The 7 Best Tools for Ranking Check

Nils Knäpper 4/24/2024

Do you want to comfortably and clearly track your search engine rankings and analyze your competition? No problem with these tools!

Table of contents
  1. Why you should check your rankings
  2. Important features of ranking check tools
  3. The 7 best tools for your ranking check
  4. Conclusion

Hardly any factor of success is as decisive for your organic traffic as the placement of your website in the search engine results pages (eng. SERP). But how can you find out which keywords your website ranks for and where you need to make improvements? That's exactly what ranking checks are for - a useful feature of SEO tools that gives you an overview of how well your website performs in the search results. In this article, we will introduce you to the best tools for your ranking check and show you how to move your content up with their help.

Why you should check your rankings

The ranking check is an important aspect of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and can significantly contribute to increasing the success of your website. Basically, it's about checking what position your website ranks in the search engine results for certain keywords.

Why is that so important? Well, the answer is simple: most people use search engines to search for information on the internet. If you don't perform well in the search results, you won't be found by potential visitors and customers, and thus will lose valuable traffic to your website. Therefore, it is crucial to perform a regular ranking check to ensure that your website is well placed and recognized by the search engines.

Another important advantage of the ranking check is the ability to compare your website's performance with that of your competitors. If you know how you compare to other websites in your niche, you can figure out what improvements you need to make to stand out from the competition and reach the top spots in the search results.

But that's not all. The ranking check can also help to improve your SEO strategy and give you valuable insights into the needs and preferences of your target audience. If you know which keywords your website ranks for, you can create targeted content that is tailored to related keywords and therefore has a higher relevance to searchers. This in turn improves your chances of moving up in the SERPs and generating more traffic.

Equally advantageous is the fact that with the ranking check you can recognize trends and adjust your strategy accordingly. By observing the positions over a longer period of time, you can see if your SEO or Content Strategy is working or not. For example, if you notice an increase in the ranking for certain keywords after a change in your strategy, you know that this change was successful and you should continue on this path. Overall, the ranking check is an indispensable tool for you if you want to be successful in online marketing.

Important features of ranking check tools

Software to track your rankings are often modules or components of comprehensive SEO suites. The number of features available to analyze your positions in the search results varies from provider to provider. However, all tools usually contain the following features:

  1. Keyword Tracking: With this feature, you can track the position of your website for certain keywords in the search engine results. This helps you understand how you perform in relevant search queries and where you need improvement.

  2. Competition Analysis: This feature allows you to track the position of your competitors for certain keywords. This helps you find out where your competitors are performing better and what strategies they are using to improve their position.

  3. SERP Features: Ranking check tools can often also show you which additional elements are displayed in the search results. These include, for example, Featured Snippets, Local Packs, and Knowledge Panels. This helps you figure out what additional steps you need to take to appear in these extended SERP features.

  4. Targeted Search Queries: With this feature, you can track your website for specific geographic locations or languages. This is especially useful if you operate internationally and want to make sure that your website ranks well in the respective regions.

  5. Reports and Alerts: Ranking check tools often offer the option to create automated reports and alerts that inform you about changes in your website's ranking. This way, you can quickly respond to changes and adjust your strategy.

The 7 best tools for your ranking check

Now let's get to the exciting part: The following seven tools for keyword ranking and tracking will help you analyze your positions on Google and Co. and gain insights for your SEO strategy.

1. Google Search Console

The Google Search Console is a free tool from Google that helps webmasters and SEOs optimize their websites in the search results. And of course, the tool also offers the ability to track your positions in Google's SERPs. With the help of the Google Search Console, you can see which keywords your website ranks for in the search engine results and how high the click-through rate is for these keywords. In addition, you can also see the average position and the history of the ranking for each keyword over time. The data is particularly valuable because it comes directly from Google and therefore has high reliability. The ranking check using the Google Search Console is an effective way to monitor your website's performance in the search results and adjust your SEO strategy accordingly.

Google Search Console Costs

The use of the Google Search Console is completely free - all you need is a valid Google account.

2. Seobility

The SEO tool Seobility plays a key role in the analysis, optimization, and monitoring of websites. It includes three essential functions, namely the on-page optimization, rank tracking, and backlink analysis. A specialized crawler searches all linked pages, identifies technical and content errors, and thus enables a comprehensive on-page analysis. The results obtained can either be viewed in list form or summarized directly in the browser.Through monitoring, users are informed about all relevant changes in the form of reportings via email. Other useful functions include the SEO check, the keyword check, a backlink dashboard with a link building tool, and a WDF:IDF function for content optimization and research.

Seobility Costs

Seobility offers various price levels with varying functionality and a different number of included user accounts. The free basic package from Seobility is perfect for beginners. For €49.90 per month, the Premium offer provides professional features like 3 projects, 25,000 crawled pages, and extensive link profiles. For large websites and agencies, there is the Agency package with 15 projects, 100,000 crawled pages, and White Label Reports for €179.90 per month. You can test Seobility for 30 days for free with the code "omr-reviews-23".

3. Sistrix

Sistrix is one of the most well-known SEO tools, and offers a variety of practical features for search engine optimization - including a powerful feature that allows you to trace your positions and those of your competitors in the SERPs. This function shows you the search engine results for specific keywords and provides metrics such as position changes, estimated click numbers, and search intentions. In addition, Sistrix can help you understand what additional steps you need to take to appear in these additional SERP features, such as Featured Snippets or Knowledge Panels. In addition, you can filter detailed information with the SERP function, such as the number of organic results and the number of paid ads. All this makes the SERP function of Sistrix a valuable tool to improve your SEO strategy and increase your visibility in the search engine results.

Sistrix Costs

Sistrix exists in several price categories, which differ in terms of the functional scope and the number of included user accounts. The cheapest is the Start package, which includes one account and up to three projects for keyword tracking for 99 € per month. If you need a higher quota of user accounts, projects or analysis results, there are the versions Plus (199 €), Professional (349 €) or Premium (599 €) available.

4. Performance Suite

Another tool that allows you to check your rankings is the Performance Suite - or more precisely, the Keyword Tool, which is a component of this Suite. It includes many practical functions that give you a comprehensive overview of the performance of your own website and that of your competitors. In addition to daily updated rankings, the Performance Suite gives you the opportunity to analyze local rankings in more than 30,000 locations worldwide. In the dashboard, you can display metrics such as the average of existing rankings, the distribution of all rankings of your website, the ranking development of the last weeks and group keywords by topics or categories. And of course, you can also compare your rankings directly with those of your competitors. Particularly handy: The Performance Suite indicates in the graphs when Google has made updates to its search algorithms. This way you can directly attribute any fluctuations in your rankings to these changes.

Performance Suite Costs

Performance Suite exists in three versions: In the free Free package, the suite offers a reduced range of functions and only 10 trackable keywords per week, but can be used by up to five accounts indefinitely for free. This version is therefore suitable if you want to test the tool without any obligation. In the Premium Account for 250 € per month, on the other hand, you can already analyze 300 keyword rankings per day. In addition, this version offers an unlimited number of users. For an additional 100 € per month, the Content Suite can also be used, which is mainly aimed at creating and managing search engine optimized texts, images, and meta tags.

5. SE Ranking

SE Ranking is also a versatile SEO tool that offers a wide range of features. However, as the name suggests, the software focuses mainly on ranking check. For this, the solution provides metrics and data to cover various areas of keyword tracking - including competitor analysis, identification of top keywords, alerts for ranking losses, features to avoid potential cannibalism problems and identification of Google updates and their impact. In addition, SE Ranking also offers detailed analysis functions to understand your rankings in relation to various factors such as the ranking by devices or locations.

A special feature of SE Ranking is the ability to create a custom ranking system. You can select certain factors that are most important for your website and then create a custom system to assess your website performance based on these factors. In addition, SE Ranking also offers a keyword research function that allows you to find the best keywords for your website and understand the competition analysis.

SE Ranking Costs

SE Ranking is mainly aimed at freelancers as well as small and medium-sized agencies and companies. The solution exists in three price variations and can be tested for 14 days free of charge beforehand. The cheapest Essentials variant costs SE Ranking 39 € per month, offers access for one user and up to 250 keyword checks per day. The Pro version for 89 € per month already includes 3 user accounts and up to 1,000 daily keyword checks. In the most comprehensive Business package, SE Ranking costs 189 € per month and offers five accounts and up to 2,500 checked keyword rankings daily. If you pay annually, you also save 20 %.

6. Searchmetrics

Searchmetrics is an advanced tool that is now part of the Conductor SEO platform and offers a variety of features for comprehensive market analysis. One of them is the keyword rank tracking, which allows to track an unlimited number of terms worldwide, in several languages and on all device types. With Searchmetrics or the Conductor SEO platform, you can track your digital assets on different platforms - from domains to social media channels and YouTube to Amazon entries. And in addition to your own online presence, you can of course also analyze and track your competitors' entries. The tool breaks down metrics for you such as the position of your website in the search results, the number of backlinks, the keyword ranking by locations and much more.

Searchmetrics Costs

Searchmetrics does not publicize pricing information. If you are interested in the solution, you can contact the provider on the homepage.

7. SEMrush

The software solution SEMrush also offers a standalone module that allows you to measure the performance of your own online presence and those of your competitors. The SERP tracking feature allows you to follow any number of keywords, domains and competitors on Google. In addition, the SEMrush solution features a sensor that monitors for signs of changes in search engine algorithms. This way, the tool provides insights into any fluctuations in Google's and Baidu's SERPs based on daily ranking changes. You can also filter these fluctuations by industry, so that you can see if the updates are particularly relevant to you. A special feature is also the SEMrush Rank, which allows you to identify the domains with the highest organic traffic. The score for this calculation is based on different metrics such as country-specific CPC data, the Google search results and numerous regional databases.

SEMrush Costs

SEMrush exists in three price variants: Pro, Guru and Business. In the cheapest Pro variant, the tool costs $ 120 per month and user. This includes up to 500 daily trackable keywords and 5 projects that can be created. The Guru variant for $ 230 per month already includes 15 projects and an allotment of up to 1,500 daily keyword checks. In the most comprehensive Business package, SEMrush costs $ 450 per month and in return offers up to forty projects and up to 5,000 checked keyword rankings per day.


Which of the above tools is right for you depends primarily on your business requirements: In addition to obvious selection criteria such as pricing, you should especially look closely at which features and metrics are required for your purposes. Also consider how many accounts you need. Ideally, you should perform a needs analysis beforehand before deciding for or against a particular tool. By the way: If you're looking for more providers for your ranking check, check out OMR Reviews - there you'll find many more tools that our community has already reviewed for you.

Nils Knäpper
Nils Knäpper

Nils ist SEO-Texter bei OMR Reviews und darüber hinaus ein echter Content-Suchti. Egal, ob Grafik, Foto, Video oder Audio – wenn es um digitale Medien geht, ist Nils immer ganz vorne mit dabei. Vor seinem Wechsel zu OMR war er fast 5 Jahre lang als Content-Manager und -Creator in einem Immobilienunternehmen tätig und hat zudem eine klassische Ausbildung als Werbetexter.

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