Create a .htaccess File: A Step-by-Step Guide

Tim Fischer 11/22/2022

Here you will learn what a .htaccess file is and how to create it for your website.

In diesem Tutorial erfahrt Ihr, wie Ihr eine .htaccess-Datei für Eure Website erstellt.
In diesem Tutorial erfahrt Ihr, wie Ihr eine .htaccess-Datei für Eure Website erstellt.
Table of contents
  1. What is an .htaccess file?
  2. How to create a .htaccess file?
  3. 5 Tips and Tricks for Configuring a .htaccess File
  4. .htacess file: a small file with big effect

For your website to function properly, it needs several important core files. One of these is the so-called .htaccess file, if your host uses the Apache web server. With this text file you can adjust a number of functions on your website without having to configure the server directly. But what exactly is a .htaccess file? How is it created? And how can it be modified to optimise the website? We answer all these questions in this article.

What is an .htaccess file?

Htaccess (Hypertext Access) is a configuration file used by Apache-based web servers. It configures directories (and their subdirectories) of the web server without having to change the main configuration file.

There are three common uses for a .htaccess file:

  1. Mod_Rewrite:With the .htaccess file you can determine how URLs and pages of your websites are displayed for visitors.
  2. Authentication:With a .htaccess file you can also set up a password-protected portal. This prompts visitors to enter a password when they want to access certain areas of a website.
  3. Custom error pages:In addition, you can use a .htaccess file to create custom error pages for your website. Some examples of these pages are:
  • 400 Bad Request
  • 401 Unauthorized
  • 403 Forbidden
  • 404 Not Found
  • 500 Internal Error

How to create a .htaccess file?

A .htaccess file is automatically created by most hosting providers. But you can also create and edit this simple text file with any text editor. The procedure depends on what access you have to the web server:

  • If you have SSH or Telnet access, you can create a .htaccess file directly on the server itself.
  • However, if you only have FTP access, you need to first create the file on your computer with a text editor and then upload it to your server.
  • For websites powered by WordPress, the .htaccess file is usually already included in the installation. You can easily customise it using plugins without having to edit the codes in the file directly. If you do not use WordPress, a .htaccess generator is another option. It can generate .htaccess files based on the password and username you have provided to the tool.

Note: If you create your .htaccess file with a text editor, you should pay attention to the correct syntax. A simple typing error in a command can cause your entire website to crash.

5 Tips and Tricks for Configuring a .htaccess File

As mentioned earlier, a .htaccess file offers you many ways to configure your server without having to edit it directly. Below you will find some tips that will help you modify the file and fully exploit its potential:

1. Define access controls with the .htaccess file

The .htaccess file allows you to password-protect certain areas of your website, such as a login page. However, it is not enough to just change the .htaccess file to create a password protection. You also need the .htpasswd file in which you store the username and the password.

Tipp 1 Anmeldeseite.png

Here's an example:

# .htpasswd file for usernames and passwords





Tip: To simplify the process and make sure that all syntaxes are correct, you can use a htpasswd generator to create the .htpasswd file.

To configure the .htaccess file, you can use this syntax:

AuthType Basic

AuthName "Password protected area"

AuthUserFile /pathToFile/.htpasswd

Require user User1 User2 User3 User4

2. Create custom error pages via .htaccess file

Web servers display the usual 404 error pages when there is a problem accessing the website. This can easily deter and scare away visitors. To prevent this, you can create your own error pages or offer alternative content using the .htaccess file.

You can use the following entries here:

# Custom error message local storage location

ErrorDocument 404 /directorypath/404.html

3. Create redirects with .htaccess files

Redirects are probably the most important application of .htaccess files. With them you can for example: 

  • Permanently point an entire website to another URL:

Code: Redirect 301 /

  • Temporarily redirect an entire website to another URL. This is particularly useful for SEO, if you have a temporary landing page and plan to use your actual landing page again at a later date:

Code: Redirect 302 /

  • Redirect single files:

Code: Redirect /old-page.html new-page.html

  • Redirect an error message to the homepage:

Code: ErrorDocument 404

4. Increase PHP Memory Limit with .htaccess

By default, a PHP script can allocate up to 128 megabytes of memory. You can change this limit by editing the memory_limit command in the .htaccess file. Here's an example:

Code: php_value memory_limit 256M

Note: Our above syntax example uses 256 megabytes. Depending on the server and memory requirements, you can also set other limits.

5. Block IP addresses from accessing your website via .htaccess

The .htaccess file also enables you to block website visitors by their IP addresses. This is very useful if the website is intended only for company employees or if you want to prevent trolls from visiting your forums. To restrict IP addresses, use our syntax examples below:

  • Block a specific IP address:

Code: Deny from

Just replace the IP address from the example with the one you want to block. Then enter this command into your website's .htaccess file.

  • Block multiple IP addresses

Code: Deny from 333.333.333.333

In this process, the three specified IPs are blocked:, and 333.333.333.333. As in the first example, edit the IPs to match those you want to block. Then insert the syntax into your .htaccess file.

.htacess file: a small file with big effect

The .htaccess file may look like a simple text file. However, its versatility and the numerous possible applications make it a powerful tool for configuring web servers.

To prevent potential problems, you should always make a backup of the file before you modify it. Also make sure you don't make any typing errors in your commands. Remember that even a single mistake can cause considerable damage to your website. This is one of the reasons why .htaccess files are usually hidden and why a warning message appears when you try to edit them. It is therefore very important that the .htaccess file is only edited or created by people who are familiar with server configuration.

If you want to learn more about .htaccess files, you've come to the right place at OMR-Reviews. Here you will find the most popular SEO software, rated by verified users.

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Tim Fischer
Tim Fischer

Tim ist ein freiberuflicher Journalist / Content Writer, der OMR Reviews in den Bereichen Marketing und Softwares unterstützt. Seit seinem Onlinejournalismus-Studium schreibt er unter anderem für Computer Bild, XING und Wenn er nicht gerade am Texten ist, spielt er auf seiner Stratocaster die Klänge von Hendrix, Frusciante und Gilmour nach.

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