These Are They - The TikTok Trends of 2024

Georgia Palamas 12/22/2023

Drumroll please: You will learn everything about the latest TikTok trends in 2024 with us.

GIF: Viral Trend
Table of contents
  1. What are TikTok trends and how do they originate?
  2. How do you find current TikTok trends?
  3. Current TikTok Trends Germany December 2023
  4. What are the major TikTok trends for 2024?
  5. Why are TikTok trends important for your marketing?
  6. ⁠Conclusion

Searching for trends requires patience, but the reward is a glimpse into the lively soul of TikTok. It's worth it when you become part of the trend community - whether you're a creator or a business!

A perfect example of a TikTok trend was the "Girl Tube Trend". Sabrina Bahsoon initiated the trend in a London subway. She confidently danced in a crowded metro to a sound. This made her go viral: Her videos received up to 29 million views - making the "Girl Tube Trend" the TikTok trend in 2023!

How did this trend originate and become so big? Dancing and filming in such a public space is a big step for most of us. This triggers a sense of admiration in viewers. This has challenged many creators and encouraged them to recreate this and other TikTok trends.

Here is the brilliant original (above) and one of a thousand mimicked versions by another creator (below):


Even a sound alone can go viral. In most cases, it is the sound that is responsible for the biggest trends. So pay attention to your sound selection when you create a TikTok video. Often a specific type of video content is linked with the sound, such as dances or lip-syncs. In cases where simply the sound goes viral, you can post any video content of yours with it.

Example of a viral sound: Have you heard the Makeba Song yet?

Challenges - so-called “TikTok-Challenges”

So-called "TikTok-Challenges" are videos where the creators ask the viewers to mimic a certain action or movement. If many creators participate in a challenge, it can quickly become a trend. Unfortunately, in 2023 there were also "negative examples" of challenge trends that put the creators' health at risk and were therefore perceived by many to be too extreme. So definitely decide with common sense whether and which challenges and TikTok trends you participate in!

A harmless but costly TikTok challenge is currently the I see you in 3D” trend. Required equipment: The over 300 € Ray-Ban glasses "Smart Glasses" with film function. Currently, these glasses are almost sold out due to the trend - crazy!


Even new visual special effects, available directly in the TikTok app, can become trends. If you manage to use the filters in a funny and creative way, you have a good chance of success with your video. Famous examples of effect trends are, for example, the Red Flag or Green Flag Filter.

Trend-Topics and -Events

A certain topic or event can trigger a trend. These include current events in pop culture or other seasonal occasions. A current example of a trend event in 2023 is, for example, the "The Eras Tour" by Taylor Swift. Think about it: How many videos for a "DIY Eras Outfit" for a Taylor Swift concert were shown to you on your "For-You-Page" (FYP) on TikTok?

Extra tip on trend events: To start a TikTok trend yourself requires a lot of creativity. Research on current topics can be helpful for this. Do you remember the launch of the Barbie movie in the summer of 2023?

Videos that were thematically related to it indeed became trends after the launch.

If you want to set new trends, it won't hurt to keep an eye on future events in pop culture and plan potential content ideas in advance.

Extra Tip 2: The video editing program CapCut is incredibly powerful. This tool is a must-have for video content creators. Whether on your phone or on your desktop: You significantly simplify the video editing process. Even without a Pro license, you can create and edit high-quality videos with CapCut.

If you need further help with the first steps in video creation and editing, this step-by-step guide to creating creative short videos (including expert tips) can be of help.

Finding TikTok trends is actually not that difficult. With a little patience, you can also train the algorithm to show you (almost) exclusively new trends.

An effective approach is to think about your personal interests.

Simply enter the topic that interests you personally in the search bar at the top and analyze the videos. Can you repeatedly find videos by other creators by clicking on the sound or the filter? If so, you have discovered an existing or upcoming trend!

Alternatively, you can also search for an already available sound that you like. Check how many creators have already published videos with it. This gives you insights and the chance to discover recurring patterns that represent trends or have the basic potential to do so. If you are among the first creators to discover the sound, you should not wait long and publish your idea.

With such recurring searches on TikTok, you can train the algorithm: By searching you tell it that you are interested in trend videos. This gives you a good chance that new trends will continue to be played for you on your For-You-Page (FYP) in the long term.

Extra Tip 3: Find your niche!

Adapting trends to your niche is an important factor in getting your account to really take off. Because each niche has its own own trends.

Here below you see for example a TikTok book trend. So an absolute niche trend! In this case, this niche even has its own name, namely "BookTok".

On TikTok, for example, you currently find the following trends:

  1. Lip-Sync Challenge:
  2. New Perspective from the Ceiling:
  3. "Benjamin-Deli" - Dance & Sound:

Trends can be influenced by many factors, including cultural events, new releases of movies/games or other season-related topics. They develop very rapidly and usually fade away just as quickly as they arose.

2024 will surely see numerous new trends. The most important thing is that you quickly jump on the bandwagon and participate, but still remain true to yourself and your brand.

On TikTok there are ranking lists from sounds to hashtags. Just take a look at TikTok Discovery: There you can really find (and also filter) everything that is currently trending on TikTok USA or Germany.

All -Time-Classics: Videos that combine certain sounds with transitions.
⁠Exciting transitions in, for example,
Make-up Reveals - Travel Transitions or also Outfit TikToks fascinate the users again and again.

Extra tip 4: Tutorials are a special niche, with their own trends. If you enjoy showing how something is made, rather than just imitating it, tutorials are a great way to use these kinds of trends for yourself.

TikTok trends play a crucial role in marketing and are the ultimate solution against boring marketing content.

  • Reach, Attention & Engagement:
    Trends spread on TikTok often very quickly and reach a large number of users. By participating in relevant trends as a brand and company, you can significantly increase your reach and popularity on TikTok.

    ⁠TikTok creators actively participate in trends because they identify with them or because it precisely matches their humor or aesthetic. Therefore, you should get creative. Take part in suitable trends for your brand or your company in order to promote the engagement of your target group and thereby create an interactive community.
  • Authenticity:
    By participating in current trends, you show with your brand or company that you are up-to-date and understand and share the interests of your target group. Nobody wants to watch all the USPs of your product in a 30-second monologue. Rather, package it in a cool TikTok trend video, but always stay true to your brand!
  • Viral Potential & FYP Algorithms:
    A trend can go viral rapidly. The TikTok algorithms take into account your participation in trends when delivering content. It increases the probability that your brand content will also be discovered by a very broad target group.

    ⁠So in short: You can land on the FYP of many users.

Extra tip 5: ⁠Has it not worked out as well in the past as you had imagined? Then deal with TikTok SEO!

Why is it worth it? TikTok trends for your brand and company are ads without Ad-Spend! It doesn't get much better than that!

Overall, TikTok trends offer a dynamic opportunity for your brand & company to present themselves in a young and engaged community. Are you already using TikTok Business? If not, you can find out here, how to properly use the app for your business.


2024 promises new trends, characterized by creativity and also packed meme potential. As a creator, you might be able to set the next trend, so try it not only with one idea! Have some patience as TikTok videos take their time to go viral.

In marketing, TikTok trends are really worth gold, so you should not be deterred with your brand. 2024 will be a year in which you can conquer not only the German, but also the international market with TikTok Trends.

Georgia Palamas
Georgia Palamas

Creative Director | Fotografin | begeisterte TikTok-Kreatorin

Die Verbindung von visueller Ästhetik, emotionalem Storytelling & out of the box thinking ist essentiell, um kraftvolle Markenbotschaften zu gestalten. Brands denken immer noch zu starr, und mein Ziel ist es, nicht nur kreative, performante Assets für Marken bereitzustellen, sondern auch nachhaltige Konzepte zu entwickeln, die ein beeindruckendes Markenimage schaffen und somit auch Werbung neu zu definieren.

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