Free QR Code Generators Compared

Nils Knäpper 8/15/2023

We present to you five free tools with which you can quickly and easily generate QR codes!

Table of contents
  1. What you should consider when choosing the right QR code generator
  2. 5 free QR code generators in comparison
  3. Conclusion: Finding the right, free QR code generator

QR codes as far as the eye can see! Hardly a restaurant menu, a advertising poster on the street or a cereal box seem to manage without the small, pixelated symbols nowadays. And rightly so: Because QR codes are a fantastic way to communicate as many information, websites, advertising messages and much more compactly.

And the best: If you also want to generate QR codes as an entrepreneur, you don't even have to spend money for that! There are now numerous free tools on the market with which you can spread your information.

Only the question remains: Which of them offers you the best functions, the coolest designs and the easiest handling? To find out, we have compared five free QR code generators in this guide.

What you should consider when choosing the right QR code generator

The choice of the right QR code generator is crucial if you are looking for a tool that is perfectly tailored to your requirements. To make this decision easier for you, you should consider in advance which of these features are particularly important for you:

The features of QR code generators

  • Supported contents: Some generators only support URLs, while others can also store texts, contacts, emails and even WiFi passwords.

  • Customization options: Do you want to adapt your QR code to your brand in terms of color or even insert a logo? Some tools offer more extensive customization options than others.

  • Image formats: PNG, JPEG, SVG - the format in which you want to download your QR code can be important, depending on what you want to use it for.

  • User-friendliness: The user interface and the simplicity of creation can make the difference, especially if you are new to the world of QR codes.

5 free QR code generators in comparison

Adobe Express QR-Code Generator

Adobe Express, formerly known as Adobe Spark, is a suite of design tools. Most people probably know the tool as a practical application with which you can quickly create and edit social media posts, smaller photo edits or graphics. In addition to this, the software also has a very intuitive online QR code generator.

The Adobe Express QR-Code Generator has the following features:

  • Supported contents:Only URLs.

  • User account necessary for creation?:No, you can use the generator without registering via a browser.

  • Customization options:Adobe allows the color and character style of the QR code to be customized.

  • Image formats:PNG, JPG or SVG.

Canva QR-Code Generator

Canva (known as Canva Pro in the paid version) is a popular online design platform that allows you to create stunning graphics, presentations, posters and much more, even if you're not a professional designer. With a huge library of templates, images and design elements, Canva has won the hearts of creatives, bloggers and businesses.

Even in the free version of Canva, you can quickly and easily generate QR codes. To do this, simply open a new or existing design and enter the desired data in the left design menu in the QR template. Then you just have to insert the QR code into your design and you can then download the code. Particularly cool: The QR codes are dynamic, i.e. you can change the URL stored in the code afterwards without having to regenerate it.

The Canva QR-Code Generator has the following features:

  • Supported contents:Only URLs

  • User account necessary for creation? Yes, a free Canva account is required.

  • Customization options: Extensive adjustments with Canvas design tools, like color, size and pixel style. Company logos can also be placed in your QR code.

  • Image formats:As typical for Canva, you can download the finished design in various formats: as PDF, JPG, PNG, MP4 video or GIF.

Jimdo QR-Code Generator

Jimdo is actually an online platform that allows you to create professional websites without programming knowledge. But Jimdo offers more than just website construction - there is also a QR code generator!

The local QR code generator has comparatively few customization options, but the tool is particularly quick to use: Just copy the desired URL into the corresponding line, select the desired size - done! Then you can download your finished QR code. This hardly takes more than 10 seconds.

The Jimdo QR-Code Generator has the following features:

  • Supported contents:Only URLs

  • User account necessary for creation?No, you can use the generator without registering via a browser.

  • Customization options:As the only customization option, you can generate the code small, medium or large.

  • Image formats:Only PNG

Wix QR-Code Generator

Wix is besides Jimdo another popular platform who helps you creating impressive websites without coding skills. With a drag-and-drop interface and a variety of templates, Wix is the go-to place for many who want a professional website without the hassle of coding. But Wix also offers more than just website creation, including a useful QR code generator!

The Wix QR-Code Generator is part of the toolkit that Wix provides. Do you want a QR code that leads to your contact page, a product or a special offer? The Wix QR-Code Generator utility makes it possible.

The Wix QR-Code Generator has the following features:

  • Supported contents:The Wix QR-Code Generator supports many formats: from text messages to URLs, phone numbers, SMS, vCards, images, PDFs, WiFi connections to emails, everything is included what you could wish for.

  • User account necessary for creation?: Yes, a free user account is required.

  • Customization options:With the Wix editor, you can set the size of the QR code and the background and code colors.

  • Image formats:You can download the QR codes as PNG, JPG or SVG files.

Shopify QR-Code Generator

Shopify is one of the world's leading e-commerce platforms, allowing individuals and businesses to build and operate online stores. With a variety of tools and services, Shopify provides everything you need to sell, ship and market products online.

In addition, Shopify also offers its own QR-Code Generator. This handy utility allows store owners to quickly establish links to products, discount codes or other relevant pages of their online store.

The Shopify QR-Code Generator has the following features:

  • Supported contents: The Shopify QR-Code Generator supports website URLs, phone numbers, SMS and simple texts up to 600 characters.

  • User account necessary for creation?:Yes. Before your QR code can be created, you have to leave your email address and create a Shopify ID for a free trial period. You will then receive the QR code by mail.

  • Customization options: The customizing options are limited - you can't change the style or color here.

  • Image formats:You can download your QR code as PNG after receiving the mail.

  • Automated mass production:No.

Conclusion: Finding the right, free QR code generator

The world of QR code generators is wide and diverse. In addition to the tools introduced here, there are many other free tools available to you. When choosing the appropriate provider, you should consider aspects such as the supported contents, customization options, available image formats, the possibility of mass production and, of course, ease of use. Every tool has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice should be based on your individual needs and requirements. By carefully evaluating these aspects, you can find the QR code generator that fits best for your project or business.

Nils Knäpper
Nils Knäpper

Nils ist SEO-Texter bei OMR Reviews und darüber hinaus ein echter Content-Suchti. Egal, ob Grafik, Foto, Video oder Audio – wenn es um digitale Medien geht, ist Nils immer ganz vorne mit dabei. Vor seinem Wechsel zu OMR war er fast 5 Jahre lang als Content-Manager und -Creator in einem Immobilienunternehmen tätig und hat zudem eine klassische Ausbildung als Werbetexter.

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