How to Successfully Master the Implementation of Your Social Media Creatives

Carolin Puls 6/7/2023

With these tools, you can successfully implement creatives for your social media channels

Table of contents
  1. These are the biggest challenges in implementing your social media creatives
  2. With these tools, you successfully implement social media creatives
  3. Creative is key

We all encounter them every day both privately and professionally: Social media creatives. Every day, countless ads are played out to social media users in order to get them to buy a product or take advantage of a service. According to Statista advertising spending for this in Europe alone will reach around 30 billion euros by the end of 2023.

Implementing social media creatives can become a serious challenge for those responsible for creativity in companies. You have to implement relevant content attention-grabbing and appealing to your target group to be successful.

But how do you manage to make your storytelling your social media creatives stand out from the crowd and achieve the objectives you set? We'll tell you what the biggest challenges are in implementing your social media creatives and what tools you can use to master them successfully. Let's get started right away!

These are the biggest challenges in implementing your social media creatives

For your social media creatives to be successful, they must be relevant to your target group – so far, so logical. But they also have to stand out from the crowd and be creative. However, if you always have to create, design and implement more and more campaigns and variations in the shortest possible time, you will encounter two big challenges. These are on the one hand creative fatigue, also called Creative Fatigue and on the other hand the Creative Scaling problem. Let's first find out exactly what is behind Creative Fatigue.

If users keep seeing the same ads and the same content from you over and over again, it will quickly bore them. This means that your ads become less interesting for your customers each time, which increases the cost of successful airing your creatives. Therefore, you need to find the right balance between the consistent communication of your core messages and the variety of your motifs so that your target group does not fall into Creative Fatigue and continues to find your ads interesting and relevant.

Creative solutions in implementing your social media creatives therefore lead to an improvement in the conversion rate. It's also a challenge to constantly incorporate new creative elements into your ads in ever-shorter time intervals. The increasing pressure can have a negative impact on your creativity.

This is referred to as the Creative Scaling problem. To stand out in the Paid Social area you need to constantly come up with, create and test new, interesting ideas. This has to happen in the shortest possible time because delays in a campaign can result in revenue losses for your company. Therefore, creative minds have little time to come up with new great ideas that do justice to your products.


But if you master these two big challenges, your social media creatives will go through the roof! We'll show you how.

With these tools, you successfully implement social media creatives

So how do you manage to keep your creativity at a high level, develop new ideas and implement them within the shortest possible time so they achieve the desired success? With the right tool! On OMR Reviews we have compiled a large selection of Social Media Suites for you, which support you in creative content creation and planning. These include:

With the use case of Hunch we want to give you an insight into how a software can support you in your daily work. Hunch specializes in the creative production of creatives and ad automation. The Meta Business Partner combines software and service thinking for you, which is implemented by Paid Social experts. On your campaign dashboards you can control and optimize the performance of your ads. In addition, you can use the targeting and retargeting functions for even better results.

But now specifically – how exactly can Hunch help you be constantly creative? The magic words are Dynamic Creative and Creative Automation. What's behind it? In the production of content, designers quickly become a bottleneck, making it harder to scale creativity. Often, hundreds of motifs have to be created, which can cost you a lot of time and delay the start of your campaign. As a solution, Hunch offers pre-made designs and templates that you just have to adapt to your content. With this creative automation feature, you can standardize your design process. Furthermore, every member of your team is now able to create extraordinary content in no time.


After creating the campaign content they usually have to be coordinated. What follows is a seemingly endless approval process in which countless emails are sent back and forth. This can cause you to overlook feedback that therefore won't be considered for the campaign. With Hunch's central content management, everyone involved with the campaign can view the current status and approve it. The approval and review tool is also great for collaborating with externals, such as freelance designers or customers who are to be involved in the creation process.

As you know, you have to stand out from the digital crowd to be relevant to your target group. This must also be reflected in your social media creatives. You achieve this best by addressing your customers' current situation. You can do this in the best way with Dynamic Creative.

But what does this mean in detail? Using dynamic creative design means that you use several media and ad components, such as images, texts or videos and CTAs, which are automatically put together in a variety of ways. This is designed to improve the performance of your ads and to make them interesting by constantly varying them. Your ads become relevant through the technology behind Dynamic Creative. Because of the data sets made available by the apps, like location, interests or weather data, you can place personalized ads that pick up your viewers exactly in the situation where they currently are.

You can also use your own collected data, such as from Google Analytics, for your campaign optimization. This allows you to publish thousands of different ads in real time. By using geo-targeting, you can lure customers into your local store or refer to your online store. You can also adapt the language of your ad and its call to action based on location. The same applies for leisure activities, travel offers or clothing that matches the current weather. By using data, your creatives gain context with just a few clicks and lead to more conversions.

According to surveys, 80% of consumers are more likely to take up offers from a brand that offers them a personalized experience. So using a social media suite like Hunch has been proven to help increase your revenue and brand awareness. And what happens if you have to make changes to your offers? Then you simply insert this information into the underlying table. The creative automation process takes care of the rest for you. This saves you a lot of time and frees you up for other creative projects.

Creative is key

To be successful in implementing your social media creatives against your competitors, you mainly need a lot of creativity. Stand out from the crowd, inspire your customers and surprise them again and again with new facets of your ads. The moods and wishes of the users can change, so your advertising should also change to stay interesting in the long run. With the features of the social media suite that fits your company, you take your creativity to a new level and create new freedom for yourself. So, what are you waiting for? It's time to inspire your customers!

Carolin Puls
Carolin Puls

Carolin ist freie Redakteurin bei OMR und mit ganzem Herzen Autorin. Als Brand Managerin war sie bereits bei verschiedenen Unternehmen aus der FMCG-Branche für das Marketing zuständig. Währenddessen hat Carolin berufsbegleitend Ihr Studium zur Marketing-Betriebswirtin abgeschlossen.

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