The 15 best Discord bots

You and your community will love these Discord bots.

Discord Bot
Table of contents
  1. What are Discord Bots?
  2. Where can I find Discord Bots?
  3. How to add Discord bots
  4. Quick guide: how to install Discord Bots?
  5. The 15 best Discord bots

Discord is currently one of the most popular online services for chat and instant messaging, voice, and video conferencing. Originally, Discord was intended purely for the gaming community and was a serious competitor for Teamspeak. In the meantime, however, the platform is also used for and by other communities, e.g., virtual book clubs or fan fiction communities. In companies, too, it has become an alternative to instant messaging software like Slack and Microsoft Teams or video conferencing software like Zoom and Google Meet.

To enhance your experience on Discord, you can install all sorts of bots and customize your server. In this article we are going to explain to you what Discord bots are—and how to install them. Additionally, we are going to present you our favorite Discord bots.

What are Discord Bots?

Discord Bots are automated programs that perform various functions: they send notifications, play music, retrieve data, and schedule events. A single bot usually performs only one task. But don’t worry: you can add more than one bot to your server.

The bots individualize your server to better meet your needs and strengthen and entertain your community. After all, you don’t want to get bored!

By the way: most Discord bots are free of charge.

Where can I find Discord Bots?

You can do this via Google search or directly via one of two websites that are specially designed just for uploading and downloading the small software:

If you know how to code, you can also program the bot of your dreams, for example, with Python3. You can learn how to do this in the video. Alternatively, you can hire professionals to create your Discord bots. You will quickly find what you are looking for on freelancer platforms like Fiverr.

How to add Discord bots

To install one or more Discord bots, you first need admin or moderator rights on the Discord server in question. Otherwise, anyone could install any bot at any time. Once you have the rights, you can look for the perfect bot for your application needs.

A bot will always have a button that says either Invite/Invite, Add to Discord, or Install/Install, which you can click on. Then, log in to Discord, open the appropriate channel, and authorize the bot. Tada!

Here again as a quick guide.

Quick guide: how to install Discord Bots?

  1. open the website on which your desired bot is provided.
  2. Look for a button that authorizes the bot. Look for a button that says Invite, Add to Discord, or Install and click on it.
  3. Log in to Discord with your login details.
  4. Select the channel to which you want to add the bot.
  5. Click on the button authorize.

The bot is now integrated into the channel and can be controlled by shortcuts.

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The 15 best Discord bots

Since theoretically anyone can program a bot for Discord and offer it on the internet, there is a considerable choice. Some bots are helpful; others are more for entertainment. We have put together our top 15 Discord bots to spare you some time.

1. MEE6 Discord Bot

The MEE6 is not only our favorite but is also considered by many others to be the clear front-runner. You can use it to…

  • configure moderation, e.g., automatically welcome new members.
  • provide roles and levels for all users (including XP that they can earn for activity in a channel).
  • integrate notifications from Twitch, YouTube, Reddit, and Twitter to send out information as soon as someone streams, shares content, or uploads streams.
  • run music on your server.
  • save an MP3 recording of your voice and store it locally.

That’s a hell of a lot of features for a bot – and it’s free, too!

Screenshot of

2. pokétwo bot

Discord + Pokémon = great love

Be honest: Most of you have probably grown up with Pokémon. Maybe you even joined the Pokémon Go trend or still buy every new game that’s released (even though the first 150 Pokémon were the best, of course, and things went downhill after the third generation). If we’re wrong about that, then you’ll love the Discord Bot Pokétwo.

With the bot, Pokémon spawn completely randomly on your server. So you have to catch them quickly. You can catch and collect the pocket monsters, swap them with other users, and even fight each other. If you’re still not convinced (which is unlikely), here’s one last argument: there are even Shinys.

Screenshot of the Pokétwo Discord bot showing a Pokémon fight

3. Discord Translator

Discord is meant for the global networking of people who share an interest. Unfortunately, this can lead to language barriers, which the Discord Translator Bot tries to bridge. It supports over 100 languages, can be customized, and translates direct messages or entire channels – even fully automatically if desired.

Of course, translation tools are not error-free, and even the Discord Translator can deliver an unclean translation here and there. But it’s better than always having the Google Translator in parallel or not being able to communicate at all.

This bot costs money in the full version, but there is a free trial version.

Screenshot of the Discord Translator bot showing a translation

4. Sesh discord bot

Sesh is a calendar bot for Discord, or by its admission, “the best” calendar bot for Discord. You can set up reminders and RSVPs, display events in your regional time zone, or even add them to your calendar app. You can even set up polls to find the perfect date for an event together.

The paid version has even more features, such as recurring events/appointments, custom login options, role-based permissions, and the ability to tie RSVPs and voting rights to roles.

Screenshot of the Sesh Discord bot which was used to create an event

5. ProBot

ProBot is a so-called multi-purpose bot that is customizable and has five core functions:

  • Greeting images
  • Logs
  • Social commands
  • Music
  • Moderation

The auto-moderation function is convenient. You can use it to set whether obscene, insulting, or discriminatory words should automatically trigger a warning or even expulsion from the channel/server. You can set the logic behind this and the trigger words yourself.

ProBot also has a somewhat “friendlier” function: You can set up personalized welcome pictures for new users. The image can take the avatar and user name, and you can provide color information and text.

Screenshot of the ProBot Discord bot showing ban settings

6. Dank Memer

You’re here, so you’re probably OMR fans (more or less); ergo, you’re probably avid meme users just like us. And what better way to build and maintain a community than memes? That’s right, nothing!

Dank Memer, you have a lot of commands with which you can make all kinds of mischief or cheer yourself up with cute or funny animals. Here are a few controls and a description of what Dank Memer says they do:

  • aww – To get random cute pictures displayed.
  • snek – For noodles, nopes, and sneks (e.g., with hats or mustaches).
  • automeme – Automatic meme post every 5 minutes.
  • mock – Make fun of the nonsense your friends post.
  • tictactoe – For a relaxed gaming session.


7. StatBot

StatBot is one of the “useful” bots again. With it you can have the development of your server displayed in detail in diagrams. In addition, the bot can count almost everything: The number of users, how many users are still missing for a certain value, and how many messages have been written in the last seven days. You can also display the time and the most active people and channels.

Many bots can assign roles, but StatBots can also revoke them. Namely, when a person is no longer so active, or others have become more involved.

Screenshot of the StatBot Discord bot showing stats of the server

8. Rythm Discord Bot

With Rythm, you can make a whole channel listen to the same music simultaneously. You can either listen to individual songs, entire albums or even individually compiled playlists. For those who want to sing along at home, you can even fade in the lyrics.

Depending on the authorization, users (or just you) can pause or skip songs in the rhythm channel or add new ones. In addition, the bot supports Twitch, YouTube, and Soundcloud – and, with a few adjustments, even Spotify.

Unlike other music bots, Rythm is optimized for low latency so that the stream has no delays. So karaoke sessions are also possible with it!

Screenshot of the Rythm Discord bot showing a song selection

9. TriviaBot

Turn your server into a pub and start a pub quiz with the TriviaBot! The bot automatically generates questions that participants must answer as quickly as possible. To keep things exciting, the program includes many useful features:

  • The bot has a stored catalog of over 100,000 questions. And if you run out, you can submit your questions!
  • Every server that integrates the bot gets a public leaderboard. Also, the bot will track daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. It also shows, for example, the users with the longest winning streaks, the winners from previous months, and the top teams.
  • Based on the leaderboards, you can assign special roles to your members so that everyone can see who has done exceptionally well (or particularly badly).
  • You can create or join teams. Each team gets a customizable profile page.

    Although the TriviaBot is primarily designed for English, it supports other languages, such as Turkish, Portuguese, and French.

Screenshot of the TriviaBot Discord bot showing the scoreboard

10. GiveawayBot

Do you like to be the winner of giveaways? We certainly are! And especially in the gaming world, it’s common for small giveaways to be held alongside the stream. But keeping an eye on who qualifies to take part and determining who wins in the end? Ain’t nobody got time for that!

This is where the GiveawayBot comes in. With simple commands, you can create, start and stop giveaways, automatically determine winners and view all ongoing giveaways. This Discord Bot is limited to one specific functionality, but it does it flawlessly.

Screenshot of the GiveawayBot Discord bot showing settings

11. Guilded Discord Bot

Guilded is for the old-school gamers among you. You can add the bot to Discord to recruit new players for certain games, improve your skills, and complete missions together. Thanks to Guilded, you can manage and display your teams’ activities. They synchronize in real-time and are accessible to everyone.

Guilded supports the games World of Warcraft, Counter Strike: GO, League of Legends, PUBG, Destiny, Dota 2, Minecraft, Heroes of the Storm, Call of Duty, Warzone, and Final Fantasy XIV – practically everything you need for a good LAN party (only Unreal Tournament 2004 is missing).

Screenshot of the Guilded Discord bot

12. Stock Market News Bot

If you are interested in the stock market or your server deals with it in the broadest sense, the Stock Market News Bot by might be interesting for you. With it, you can have news from the stock market posted to your channels on demand or automatically.

The news can be transferred to your Discord server in real-time and is fed from relevant news sources such as Bloomberg, Reuters, and CNBC. The content includes information from analyst ratings and earnings reports, press releases, drug approvals from the FDA, and insider transactions.

Screenshot of the Stock Market News Discord bot showing stock market news

13. RuneInfo

RuneScape is a popular MMORPG that can be played directly in Discord using the RuneInfo bot. The developers have ported the entire game and made it accessible to everyone with intuitive commands.

There are no less than 113 of these commands – that’s a lot of controls in the world of Discord bots. You can use them to play old-school RuneScape and RuneScape 3.

Screenshot of the installation process of the RuneInfo Discord bot

14. Tatsumaki Bot

The Tatsumaki bot is about gamification so that your Discord server’s community becomes or stays active. The bot installs a game in retro 8-bit graphics, so to speak, with which you can level up, keep virtual pets and build and furnish a home. Profiles, rankings, and virtual purses increase addictiveness.

Our favorite feature of Tatsumaki Bot is the pets – or, more correctly, Tatsugotchis (Remember Tamagotchis?!), of which there are over 100 different and which you can even customize with accessories. If that doesn’t make you want to spend hours on a Discord server, we don’t know what will.

Tatsumaki Discord bot features

15. Helper Discord Bot

With the Bot Helper, you can integrate a ticketing system into Discord. If your members have problems or questions, they open tickets, which you can then work through one by one. Of course, this is less worthwhile if you run a server for fun. But if you have a business behind your efforts and customer service is an issue, Helper will do the work for you anyway.

The bot is especially worthwhile if your community spends a lot of time on Discord and makes inquiries and complaints about it. Instead of referring them to an external ticketing tool, you can provide an extra service by handling everything directly in Discord.

Screenshot of the Helper Discord bot

Katharina Grelck
Katharina Grelck

Katharina Grelck ist Content-Expertin und war zuletzt als Head of Marketing bei Germanedge tätig. Als freie Redakteurin bei OMR bringt sie ihre Leidenschaft für Text und Content-Strategien ein. Zuvor war sie unter anderem als SEO-Texterin und technische Redakteurin aktiv und hat sich mit ihrem eigenen Projekt „ktexts“ als Freelancerin auf Text, Lektorat und Übersetzung spezialisiert.

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