Use WhatsApp in the Browser - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Nils Knäpper 11/17/2022

We show you how you can use WhatsApp not only on your smartphone, but also in the web browser of your Mac or PC.

Explaining Whatsapp in Browser
Explaining Whatsapp in Browser
Table of contents
  1. Why use WhatsApp in the browser?
  2. Instructions: How to set up WhatsApp in the browser
  3. Alternative: WhatsApp Desktop
  4. Frequently Asked Questions about WhatsApp Web
  5. The Best Tools for Mobile Marketing

Why use WhatsApp in the browser?

There can be many reasons to use WhatsApp Business in the browser. Especially if you tend to write long messages often, using the web version of WhatsApp on your PC or Mac is a good alternative to your smartphone. After all, it's easier to type with a proper keyboard than on a touchscreen. This can be particularly helpful if you're looking to get started with WhatsApp Marketing.

Perhaps, you may also just want to restrict the time you spend on your phone without giving up the messaging service? WhatsApp Web is the perfect choice for you in that case. Besides the usual chatting, on your PC you can also send and receive voice messages, pictures and videos. Voice and video calls also work in the browser version of WhatsApp – as long as your PC has a microphone and/or a webcam.

Instructions: How to set up WhatsApp in the browser

To chat with WhatsApp in your browser, you need your smartphone the first time you log in. Just follow these steps and you can use the messenger online on your PC:

  1. Open WhatsApp on your smartphone. At the same time, visit the WhatsApp Web page in your web browser.

  2. Click on the menu item “Settings” at the top right corner of your smartphone if you're using an iPhone – if you have an Android device, click on the three dots. In the dropdown menu that subsequently appears, choose “Linked Devices”.

  3. In the now open menu, click on the button “Add Device”. The WhatsApp QR scanner will then open up, with which you only need to scan the QR code displayed in your web browser on your PC. After that, you're ready to go!

Alternative: WhatsApp Desktop

If you want to use WhatsApp on your PC or Mac without a browser, you can alternatively switch to the desktop version. Depending on your operating system, you must call up Apple's or Windows' app store and download the WhatsApp desktop app from there. Follow the installation instructions, log in with your account, and then you can use the messaging service even without a browser on your computer.

Frequently Asked Questions about WhatsApp Web

What operating system is needed to use WhatsApp in the browser?

It doesn't matter whether you use Mac or Windows if you want to log into WhatsApp via your browser. The web version of the messenger works smoothly on any operating system. It's a different scenario when you want to use the desktop version of WhatsApp: Here, you need to logically make sure to download the version that's compatible with your operating system.

Where are mediums like pictures, videos, and audio files from the chat saved?

Depending on the settings, pictures, videos and audio files you receive in your WhatsApp chat are automatically saved on your smartphone. On your PC or Mac, this is not the case: Here, media files are just cached in your web browser. If you want to save certain files on your computer's internal storage, you will have to back them up separately.

Are chat histories automatically synchronized?

Yes! Chat histories you create with WhatsApp in the browser are automatically synchronized with your smartphone app. This way, you have access to your messages everywhere.

On how many devices can you use WhatsApp Web at the same time?

You can use the browser version of WhatsApp on a maximum of four devices at the same time.

Do you always need to have the smartphone on hand in order to use WhatsApp Web?

No. You only need your smartphone when you log in for the first time during a session in the web browser. Your mobile device is not needed for subsequent usage of WhatsApp Web.

The Best Tools for Mobile Marketing

If you want to get started with Mobile Marketing, but aren't sure where to start, our guides will show you how to create a Mobile Marketing Strategy and launch WhatsApp campaigns. You will also find information and reviews on the most popular Mobile Marketing Software used by OMR Reviews users. We've even brought along a few of the most sought-after tools for you here:

Nils Knäpper
Nils Knäpper

Nils ist SEO-Texter bei OMR Reviews und darüber hinaus ein echter Content-Suchti. Egal, ob Grafik, Foto, Video oder Audio – wenn es um digitale Medien geht, ist Nils immer ganz vorne mit dabei. Vor seinem Wechsel zu OMR war er fast 5 Jahre lang als Content-Manager und -Creator in einem Immobilienunternehmen tätig und hat zudem eine klassische Ausbildung als Werbetexter.

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