

P2C refers to a software solution designed to holistically handle product data in e-commerce towards potential buyers. In an increasingly interconnected world where consumers are reached through many different channels, P2C offers systematic control, management, and maximization of the entire e-commerce ecosystem.

P2C software is used in many different industries, especially those focusing on online sales of products. Whether in online retail, where products are sold via websites, mobile sites, or platforms like Amazon and eBay, or in direct sales via social media like Instagram or TikTok - P2C can be used almost everywhere to optimize processes. Even technology companies that sell software or hardware directly to end consumers use P2C software solutions.

Managing the many interfaces between product providers and consumers can be extremely complex. This is where P2C comes into play, replacing manual control of these channels. It allows a consistent, up-to-date, and uniform product presentation across various sales channels, thus solving the problem that manual management of this task is almost impossible.

P2C software is not only aimed at retailers who are looking for control and maximization of their e-commerce ecosystem. Marketing professionals also benefit from the opportunity to present products uniformly across different channels. Product managers, in turn, find P2C a helpful tool to maintain control over product information and its presentation. Ultimately, P2C enables more efficient and effective communication with consumers.

Differences between P2C and B2B, B2C, and D2C

  • P2C to B2B (Business-to-Business): B2B focuses on business between companies, while P2C concerns the presentation of products directly to end consumers.
  • P2C to B2C (Business-to-Consumer): B2C describes trade between businesses and private customers. Both B2B and B2C are therefore target group-defining business models, while P2C is merely a retailer-side solution for product presentation - regardless of whether the customers are businesses or individuals.
  • P2C to D2C (Direct-to-Consumer): D2C stands for "Direct-to-Consumer" and refers to a distribution channel in which manufacturers sell their products directly to end consumers, without resorting to intermediaries like retailers or wholesalers. This strategy allows companies to have full control over the distribution, marketing, and customer service of their products. By having direct contact with customers, they can gain valuable insights into consumer behavior and better adapt their products and services to the needs of the customers. So P2C is mainly a technology solution on the retailer side, while D2C functions as a distribution channel.

Features of P2C Software

The P2C software serves as a comprehensive management tool in the e-commerce sector and focuses on three main areas: Consumer Reach, Commerce Management and Optimization, and Product Data Ecosystem.

Consumer Reach

Consumer Reach includes access to consumers via various channels. Here are some of the key features:

  • Support for all major shopping platforms: This allows retailers to present their products on major online marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, etc.
  • Ad Spend Management with profitability management: A feature for managing advertising spend while simultaneously monitoring profitability.
  • Digital shelf analysis with SEO recommendations: This helps to analyze online presence and suggest appropriate SEO strategies to optimize visibility.
  • Automatic A/B testing of product content (text, images): This feature allows testing of different product content to find out which variant works best.

Commerce Management and Optimization

This is about managing and optimizing the whole commerce activities. The main functions include:

  • Integration and support for common IT support systems: Allows smooth integration with existing IT systems.
  • Data mapping: Enables visualization of how data flows through various systems.
  • Continuous monitoring of the P2C ecosystem: Ensures that the system is always up-to-date.
  • Tracking, analytics, and reporting: Provides detailed insights into performance.
  • Continuous and real-time data import and export: Allows seamless data integration.
  • Campaign optimization, ROI strategy, recovery, and loss prevention: A comprehensive set of tools for optimizing sales efficiency.
  • Detailed view of the P2C management value chain: Provides deep insight into the entire P2C strategy.

Product Data Ecosystem

The product data ecosystem deals with the management of product information. Features include:

  • Master Data Support for all P2C-related data: Centralized management of all P2C data.
  • Product catalog size and complexity: This feature ensures scalability in product management.
  • Cross-channel catalog and advertising data: Allows integration of data across different channels.
  • Contextual, intelligent, channel-independent content enrichment: Enables a smarter representation of content.
  • Support for third-party services: Integration of data and services from external providers.

Benefits of P2C Software

  • Consistent Product Presentation: P2C Software allows uniform depiction of products across various sales channels. Whether on your own website, in mobile apps, on platforms like Amazon or in social media, the information is always up-to-date and consistent.
  • Efficient Management: The manual maintenance of product data across different channels is time-consuming and prone to errors. P2C automates this process, thereby saving time and resources.
  • Adaptability: P2C Software provides the ability to quickly and flexibly adjust product information. If the market reacts positively or negatively to a product, changes can be implemented promptly.
  • Omnichannel Strategy: In an increasingly connected world, the integration of different sales channels is crucial. P2C supports in developing and implementing a coherent omnichannel strategy.
  • Customer Interaction: With targeted and personalized communication, customers can be better reached and tied to the brand. P2C Software supports the creation of tailored content for different customer groups.

Product to Consumer (P2C) Content