Efficient Meetings: Save Time, Achieve Goals Faster

No more meeting frustration: Efficient meeting planning for better results in less time. It works!

Table of contents
  1. Why are meetings needed?
  2. What types of meetings are there?
  3. What challenges can arise in meetings?
  4. Why should meetings be efficient?
  5. 7 tips for efficient meetings
  6. Online or in person – What should you be aware of?
  7. What tools can be used for meetings?
  8. Conclusion

Meetings are a staple of everyday work. However, they are not always efficient and purposeful, leading to frustrated and annoyed participants. In this article, we will take a look at the importance of meetings and deal with the different types of meetings. We will also address the challenges that can arise in meetings, and why it is so important to make meetings effective. 

Why are meetings needed?

Meetings are indispensable in the world of work for many reasons and serve several important functions.

Here are some of the main reasons why meetings are necessary:

  • Exchange of information: They serve to exchange and pass on important information.
  • Ideation: Meetings allow for creative brainstorming to develop ideas for future projects and foster innovation.
  • Problem solving: In meetings, teams can discuss challenges together and find solutions.
  • Decision making: Meetings are primarily used by executives to make important decisions, whether in relation to business strategies or new projects.
  • Collaboration: Meetings improve communication and encourage collaboration. Meetings are used by staff members to engage with their team and advance projects successfully. Teamwork as a remote team can also be very successful.

What types of meetings are there?

Meetings can be categorized in different ways. Sometimes they fall into several categories at the same time.

Here is a possible classification:

Formal meetings

Formal meetings are structured discussions with clear protocols and a pre-set agenda.

An example of a formal meeting is a board meeting where important business decisions are made. Another example is an annual meeting where the shareholders are informed about the performance of the company. 

Informal meetings

Informal meetings are less structured than formal meetings. This type of meeting can take place spontaneously and provides space for more relaxed discussions.

An example of an informal meeting would be a coffee break with colleagues, where ideas and thoughts are informally exchanged. Another example is informal brainstorming between team members that takes place without prior planning.

Internal meetings

Internal meetings take place within an organization and are intended for internal communication and collaboration. They are meant to keep team members or departments up to date and to solve problems.

A typical example of an internal meeting is a departmental meeting where team members discuss current projects, challenges, and progress. Team meetings, where team members work together on projects and exchange tasks, are also a form of internal meetings.

External meetings

External meetings take place with individuals or organizations outside one's own company. This type of meeting often occurs with customers, partners, or external service providers.

A typical example of an external meeting is a customer conversation in which company representatives talk about products or services. Negotiations with suppliers or contract partners are another example of external meetings. Maintaining and expanding business relationships are often the goal of such meetings.

Online meetings

Online meetings are virtual meetings held with free video conference tools.

An example of an online meeting is a Zoom meeting where team members from different parts of the world come together to work and exchange ideas. Virtual conferences, where experts from different industries participate in discussions and presentations, are another example of online meetings.

What challenges can arise in meetings?

Meetings can bring many challenges. Here are some of the most common problems that can occur in meetings:

  1. Duration of the meeting: Long meetings test the attention and productivity of participants. In mobile working, long meetings can easily lead to distractions as participants focus on other tasks and neglect the actual meeting. Therefore, the duration of meetings should be limited to about 45 minutes to a maximum of 60 minutes. This can be achieved through clear agendas and time slots for individual topics.
  2. Lack of preparation: If participants are not prepared or do not understand the purpose of a meeting, this can affect the effectiveness of the meeting. Good preparation, such as sending out an agenda before the meeting, can tune participants into the topic and increase their participation.
  3. Technical problems: Technical problems such as poorly adjusted cameras or slow internet connections can make meetings frustrating and time-consuming. Ensure that the technical setup works perfectly before the meeting to minimize disruptions.
  4. Too many topics: Overloaded meetings can lead to important topics not being discussed sufficiently. Emphasis should be clearly defined and limited to the essentials. For extensive topics, several shorter meetings may make more sense.
  5. Poor time management: Too many meetings can impact work productivity, particularly if this results in a loss of time for concentrated work. Meetings should therefore be limited to topics that are complex and cannot be effectively discussed by email or chat.
  6. Lack of participant involvement: If employees do not participate actively, the meetings are inefficient and boring. It is the moderator's job to prevent this.
  7. Off-topic conversations: Conversations or discussions that do not relate to the main topic can lengthen meetings and distract from relevant topics. It is important to limit such conversations and direct the discussion to the main topic.
  8. Timing delays in the start and end of meetings: Starting or ending a meeting late can disrupt the schedule and affect efficiency. To respect participants' time, meetings should always start on time and end sooner rather than later.
  9. Lack of communication between participants: Different communication styles and misunderstandings among participants can negatively affect the efficiency of a meeting. It is important to create a clear communication culture and clear expectations to facilitate collaboration.
  10. Lack of accountability: In meetings, clear tasks and responsibilities should be defined to ensure that the topics discussed are implemented. This increases productivity and ensures that no tasks fall by the wayside.

Why should meetings be efficient?

  • Time savings: Efficient meetings are shorter and more focused, which saves time and allows participants to do their work more efficiently.
  • Cost reduction: Shorter and more productive meetings reduce costs for the company as fewer resources are needed.
  • Boost in productivity: Efficient meetings ensure participants are focused and active, increasing productivity.
  • Better decision making: Efficient meetings lead to clearer discussions and faster decision-making processes, further speeding up the implementation of measures.
  • Reduce signs of fatigue: Too many inefficient meetings can lead to fatigue and dissatisfaction among participants. Efficient meetings are energy-saving and lead to less meeting fatigue.
  • Increase in satisfaction: Efficient meetings lead to a more positive experience for participants as they are more purposeful and appreciative.

7 tips for efficient meetings

  1. Only invite relevant people: To ensure that meetings are effective, only invite people who have a genuine interest in the topic and can actively contribute to the discussion.
  2. Set a clear agenda in advance: Plan the meeting in advance and set a clear agenda. The agenda should include the main points of the meeting, the goals of the meeting, and the expected outcomes. Share the agenda with the participants ahead of time so they can prepare.
  3. Stick to the timetable: To respect the time of the participants, stick strictly to the timetable. Plan the agenda in such a way that you can cover the main points within the given time frame. This promotes engagement and efficiency.
  4. Stay on topic: Make sure the meeting stays on the preset agenda. Avoid distractions and extra discussions that could drag the meeting out.
  5. Define clear tasks: Each meeting should end with clear tasks. Distribute tasks and name those responsible to ensure that the points discussed are implemented. Set clear steps, deadlines, and goals.
  6. Evaluate the effectiveness of the meeting: After each meeting, it is helpful to evaluate its effectiveness. Consider what went well and what can be improved. This way, it is possible to achieve continuous improvement at future meetings.
  7. Send a follow-up email with the meeting minutes: Send a follow-up email to the participants that records the results, discussions, and decisions of the meeting. A helpful tool could be Bliro a service that can transcribe and summarize meetings.

Want more tips? Read this article for 7 tips for a successful virtual meeting.

Online or in person – What should you be aware of?

  1. Efficiency depends on team size: Online meetings are more efficient for small teams of two to four people as they save travel costs and facilitate the joint use of documents. For larger groups of 10 or more people, face-to-face meetings are more efficient due to the challenges of online communication. Verbally: This is a free tool that can improve the quality and efficiency of online meetings.
  2. Technical requirements: A reliable Internet connection is essential for online meetings. Participants must also be able to handle the necessary tools. 
  3. Communication: Face-to-face meetings allow for more comprehensive and multi-layered communication through non-verbal signals such as facial expressions and gestures. In online meetings, participants need to focus on clear and well-structured communication since non-verbal signals can be used less. Here are some tools that can help you optimize communication in your team.
  4. Type of meeting: The type of meeting (relationship-oriented or task-oriented) influences the choice between online and face-to-face meetings. Relationship-oriented meetings are often more efficient in the form of personal meetings, while task-oriented meetings can usually be held online.
  5. Moderation and leadership: In online meetings, the moderator must ensure that the technology is working properly and actively engage participants. In face-to-face meetings, for example, direct eye contact can be established and participants' attention can be more easily directed.

What tools can be used for meetings?

Find more meeting tools on OMR Reviews under the Category Meeting Management.


Efficient meetings require good preparation and active participation. By optimizing and implementing meeting guidelines, time loss can be reduced and productive meetings can be made possible. This promotes a better meeting culture and contributes to overall productivity.

Katharina-Maria Röder
Katharina-Maria Röder

Katharina-Maria Röder ist freie Redakteurin bei OMR Reviews und schreibt zu den Themen Software und Co.

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