This is Why You Should Adopt a DAM Strategy

Carolin Puls 2/21/2023

These reasons and examples argue for a strategy in digital asset management.

Table of contents
  1. What makes a DAM strategy?
  2. These reasons speak for a DAM strategy
  3. These are successful examples of a DAM strategy
  4. All files in their places

Digitization makes many processes of your daily work easier. But it can also lead to the organization of digital corporate resources becoming increasingly complex. It can happen that different versions of the same content exist side by side in different places. This can not only quickly become confusing, but also cost you valuable time if you have to search for the latest version of an asset again and again. But that's not all - even if you make an effort to store all content in one place, with a high frequency in corporate communication, the point will eventually come when you no longer have complete control over the amount of data.

To achieve the best possible results for your company, it is important to manage the corporate content produced by you and your colleagues efficiently. Then it is possible, to reuse existing content on different channels, to change it specifically for target groups and to use the existing resources perfectly. At this point a Digital Asset Management System comes into play. We show you what constitutes a good DAM strategy, what speaks for it and what successful examples of a DAM strategy look like.

What makes a DAM strategy?

In order to effectively use your existing content, you have to coordinate it sensibly. You can do this with a Digital Asset Management. DAM is a software that stores, manages and distributes all your digitally accessible content on a central and secure platform. Such a strategic DAM system helps different departments in your company reduce their product launch times and expenses. From the marketing department to sales to IT - everyone benefits from the link with a DAM system. With the software solution, you can optimally use all media and also provide them to your colleagues. With a DAM strategy you minimize the search effort, as this large digital warehouse holds all PDFs, graphics, layouts and websites for you. These are made available to you throughout the media lifecycle, whether they are still being created or have already been used on other channels. In line with the motto: You don't need to create everything new or store it separately - you just need to know where to look for it. Therefore, you can consider your DAM as a Single Source of Truth for your Content. It brings together different people from different areas on a central platform, so that everyone can use the stored content strategically. This makes everyone's work easier. Through consistent use and the same external appearance, the brand image of your company is strengthened and communication between you and your colleagues is significantly improved.

These reasons speak for a DAM strategy

There are several reasons for using a DAM strategy in your company.

  1. Tailor-made content instead of broad campaigns: Consumers now demand more and more personalized content, i.e., information that fits them and their needs perfectly. This is where the DAM comes into play. With it, you replace globally and broadly aimed advertising campaigns, which were set up according to the "more helps more" principle, with content that offers your customers real added value.
  2. The number of communication channels is constantly increasing: A few years ago, online marketing only included email marketing and advertising on websites. But over time, the number of communication channels used by your target groups continues to increase - e-commerce sites, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and many more. However, you can only play these effectively if you differentiate your media from each other and improve their management. This way, you can see at a glance which content is suitable for which channel and its target group.
  3. The number of assets is constantly growing: Surely you know it from your company: The number of documents, logos, images and product information is constantly increasing. In a very short time, a huge bouquet of assets can come together, and you can quickly lose track of things. With efficient asset management, you avoid long searching and know exactly which information should be used currently.
  4. Increase in Return on Investment: Do you also have the problem of wanting to achieve great things with a small marketing budget? This is sometimes not so easy. Nevertheless, you have to keep an eye on the projects and campaigns you are managing to make sure they are profitable. With a DAM strategy, you can precisely track which assets perform well, whether they meet the needs of your customers and still align with the current company goals.
  5. An important contribution to brand building: Nothing is as decisive for the branding of your company as a uniform external appearance. This applies to logos, fonts and product images as well as to quotes or product descriptions. With a DAM system, you ensure that all colleagues have the same materials and communicate in one language externally. The uniform appearance in turn leads to customers perceiving your brand as reliable and competent, which is why they are happy to bind themselves to it in the long term.
  6. Your colleagues have more time for creativity: If your colleagues can use content that already exists or is automatically generated, they have more time to develop creative strategies and better meet the needs of your customers. Minor changes can be made by all persons authorized in your company, so these routine tasks are eliminated for your creative colleagues.
  7. The market launch is accelerated: Higher, faster, further - this saying is lived in many marketing departments. For this, you and your team need to continuously produce content and distribute it on your channels to stay present in the minds of your customers and meet their needs. By centrally storing content, you work together with your colleagues on projects and campaigns and are able to optimize and automate processes, making your products market-ready faster.

These are successful examples of a DAM strategy

Now we jump from theory directly into practice and introduce you to three companies that have successfully set up their DAM strategy with the DAM tool Bynder.


The beverage producer Karlsen has various brands for its extensive portfolio of beers, beer mixed drinks and non-alcoholic beers. The challenge for the brand managers was that the marketing assets were managed for a long time in an unstructured folder structure. In addition, a large number of files were stored with external agencies, which led to the marketing team losing data sovereignty. With the Digital Asset Management solution Bynder the team centralized all assets in a uniform portal, making them accessible around the clock. Through personalized taxonomy and metadata, the market launch time of campaigns, especially in the social media sector, could be significantly accelerated. In addition, own content could now be created and distributed independently and quickly based on the company guidelines. The software integrates ideally into the company's tech stack and empowers all employees to store, manage and edit the stored marketing assets. The deletion of data garbage and the detailed user analysis supported Karlsberg in making more informed decisions and shortening release workflows.


The fitness provider Nautilus has gathered a diverse family of strength and cardio brands under its roof. Each of the brands is tailored to a specific fitness level. The larger the team and the number of assets became, the clearer it was that Nautilus needed a smart and effective solution for data storage. At the same time, an efficient workflow and access to all filesduring the design process should be possible. This should be regardless of the working hours and availability of the employees. The data storage was ultimately transferred from an internal network to Bynder. By using Bynder's bulk uploads, metadata, smart filters, tagging, search and various asset filter views, all employees could now find exactly the content they needed. The cloud-based configuration of Bynder ensures a flexible access - regardless of the location. The marketing team regularly works with the brand portal, but also successfully cooperates with the rest of the company via a custom start page. This has eliminated barriers and improved work processes.

Queensland Health

The largest health service provider in the Australian state has a network of 16 hospitals and health services. The company's creative team supported the state's hospitals and health departments with digital content such as brand photos or documents. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the frequency of content provided increased, which needed to reach the hospitals quickly and safely. Due to the regular change of health guidelines, it was particularly important to always provide precise and current content. The solution to this challenge should be easy to use. At the same time, it should be ensured that the data fed in was securely stored. By implementing Bynder, Queensland Health was able to reduce routine tasks and increase the use of the assets provided to 75%. Access to the central data pool became a matter of course for the local hospitals and health care providers, because the DAM solution was suitable for both office and remote work and thus enabled a smooth and uncomplicated process. Whether information sheets about new guidelines or pictures of hospital daily life for social media channels - thanks to Bynder everything has its place.

The customer references from Byndershow how companies from different industries successfully use the functions of Bynder. The Digital Asset Management platform offers a clear file preview and effective asset management of different file and media types. The software also has a digital rights management and can integrate watermarks into your content. Through versioning, you can restore previous versions of your content. Additionally, you get your own brand portal and can manage your workflows clearly. Plus, it's possible to integrate Bynder into your used creative applications. You get an overview of your customers' visitor behavior and can monitor your communication channels. This enables Bynder to contribute to a sensible and resource-saving content management that benefits both you and your customers.


In Bynder you can integrate and edit your creatives directly in the tool.

For the use of the DAM platform you can choose between three different plans. This also includes the plan "DAM + Connected Digital Ecosystem". This is especially suitable for companies that use digital ecosystems to be independent and offer personalized experiences. With Bynder, you can network your entire technological ecosystem and connect CMS and PIM systems as well as plug-ins for social media. You also have access to more than 50 pre-installed interfaces on the DAM platform, so that your content always stays up to date. In addition, with the plan "DAM + Connected Digital Ecosystem" you get direct access to your data and a developer portal that provides you with technical support.

All files in their places

A DAM strategy enables you to use your existing content efficiently and makes it easy for you to create new content. This is then managed in a clear way, so you always know where which files are. Since you always keep an overview, it will be easy for you to make the right decisions for the target groups of your company. The improved collaboration in the team will also have a positive impact on your productivity and cohesion, so you won't want to miss your DAM tool soon.

Carolin Puls
Carolin Puls

Carolin ist freie Redakteurin bei OMR und mit ganzem Herzen Autorin. Als Brand Managerin war sie bereits bei verschiedenen Unternehmen aus der FMCG-Branche für das Marketing zuständig. Währenddessen hat Carolin berufsbegleitend Ihr Studium zur Marketing-Betriebswirtin abgeschlossen.

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