#CXFEST2023: The First Customer Experience Festival in Nature

Leafworks is organizing a different kind of CX Festival in 2023 and we will show you what to expect there.

Table of contents
  1. Conference with a difference
  2. The most important at a glance

On your marks, get set, Go! According to Malte Lensch, Senior Solution Consultant at Leafworks, nature makes everything better: concentration, relaxation, overall mood. Why not network in nature?

From 8th to 10th September you can be part of the CX-Festivals, that Leafworks is setting up near Berlin. The focus of the event is on topics such as AI & automation, cross-functional collaboration and of course the future of AI. You can look forward to the latest trends and innovations in the field of artificial intelligence and be inspired by the visionary ideas and strategies for shaping the future of CX.

Conference with a difference

Out of the office and into the wilderness. CX stands for Customer Experience and strives for special experiences. And that was exactly the starting point for this year's CX Festival in nature. Malte Lensch and his team wanted a Networking-Event with a difference:indispensable, entertaining and educational.

Over the course of two days from 8th to 10th September more than 20 speakers and 250 CX-interested visitors will gather at the CX Festival and you can expect a colorful array. Diverse lectures, panel discussions, workshops, meet-ups and performance of various kinds.

The focus of the festival is clearly on customer service topics. Thus Jaschi Mikolajski, Customer Success Manager at the leading software provider Zendesk Support Suite, brings new perspectives on how service teams can overcome urgent problems and various eCom startups provide insights.Among the participants are e.g. Etepetete, who fight against food wastage, and the backpack company GOT BAG, which manufactures their products from recycled materials.Since rabbits sometimes run differently in startups, they show how they handle CX in their young companies.

And alsomonday.com has made customer experience a heartfelt matter. Together with David dela Cruz, Channel Partner Manager at monday.com, you can immerse yourself in the world of the company and learn how they overcome their challenges.

In addition to the diverse interactive workshops and lectures by industry-leading speakers a selection of outdoor activities provides a relaxed balance: wakeboarding, water skiing, yoga, cross golf, volleyball, mini golf are just some of the options.There's something for everyone! And as the saying goes? Sport connects!

The small, personal setting is perfect for exchange among experts. And the festival vibes are definitely not to be missed. Grab a networking drink, learn from the CX speakers and connect with CX experts from various sectors.

Are you curious? Then take a look at the program.

If you don't want to miss the experience, get your ticket here immediately with all-inclusive catering! Those who prefer to skip the camping feeling can of course move on to a hotel or Airbnb in the evening.

The most important at a glance

When: 8-10. September 2023

Where: Wake & Camp, Biesenthaler Chaussee 25, 16348 Marienwerder/OT Ruhlsdorf

What: Future of CX, AI & Automation, Cross-functional Collaboration

Lea Marie Roosen
Lea Marie Roosen

Lea ist Content Managerin und Autorin bei OMR Reviews. Vor ihrem Start hat sie 2022 erfolgreich ihr Studium in Sportwissenschaften und Germanistik abgeschlossen und vereint die beiden Komponenten weiterhin. Jede freie Minute wird für sportliche Aktivitäten genutzt, während sie ihre Affinität zum Umgang mit Sprache beruflich auslebt.

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