Best Translation Software in Comparison

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(138 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
DeepL Translate offers accurate text and document translations in multiple languages, with API for developers. Suitable for individuals and businesses.
Google Translate
(80 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
Google Translate is a free, user-friendly translation tool. It uses machine learning for improved quality, available on web and mobile.
Weglot enables creation of multilingual websites with its translation API, includes SEO features, localized experiences, and free use for 2 months.
PONS Übersetzer
(5 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
PONS Translator supports 38 languages, links to online dictionary, offers voice input/output, and is free. Available as an app.
(2 reviews)
No price information
Trados optimizes translation processes for global companies and freelancers, enhancing collaboration, efficiency, and customization. Pricing varies by user group and functions.
Schmieder MultiSearch
(1 reviews)
No price information

(2 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
GitHub - openai/whisper is a speech recognition software with multilingual capability, speech translation, and identification, ideal for developers and data scientists.
(1 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
TextUnited software simplifies translation tasks with its cloud-based system for multilingual app, document, and website creation and maintenance.
(1 reviews)
Price: Upon request
Unbabel offers tailored translations, blending machine and human accuracy. Features integration with platforms like Zendesk. Ideal for business communication.
Trados Studio provides a full translation service with editing, review, and management features. Highlights include Translation Memory, term management, and machine translation.
(1 reviews)
Price: From 80.00 $ / Month
Transifex offers automated localization for businesses, accelerating content delivery in various languages. Available in Basic, Premium and Enterprise versions.
PROMT Translator
(1 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
PROMT Translation Software offers reliable translations, text data mining, and natural language processing. Affordable and secure with free and paid versions.
Microsoft Translator
(1 reviews)
No price information
Microsoft Translator provides real-time and offline translation for personal use and businesses. It supports live captioning and cross-language communication.

Rask is an AI tool for video localization with automatic translation, voiceover, and voice cloning in 130+ languages. Perfect for global market strategies.

More about Best Translation Software & Tools

Translation Software Definition: What are Translation Programs?

A translation software (machine translation software) does precisely what the title suggests: It allows users to convert words or even spoken words of one language into formats of another language.

In this process, the program usually takes over the entire workload. The translation itself and even the initial recognition of the language to be transferred nowadays typically happen automatically. Even the click on a specific translate button is sometimes eliminated (real-time translation). Moreover, many applications offer advanced features, which among other things enable users to enforce alternative phrasings at specific points or define personal addressing.

Such solutions often use systems or algorithms for natural language processing (Natural-Language-Processing - NLP) to transform the source text or language into the desired target language outcome. Here, many advantages of AI technologies come into play. Translation programs can understand different languages in detail and even interpret nuances in jargon or expressions. However, there are still limitations – for instance, when it comes to correctly interpreting strong regional language features.

Machine-Translation vs. Computer-Assisted-Translation (CAT) Computer-assisted translation software and machine translators may seem similar at first glance. That's why they are often considered identical systems. In reality, however, their modes of operation are different.

While the final result of both types is a translated text, the path to this outcome is distinctly different. For instance, a machine translation is based on general patterns, rules and statistics, and is almost completely automatic. All this is also important in computer-assisted translation. However, the methods and resources here are preferably obtained from internal databases and can be very precisely adapted to the respective translation context.

Users are generally much more involved in the translation process with CAT software and actively control it, instead of leaving it entirely to machine learning. These solutions can yield significantly higher-quality results than conventional machine translation tools. Therefore, they are frequently used by professional translators.

Why should companies use translation software?

The increasing globalization and digitalization offer enormous business-specific opportunities for more and more companies. The fact that many of the company's central business processes can now take place very efficiently in the digital space alone, greatly reduces the barriers to conquering international markets. This ranges from typical B2C sales of everyday goods via online shops to B2B sales activities and the trade of B2B operating resources and even long-term contract conclusions for (online) collaborations in certain services.

On the other hand, (potential) customers or business partners are increasingly looking beyond their national borders for suitable offers for their needs. The possibilities of a fast, smooth interstate shipment of goods, the (legal) security of digital contracts or the very reliable remote collaboration guaranteed by various specific software solutions have also long been established here. According to eMarketer, 70 percent of online customers now shop on foreign websites.

In all these and other processes, proper communication is often the key to success. There are numerous studies by renowned institutions dealing with the influence of addressing people on international markets in their mother tongue. Particularly striking are the conclusions from a survey by CSA Research (2019/2020). Here, 9,000 consumers from 29 countries were asked about their purchasing preferences in connection with their national languages. According to this, 65 percent clearly prefer an accommodation of their language on internet offers, and 40 percent would never buy if this need is not met.

The situation is similar in the B2B sector. Without an English-speaking website, sales processes, contract signings, support options, etc., many potentials remain untapped. More and more B2B players already presuppose that they find corresponding conditions at potential partner companies. Especially when offering products or services that are internationally (in the version provided) rather rare but needed by quite a few companies, those responsible should consider a detailed language segmentation of their business (far beyond the standard "English").

To be completely honest, a translation software unfortunately (still) can't catch all the relevant tasks. For instance, translated texts in online shops should always be checked for readability, correctness as well as region-specific wording, and contract interpretations absolutely require a legal review. Machine translations, however, are very valuable as keys for opening international markets. Despite the necessary final approvals, they usually achieve useful results very efficiently.

Ideally, however, you should always also work with a translation professional! They can significantly better bring out many important nuances than a translator program - despite all AI - would be capable of. This is the only way to create truly outstanding added value and unique selling points.

How do Translator Programs Work?

In the simplest use of translation software, the source text for conversion is entered or inserted or uploaded into an appropriate field. This is followed by setting the desired target language for the output. Depending on how advanced the translation program is, users may be able to manually adjust further parameters such as stylization settings or glossary entries before execution. When everything is done, click on "Translate" (or similar) and wait briefly for the result.

What happens here in detail, of course, depends on the integrated features. The elements below are typical.

  • Automated translation: Translation software allows texts to be transferred from one language to another without manual input being required. This makes it possible to quickly and conveniently convert texts or documents, websites, etc., or even spoken words for international viewers.

  • Custom dictionary: Many translation programs offer a custom dictionary function. Here, users can store their glossaries with words and sentences that the software eventually uses in its work. This helps to ensure high contextual accuracy - both in written translations as well as spoken words.

  • Intelligent Text Recognition (ITR): ITR is an advanced technology not offered by all translators. Good translation programs recognize very specific technical terms and – contexts as well as certain regional expressions. The outputs are automatically adjusted accordingly. If a text contains medical terminology, for example, the ITR appraises these precisely. The software ultimately translates the terms with higher accuracy than would otherwise be possible.

  • Point-and-Click: These features simplify the translation of individual words or sentences in a document. They allow users to select specific sections by quickly clicking on them with the mouse pointer. Afterward, alternative phrasings and other features are selectable.

  • Speech Recognition: Some machine translation programs are capable of recognizing and processing voice inputs. Thus, spoken words can be translated directly or without manual text inputs accurately. This is, of course, especially useful for people who prefer oral translations over typing. But such solutions can also help with support - when they are integrated into a voice assistant system, for example.

  • Multilingual Support: Many of the best translation programs allow their users to quickly and easily switch between different languages. This means that several translations of the same source language can be obtained promptly if needed, without having to search separately for specific plug-ins or add-ons each time.

  • Database: More extensive translation tools offer a storage system with which users can save translations for later use. Some products may also provide analysis tools. This allows it to evaluate the quality of individual translations and keep track of the translation projects. Here, the boundaries to CAT software can sometimes be fluid.

  • Photo/Image Translation: There are translation software providers on the market whose tools have the ability to translate text captured in photos. This option is very useful, for example, when traveling. But the photo translation can also be used for online infographics. It saves a lot of time that would otherwise have to be spent on manual entry of relevant phrases. In the simplest case, the text to be translated can simply be photographed, and the translation takes place in real time.

  • Integration: Some professional translation programs can be integrated into other software to automatically perform translation tasks there. For example, with some systems, it is possible to translate websites into another language at the push of a button from the CMS.

What advantages and disadvantages do translation programs offer?

With the help of well-equipped, professional translation software, text, documents, web pages, images and/or even spoken words can be quickly and quite appropriately converted from one language to another. In addition to this main advantage, there are several other arguments (in the background) that speak for carrying out translations using software.

  • More efficient (marketing and sales) communication: Translation software is capable of quickly scanning large amounts of text and effectively transferring them from one language to another. This can significantly speed up business communication between people who do not speak the same language. The exchange of information becomes more fluid, important messages are understood correctly, prospects buy more confidently, and the effort remains relatively low.

  • Increased Accuracy: Since many translation programs are constantly learning and being optimized, their accuracy is also improving. In general, such systems follow the prevailing grammar rules of the respective languages, resulting in translations that are always precise and correct in terms of spelling.

  • Cost and Time Savings: For companies that often need to translate written documents, using a machine translation program can save a lot of money compared to professional translators. The processing times are usually very fast, which can be decisive in certain situations (but also dangerous if translations are not finally checked).

  • SEO: Google likes good translations. If websites are optimally adapted linguistically for their target markets, this normally means a significant plus in user experience. The search engine giant here gets a positive signal which can give a boost to the ranking of corresponding pages. Moreover, translated pages naturally offer the chance to accommodate more content and more keywords, which also benefits the ranking. Website translations can be done relatively quickly with a specialized tool.

Unfortunately, even when using the best translation software, there is always the risk of certain disadvantages. This is usually not about direct deficits of the programs themselves. It is rather their use that can become problematic.

  • Undifferentiated Application: In many cases, translation programs are considered self-runners – users accept their results without questioning them. Consequently, the translations are immediately used for websites, email marketing, social media posts, or even contracts. Many are not aware that even a translation programs test winner can deliver very inaccurate outputs in the case of linguistic irregularities or regional nuances and complex topics. Very similar to AI text generators, translation tools also seldom bring a satisfactory variance and natural language progressions into the translated formulations. The results are comparatively static and anything but readable. This is primarily because the relevant programs work based on standard patterns and rules. While some applications are continually learning, they cannot replace human intelligence. Clinging to models and schemes also increases the risk of producing SEO-damaging duplicate content or putting it online. Without the intervention of translation and text experts, even the best AI translations appear unprofessional, bland, and are quickly recognized as machine-generated products. Outstanding content-related added value (for SEO) cannot be conveyed with it. In the worst case, this leads to massive deficits in corporate communication and likewise in the unique selling potential (in front of the major search engines).

Best Translation Programs Found: How to Select the Right Translation Software?

As the above translator comparison also shows, there are now very many translation tools on the market. Interested parties naturally ask themselves: "What should I pay attention to in order to choose a good translation program for my purposes?"

Simply using the most famous or most readily available system is not always the best option. Because factually, not all programs are the same! Especially with regard to the type of content to be translated, those responsible should take a very close look.

For a purposeful research, it is advisable to primarily consider the following points.

Define Translation Material Since different machine translation software offer different performance levels, interested parties should first carefully consider which formats they want to process with the system.

There should primarily be a clear demarcation between very specific types of content, such as in marketing content or contracts, and specific approaches.

How well the corresponding machine translations are served from provider to provider can usually (to a certain extent) be gathered from the respective service descriptions. If not, customer service usually helps with advice.

Consider Additional Features It's worth examining the numerous additional functions of translation software. They allow translations to be adjusted in various ways and thus to be more naturally adapted to one's own corporate context and respective target group than is possible with the standard process.

In many cases, glossaries are very helpful, in which a user-defined vocabulary can be stored that the machine translation then uses automatically. In addition, some tools enable users to choose between a formal and informal tone or different forms of address. This can be useful, for instance, for young, personally appearing companies. The standard translations are generally formal ("Sie" address).

Test Translation Program Even with the very best provider-side information, a professional translation software should be tested. Only in practice and with several translations, it becomes clear whether the respective solution fits the needs of the company.

Such a translation software test is also possible with most pay packages at least for a certain time for free. Sometimes a personal request needs to be made in order to try everything.

What Do Translation Tools Cost in Comparison?

In fact, many good translation software is free. However, these tools are not entirely free of charge. If you need special features such as a definition of the form of address or a CMS integration, some fees may apply. However, free translation software usually allows text or documents to be accurately converted.

Calculated premium version may cost between 20 and several hundred, even thousands of euros for better equipped or custom-made solutions.