Techstack: These Tools Make the OMR Academy Possible

Carmen Cichon 12/23/2022

Which tools are used at OMR Education

Table of contents
  1. All in one
  2. Little technical effort
  3. Automation for the support
  4. Never stop learning
  5. These tools are used by OMR Education

Whether Deep Dive, Report or Academy - the portfolio of OMR Education is extensive when it comes to further education in online marketing. In line with our new category Digital Learning Platform, we show you which tools our colleagues use to implement the OMR Academy .

Behind the OMR Academy is an E-learning platform on topics such as Instagram marketing, SEO or email marketing, on which the participants go through the multi-week courses. Nikolas Nold and Lena Sürken are both responsible for the OMR Academy. Niko for the content and Lena for the e-learning campus, on which the courses are depicted.

The campus is implemented with the tool Docebo which Lena works with almost daily. What exactly the tool can do and which other functions she and Niko don't want to miss, they explain to us in more detail in this tech stack.

All in one

“Everything in my job revolves around Docebo”, says Lena. “Whether it's about uploading the latest lessons for our participants, overcoming technical hurdles or developing new campus concepts.”

On the campus, all participants of an academy will find, in addition to the learning content, access to planned live sessions and the final test. In order for Lena to keep an overview of all the content of an academy, she uses Asana as a project management tool: “We use this to plan our courses, but also use the boards as a ticket system, in case there's e.g. a technical problem that we need to take care of.”

Little technical effort

When implementing an OMR Academy, Niko is responsible for didactic design of further training as well as for the preparation of the content: “All courses are created with articulate (Articulate Rise). The tool is easy to use and the results have a modern look and feel.” In addition, the created e-learning courses are responsive and can be scaled on all devices. Compared to other authoring tools such as Articulate Storyline or Adobe Captivate, Articulate Rise requires less development effort.

Niko and the team are also convinced by the many functions that Articulate Rise offers: “Texts, images and videos can be integrated. For didactic design, numerous elements such as quizzes, hotspot graphics and flipcards are available, which I regularly use to make the learning experience interactive. My claim is that learning has to be fun. That is the only way to convey information sustainably.”

In addition, the tool runs smoothly in the browser, so it can be accessed from any computer: “This makes our work transparent and we have our entire collection of e-learnings bundled in one place.”

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The homepage of an OMR Academy, which is implemented by OMR Education.

The learning videos in the e-learning campus are recorded by the experts with the tool Loom, which are then finalized in post-production for the courses. “With Camtasia, we cut our screencasts and set highlights in the videos”, says Niko.

Automation for the support

To make the work on the OMR Academy even more automated in the future, Lena has been using the tool make (zuvor Integromat): “This is truly the absolute game changer for me. I'm currently crafting scenarios with it that can save our support team a lot of work.” Before Docebo, the team had already worked with another learning management system. “Since then I know that Docebo has quite a lot to offer”, Lena reports. “Especially essential for us is the function with which learning content can be automatically activated. I remember late Thursday nights when I had to upload the lessons that were supposed to go live on Friday morning to our old LMS.”

Never stop learning

To understand how the participants learn with the offered courses, Docebo offers some reportings. “This includes the time spent in learning content or which questions in the final test were harder and perhaps should be rephrased”, explains Lena. Also Google Analytics is an important tool for precise analysis: “Through this, we learn even more details about learning behavior, e.g. which device the learning campus is being accessed from or at what time of day the participants most often learn.”

These tools are used by OMR Education

Carmen Cichon
Carmen Cichon

Carmen ist Content Marketing Managerin bei OMR Reviews. Zuvor hat sie Content-Themen für einen Lebensmittelgroßhändler verantwortet sowie einen MA in Public Relations absolviert.

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