It Was Beautiful, OMR23 - These Are the OMR Reviews Highlights from the Festival

Chantal Seiter 5/15/2023

Of course, we were also at the OMR Festival and are revisiting the best review moments for you.

Table of contents
  1. Big, bigger, Software Wall of Fame
  2. Even more honors: These are the 100 most popular tools on OMR Reviews
  3. There was a lot to celebrate for our software providers at OMR23
  4. You can of course also get a behind-the-scenes look

OMR23 is still hanging in the bones of many of us, but it's never too early for a recap. The OMR Festival was again one of the most impressive events of the marketing and digital scene this year - if not the most impressive. Once again, more than 70,000 people made their way to the Hamburg exhibition halls to exchange information about the industry, listen to top speakers and definitely also to let the two festival days end with one or another party.

Two days full of highlights that have already been avidly recapitulated and discussed on LinkedIn and other social media platforms. Now it's time to look at the whole thing again through the OMR-Reviews glasses. Because we also had many great moments at the OMR Festival that showed: Without the right software, (Digital) marketing is not going anywhere. The speakers on the stages knew this too and told us, which tools they can't do without. One of them was AI and tool expert Jens Polomski, who tested in his lecture, whether artificial intelligence can make marketing jobs superfluous.

Are you already looking forward to OMR24 like we are? We'll let you in on how you can get your ticket for the next OMR Festival with a little luck.

Big, bigger, Software Wall of Fame

42x15 meters large and placed at one of the most prominent spots of the exhibition grounds: With our Software Wall of Fame, we wanted to give a special treat to the best softwares on OMR Reviews during the OMR Festival. The mega banner featured 42 software that are each leaders in their main category. Germany's best software that is. The surprise definitely worked and attracted a lot of attention. And two colleagues from the Reviews team wanted to take advantage of this attention.

Directly under the banner, Felix Rahlmeyer and Joel Menk made themselves comfortable with their own, slightly smaller banner at the folding table. The steep thesis, leaning on a meme, that the software of other providers doesn't have the stuff for our Wall of Fame, should stimulate exchange. And that worked, although differently than expected: "Actually, we wanted to use the campaign to get to know new software providers. But we also came into exchange with many users to explain to them the tool selection on the banner", says Felix. "It was funny to see the reactions of who knew the meme and who didn't. There was everything from great confusion to many laughs."


"Your software is not good enough for the Wall of Fame. Change my mind." - Whoever didn't know the meme, knows it at least since OMR23. That's thanks to Felix (l.) and Joel (r.) from OMR Reviews on the first day of the festival.

If you didn't notice Felix and Joel, you definitely didn't overlook them: "Unfortunately, we had to clear the field quickly Tuesday morning because the rush outside was really big. But Joel and I are also happy to receive suggestions, questions and tool suggestions afterwards." The easiest way to contact Felix and Joel is via LinkedIn. If your software is not yet listed with us, you can submit a tool request on our platform.

There was a special release at the OMR Festival: Our OMR Reviews Top 100. We found the 100 most popular tools on our platform and gathered them for you. And because everything else here is very digital, our colleague Franziska Rützel made sure that we could hold this list in our hands for a change. "My highlight was that I could personally hand a copy of our OMR Reviews Top 100 ranking to Louisa Dellert, after she had asked me for a copy on LinkedIn", says Franzi. "I kept the print run of 150 copies especially small because I didn't know if it would appeal to the visitors at all. But no way: I was torn the ranking from the hands. So next year there will definitely be another edition again."

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Our colleague Franzi (middle) took great care before the OMR Festival to get our Top 100 freshly printed into the office in time.

You're not one of the 150 lucky visitors who were able to snag a copy? You don't have to be sad about that: We naturally stick to our digital vein and have prepared our Top 100 for download for you. And if you need more reading material until the next 2024 edition, you should also check out our Study on Software Decisions that Franzi took care of before the OMR Festival.

There was a lot to celebrate for our software providers at OMR23

Mega banner, Tool Top 100, great concerts and a lot to see: The OMR Festival was once again packed - and we and our partners had a lot to celebrate. In addition to the 42x15 meter surprise on the exterior of Hall A1, we adorned the booths of our software providers with new OMR Reviews Badges. A special award for software and tools with top reviews in their respective quarters. Altogether, over 80 badges found a new home and served as additional decoration for the rest of the OMR Festival at the exhibitor booths of our partners. Tools such as SalesViewer, Taboola or Channel Pilot, which as leaders in their categories also made it onto the Wall of Fame, were among them.

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At the OMR Festival, we again diligently distributed OMR Reviews Badges. Two went to Channel Pilot. Congratulations!

And we also diligently collected content for OMR Reviews and encouraged trade fair visitors to submit reviews. Our team covered a lot of ground and, for example, took video reviews at the stands of our partners in which users rate the respective tool with five short answers. This format provides additional insights to the written reviews into the tools of our providers and helps interested parties to assess whether a software could be right for them. What a video review can look like, you can see, for example, on the product page of Inxmail. Especially at trade shows, collecting such reviews is a good idea: Here, many people come together who are often already satisfied users of a tool. In this way, software providers can collect a lot of valuable feedback for their tools in a short time and get even more out of their review marketing.

You can of course also get a behind-the-scenes look

New badges for our top software providers, video reviews for the platform and many great moments around it shouldn't go uncaught for our social media channels either. And that's what our marketing intern Pia Uhlig took care of to give you a look behind the scenes of our festival everyday life. After Pia had been a visitor at the OMR Festival in 2022, she got to experience the event from the other side this year. "A highlight was definitely the software quiz: For our LinkedIn content, we asked visitors software questions and filmed the whole thing. And folks really got into it", says Pia. You'll find her content and that of the other colleagues bit by bit on our LinkedIn page. Stay tuned!

And now? Now we return to the Reviews everyday life, look forward to the summer and slowly get excited for OMR24. Make sure to mark the 7th and 8th of May 2024 in your calendar and take care of your ticket now: We're feeling generous and are raffling off one of five tickets for next year among all those who share their OMR Reviews favorite moment from the OMR Festival 2023 on LinkedIn. All information about the raffle can be found here. Good luck and see you at OMR24.

Chantal Seiter
Chantal Seiter

Chantal ist Redakteurin bei OMR Reviews. Wenn sie gerade mal nicht in die Tasten haut, betreibt sie Café Hopping oder erkundet neue Städte. Am liebsten beides zusammen. Vor ihrem Start bei OMR Reviews hat die Eigentlich-Kielerin in Kreativagenturen und als Freelancerin gearbeitet. 2022 hat sie außerdem eine Weiterbildung zur Fashion Stylistin abgeschlossen.

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