Good Things Take Time: How German Companies Buy Software

We conducted a study and clarified the most burning questions about B2B software purchases in Germany

Table of contents
  1. The Software Buying Journey is a versatile journey
  2. The long way to the purchase conclusion
  3. The Power of Reviews and how you can benefit from it

Anyone who has ever wanted to introduce a new tool in the company knows: software products usually don't end up in the shopping cart at once. Instead, the decision paths and coordination rounds can vary and be long and complex depending on the case. While we know quite a bit about these decision paths for many B2C products, in the B2B sector we often lack important insights. Until now - at least as far as software is concerned. Because we wanted to know: How do companies in Germany actually get their tools? Who is in charge and whose assessment do software buyers particularly trust?

Together with the market research institute Appinio we asked German office workers these and other questions. From the answers, our first large-scale study on software purchase in Germany has emerged. What stuck? The decision for new software is definitely not made overnight - and not alone.

The Software Buying Journey is a versatile journey

Whether car or new smartphone: when buying many products, we go on so-called buying journeys. These, usually winding and interwoven, paths to the purchase conclusion are also becoming increasingly relevant in the B2B sector. After all, especially here decisions often have completely different implications. After all, the new CRM tool does not implement itself and investments must be particularly profitable.

However, these are not reasons for restraint. Rather, companies are planning with ever higher expenditures for software and tools according to a current Gartner study, and thus regularly embark on software buying journeys. During the different phases from awareness to renewal, software decision-makers come into contact with very different touchpoints, inform themselves about their options on various channels and look for arguments for or against a certain software.

Software review platforms such as OMR Reviews also help: Here software decision-makers get unfiltered insights into software and tools and can assess whether providers have the right solution for their needs based on real reviews. Many of the respondents in our study also know this.

The long way to the purchase conclusion

If there is a need for new software, it often takes several weeks to months until suitable solutions have been identified. Once there is a shortlist, potential providers must first be compared - which can also take several weeks to months, as our study has shown. By the way, we at OMR had this experience at the latest during the implementation of HubSpot for our email marketing.


We asked office workers in Germany what they pay attention to when buying software, how much time the decision process takes and what challenges it involves. In cooperation with the market research institute Appinio, this has resulted in our first study on software decisions.

Also good to know: Most software decision-makers do not embark on the long buyer journey alone. Instead, the decision for new software is often a team effort. Those involved are usually those who will also work with the new tool. This is sensible and certainly good to know for software vendors in terms of marketing measures.

The Power of Reviews and how you can benefit from it

Anyone who needs a new tool first asks their in-house IT. At least 39 percent of the software decision-makers we surveyed do it this way. But other channels are also used during the decision process and play an important role on the way to the purchase conclusion. In addition to video tutorials, these include software review platforms such as OMR Reviews. And they are becoming increasingly important in one age group: 38 percent of the 25 to 44-year-olds are already informing themselves about software and tools on comparison platforms today.

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For software vendors, this means: Being represented on platforms like OMR Reviews and incorporating review marketing into your own marketing mix pays off in the long run. Why, you can find out in our Study on software decisions. In addition to insights into the motives, needs and requirements of software buyers (How many reviews should a tool at least have in order to be considered?), it also contains helpful tips for your own review marketing. Have fun reading!

You want to know how German software decision makers buy software? Then download our Study on software decisions right here and get on top helpful tips for your review marketing.

We conducted the study in cooperation with the market research institute Appinio. Appinio enables companies to receive thousands of opinions from specific target groups within minutes, validating decisions and ideas in real time. As the world's fastest solution for market research, Appinio delivers feedback from consumers from 90+ markets to over 2,000 customers from a wide range of industries.

Chantal Seiter
Chantal Seiter

Chantal ist Redakteurin bei OMR Reviews. Wenn sie gerade mal nicht in die Tasten haut, betreibt sie Café Hopping oder erkundet neue Städte. Am liebsten beides zusammen. Vor ihrem Start bei OMR Reviews hat die Eigentlich-Kielerin in Kreativagenturen und als Freelancerin gearbeitet. 2022 hat sie außerdem eine Weiterbildung zur Fashion Stylistin abgeschlossen.

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