12 Tips to Successfully Conduct Your Workshop

The basis for how you plan, design, and continuously develop your workshop

Table of contents
  1. What makes a good workshop?
  2. 12 tips for making your workshop a success
  3. Conclusion

Workshops are not only a place of learning, but also of exchange and networking, and offer a fantastic opportunity to exchange ideas in a group, learn new things and make contacts. But to ensure that your course brings the desired success, careful planning is essential!

What makes a good workshop?

A good workshop should be well planned and structured from start to finish, to enable participants to have a unique experience. From a clear goal to a suitable location, to an agenda and schedule, to a suitable group size and space for creativity and interactive materials, nothing should be missing from your checklist for a good workshop. 

12 tips for making your workshop a success

A successful workshop requires thorough preparation and to ensure that the goals are achieved and the participants are effectively involved, you should take enough time to organize everything carefully. 

1. Target group definition

Without a clearly defined target group, no good workshop can probably be created. Therefore, you should definitely clarify in advance which participants your workshop is about. Is it about experts, beginners or is it a mixed group?
⁠Then your topic should be tailored to the needs and prior knowledge of the participants, in order to create an optimal learning environment for everyone.

2. Goal setting

First, it is important to define the goal of the workshop. These goals should be SMART goalsspecific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Setting clear goals helps keep the workshop focused and evaluate success at the end. 

The goals could, for example, be promoting team spirit, imparting certain skills or working out problem solutions. 

3. Choice of topic

Choosing the right topic is a crucial step in designing a successful workshop. A well-chosen topic can inspire the participants, arouse their interest and increase their willingness to learn. 

To find a suitable topic, it can be helpful, for example, to find out what topics are of interest, where the participants are at or in which area there is a particular need, using a short survey. 

Another important aspect to be considered when choosing a topic is feasibility. 

Is the topic realistic and implementable within the available time? Do the available technical materials and the environment meet all the requirements to implement the topic successfully? 

4. Location

Choosing the right location for a workshop is crucial to ensure a successful event. A well-chosen location can increase the productivity and engagement of the participants and make the workshop an unforgettable experience.

These are the factors you should consider when choosing your location: 

  • The size of the venue should match the requirements of the workshop

  • It is important to have enough space for the participants and activities

  • A well-equipped workshop room should have modern technical devices 

  • The location should be easily accessible and have sufficient parking

  • A quiet and appealing atmosphere can contribute to the participants feeling comfortable and being able to concentrate better on the workshop

In addition to these aspects, the budget also plays an important role. The choice of a location that does not burst the financial framework of the workshop should definitely be considered. 

In order to meet the expectations of the participants, a survey or feedback on preferred locations can also help. This way you can ensure that the workshop meets the expectations of all participants.

5. Checklist

To ensure that the planned workshop runs smoothly and nothing is forgotten, a checklist can help you. Structure your checklist best in different categories and tick them off step by step, so as not to forget anything.

Here are some suggestions on how you can categorize your checklist: 


  • Define a clear goal and what you want to achieve 

  • Set topics to be discussed during the workshop 

  • Plan buffer time for discussions and creativity 


  • Determine a target group with whom you want to work 

  • Limit the workshop to a certain number of participants in order to be able to work effectively 

Time and place:

  • Set a suitable date 

  • Determine the duration of the workshop. As a rule, a few hours to 2 days 

  • Find a suitable venue that 

Breaks, snacks and drinks:

  • Plan enough breaks for recovery 

  • Provide enough snacks and drinks

  • Organize a catering that sets up a buffet or brings sandwiches 

  • Consider allergies & restrictions 


  • Create detailed agenda with meaningful flow 

  • Get directly with times 

  • Plan buffer times 

Materials and technology & interactive elements::

  • Check off which materials you need for the workshop (flipcharts, whiteboard, pens, etc.) 

  • Check the technical equipment in the location (WLAN, projector, speakers, etc.) 

  • Plan interactive exercises, group work or discussions  


  • Book a workshop moderator if necessary 

  • Prepare a script to not forget any topic 

  • Involve the participants 

Feedback and evaluation:

  • Plan a feedback round to collect the opinions and experiences of the participants

  • Feedback can help to improve your future workshops


  • Keep in touch with the participants 

  • Give a summary to keep the workshop unforgettable 


Source: own representation

At you will find lots of cool templates for your checklist, which you can easily adapt, or You simply download this template.

6. Procedure

1. Preparation: Before the workshop takes place, thorough preparation is required. The organizer defines the goal of the workshop and sets the relevant topics. Materials are prepared, such as presentations or work sheets. 

2. Introduction: The workshop starts with an introduction, where the workshop leader explains the goal and planned course of the workshop. It also ensures that everyone is on the same or at least similar level. 

3. Icebreaker: To activate the participants and create a positive atmosphere, the workshop often starts with a short introduction round.   

4. Main part: In the main part of the workshop, the specific topics are dealt with and  e.g. discussions, group work or role plays are used to encourage the participants to actively participate and to interact.

5. Practical phase: To apply the learned and put it into practice, practical exercises and group work often follow. 

6. Summary and reflection: At the end of the workshop there is a summary of the most important results and findings. If you like, you can also give the participants a summary of the workshop, thus leaving a good impression and making the day one to remember. 

7. Conclusion and feedback: The workshop ends with a big thank you to the participants and the time can be used for feedback. Afterwards, there may be room for questions and discussions. 

7. Creating an agenda

A well-structured agenda is crucial to effectively conduct the workshop. The agenda should lead the topics along a red thread and provide sufficient time for discussions, exercises and breaks. 

The aim is to give the participants a clear overview of the course of the workshop and ensure that all important points are covered. It is best to provide a time window directly, so that you and also the participants have a rough overview of the day. 

Example for an agenda:

8:00 - 8:30 AM 

Welcome and Introduction:The workshop typically begins with a warm welcome to the participants. The purpose and goal of the workshop are explained. It is important to create a pleasant and open atmosphere to encourage participants to actively participate in the workshop.

8:30 - 9:00 AM 

Introduction round: After the welcome, there is often an introduction round, where the participants get to know each other. Each person briefly introduces themselves and shares their expectations and goals for the workshop. This breaks the ice and enables the participants to better adjust to the collaborative work.

9:15 - 11:30 AM

Theoretical input: The next step is to provide theoretical input in the workshop to provide the participants with the necessary knowledge. This can be done through presentations, discussions or other teaching methods. 

12:00 - 12:45 PM 

Time for a break: Workshops often require high concentration and mental effort from the participants. Breaks allow participants, and also the workshop leader, to briefly recuperate and recharge their energy. Ideally, snacks and drinks are available during this time. 

13:00 - 14:30 PM 

Practical exercises and group work: An important part of a workshop are practical exercises and group work. Participants have the opportunity to apply the learned knowledge and develop practical skills. Roles plays or simulations are suitable for this, for example. 

14:30 - 15:00 PM 

Break: Through a further short interruption, all parties concerned can gain a fresh perspective and engage in the last part of the workshop. Think about water, coffee, tea or small snacks like fruit or pastry. Consider any restrictions or allergies of the participants.

15:15 - 16:45 PM

Discussion and reflection: After the practical exercises, there is often a discussion and reflection phase. Participants have the opportunity to share their experiences and insights, ask questions and develop solutions together. 

16:45 - 17:00 PM 

Summary: At the end of the workshop there is a summary of the most important results and findings. Participants receive an overview of what has been discussed and can reflect on their individual learning success. 

17:00 - 17:30 PM 

Conclusion and feedback: The workshop ends with a closing thank you to the participants. A short feedback round is also a good idea, to find out what the participants particularly enjoyed and what can be improved for future workshops. You can also be available for questions and a short small talk afterwards, to give your participants a good feeling. 

8. Get feedback

At the end of a workshop, it is super important to get feedback from the participants in order to be able to design future workshops even better. 

Among other things, you can ask the following questions to the group to get feedback: 

  • What did you like best about the workshop?

  • Which contents did you particularly like and which ones did not?

  • Was the workshop duration appropriate or should it have been a little more or less time?

  • Are there opportunities for improvement with regard to the organization or the course of the workshop?

Here, online tools like Typeform or Google Forms can also support you. 


Source: https://www.solonoma.de/freelancertools/umfragen-und-feedback/

9. Prepare materials

Depending on the type of workshop, various materials may be required, such as presentations, handouts, flipcharts or technical devices. It is important to prepare these materials in advance and make sure that they support the content of the workshop. 

Preparing the materials for a workshop is crucial to ensure that the workshop runs smoothly and that the participants can benefit optimally from the event. The following are some important steps and materials that should be considered when preparing a workshop.

  • Working documents: Slides, handouts, worksheets or notebooks can be prepared in advance and provided during the workshops. Make sure that enough working materials are available and that no participant is left empty-handed. 

  • Presentation materials: If you want to give a presentation during your workshop, prepare all the necessary materials for it. Check in advance if the projector works and if the presentation files are ready to use. Also go through the presentation once for yourself or in front of friends and family. Also, any demonstration materials or props should not be missing to illustrate the content of the workshop.

  • Writing utensils: To make a good first impression and give the participants a little wow effect, you can provide writing utensils such as pens, markers and note pads as a small attention. If you have a workshop with fixed seating, you can also place the writing utensils on the respective places. 

  • Technical aids: If your workshop requires technical aids, such as laptops, tablets or certain programs, you should ensure that these aids are provided and tested before the workshop. Also check the internet connection to avoid dropouts during your lecture or when the participants work on tasks. 

10. Check

Before the workshop, it is advisable to carefully check the premises and the technical equipment. This includes aspects like seating, availability of projection devices and the functioning of the technology. 

11. Follow-up

The follow-up of a workshop is just as important as the preparation and execution.

After you have mastered your a workshop successfully, it is important to finish the process properly and this includes a comprehensive follow-up. Here are some steps to properly follow up your workshop:

1. Collect feedback:Ask for feedback from the participants to find out what they liked and what could be improved. You can also provide feedback forms after the workshop and collect this online, for example via Typeform. 

2. Create documentation:Create a detailed documentation of the workshop, including the topics covered, the materials used and the results achieved. This documentation can serve as a reference for future workshops and be provided to the participants to recapitulate what has been learned.

3. Plan follow-up measures:Are there, for example, follow-up events or individual support that you would like to offer the participants? 

4. Perform evaluation:Perform a final evaluation of the workshop to evaluate the overall success. Check whether the defined goals were achieved and whether the workshop met the needs of the participants. 

12. These tools can support you in planning and implementing your workshop

and Whether it's planning, implementation or follow-up of a workshop, Asana and Trello are two valuable tools that can support you in and restructuring a successful workshop. In the tools you can easily structure, plan and assign tasks to employees. This way, everyone keeps an overview of the different activities. 

, & Co.: Sometimes it doesn't fit and not everyone makes it to the meeting. Thanks to Zoom, Google Meet and Co. this is fortunately no problem anymore. Thanks to the screen sharing function, these tools enable presentations, documents or other materials to be shared directly during the meeting. This way, everyone can express ideas and comments and let their opinion flow into the process. 

:From presentations to social media graphics and much more, you can easily create professionally looking designs and if you don't have any prior knowledge. The advantage, Canva offers a wide range of all kinds of templates, so you can create cool designs even easier. 

and : To get feedback from the participants or a voting on a survey, during the workshop, you can use tools like Google Forms or Typeform. These tools allow to ask targeted questions and collect (anonymous) feedback.


In conclusion, it can be said that following these 12 tips for designing your workshop can lead to an effective and successful event. By a clear goal setting, active participant participation, good structuring, visual aids, feedback and a thorough follow-up, workshops can become valuable learning and experience spaces.

Melina Schneider
Melina Schneider

Melina Schneider ist Content Creatorin & Branding Expertin mit einem Auge für authentisches Marketing. Sie hat bereits Selbstständige dabei unterstützt, mit den richtigen Content Strategien, ihre Personal-Brand zu etablieren und die passenden Inhalte für ihre Zielgruppen zu kreieren, um sich so als Expert:innen zu positionieren.

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