The Google Ads Editor: How It Makes Campaign Creation Easier for You

Florian Langer 11/22/2023

We explain to you what the Google Ads Editor can do and which 5 hacks can help you with your campaigns.

Table of contents
  1. What is the Google Ads Editor anyway?
  2. Who is the Google Ads Editor suitable for?
  3. How does the Google Ads Editor get on your computer?
  4. The first steps with the Google Ads Editor
  5. What is the structure of the Google Ads Editor like?
  6. Google Campaign Manager vs. Google Ads Editor
  7. The best 5 hacks in the Google Ads Editor
  8. Conclusion

You probably know Google Ads, right? But what about the Google Ads Editor? If this is new to you, you've come to the right place.

What is the Google Ads Editor anyway?

The Google Ads Editor is not just another tool from Google - it's a real gamechanger. It's a free software you can download to manage your ad campaigns offline. Regardless if you're just starting out or if you're an old hand in the Google Ads world, this editor is a must-have.

Who is the Google Ads Editor suitable for?

You might be wondering: "Do I really need this?" If you regularly work with Google Ads, the answer is definitely "yes". Especially if you juggle multiple campaigns, MCCs (My Client Center, a tool for agencies and large companies that manage multiple Google Ads accounts. It functions as a central dashboard, supposed to tremendously reduce the time necessary to manage and monitor various accounts) or accounts, the Google Ads Editor becomes an indispensable helper. But it's also a great tool for beginners to get their bearings and work more efficiently.

How does the Google Ads Editor get on your computer?

Visit the official Google Ads Editor website, download the tool and install it. It's child's play and done in a few minutes. And the best part? It won't cost you a cent.


Source: Google Ads Editor

The first steps with the Google Ads Editor

Starting with a new tool can sometimes be a bit intimidating. But don't worry, the Google Ads Editor is user-friendly. You can see your campaigns, ad groups, ads and keywords in a clear table view. All you have to do is make the desired changes, and they are updated online with a click.

Here's an important note: If you are just launching a Google Ads campaign, the editor is your best friend. You can filter keywords, select the best options and get your campaign up and running in no time. Thanks to its flexibility, you can manage your campaigns offline as well. This means you can work anywhere, anytime and then synchronize everything when you are online again.

What is the structure of the Google Ads Editor like?

When you first open the Google Ads Editor, it might look a bit overwhelming at first glance, but don't be put off. The structure of the editor is designed to be logical and intuitive, Here is a deeper insight into the individual areas:

Left Side - Navigation Area

  • Accounts: All your Google Ads accounts are listed here. If you have multiple accounts, you can easily switch between them.
  • Campaigns: Directly under the accounts, you'll find your various ad campaigns. Each campaign represents a specific advertising strategy or target.
  • Ad groups: Within each campaign, there are ad groups that contain thematically related ads. This area helps you organize your ads efficiently.

Middle Area – Detail View

Once you select a campaign or ad group, all associated details are displayed in the middle area. This includes information such as budget, bids, keywords and many other settings.

It's your one-stop shop for editing ads. Here you can change texts, add or remove images and make many other modifications.



Right Side – Change History & Review Area

The right area shows an overview of all the changes you've made. This is particularly useful to keep track of everything if you've made a lot of adjustments. Before you go live with your changes, you can review them here. This gives you the assurance that everything is correct and works as desired and whether, for example, all ads have the right UTM parameters. Thanks to the clear structure of the editor, you can work fast and efficiently, without getting lost in the countless settings and options.



Google Campaign Manager vs. Google Ads Editor

You might be wondering what the difference is between the Google Campaign Manager and the Google Ads Editor. While the Manager is an online tool that gives you an overview of your campaigns, the Editor allows you to make detailed edits offline. They both have their strengths and complement each other perfectly.

Both the Google Campaign Manager and the Google Ads Editor are powerful tools in the arsenal of any advertiser, but they serve different purposes and have their own perks.

Google Campaign Manager

  • Online access: This online tool gives you anytime, anywhere access to your campaigns as long as you have an internet connection.
  • Dashboard view: The Manager provides a visual overview of all your advertising activities. At a glance, you can see which ads are performing best, how your budget is being used and how your campaigns are evolving over time.
  • Real-time updates: Changes you make here are immediately live. This is ideal for quick adjustments or when you want to react to current trends.
  • Collaborative features: Multiple team members can access the Manager at the same time, facilitating collaboration.

Google Ads Editor

  • Offline access: One of the biggest advantages of the Editor is the ability to work offline. This means you can edit your campaigns even if you don't currently have an internet connection.
  • Bulk editing: The Editor is perfect for extensive changes. For example, you can add, change or delete keywords in large quantities.
  • Detailed adjustments: While the Manager provides an overview, the Editor allows you to dive deep and make precise adjustments to your ads.
  • Safety net: Since changes don't go live immediately, you have the opportunity to review everything before you publish it. This minimizes the risk of errors.
  • Overall, the Google Campaign Manager and the Google Ads Editor complement each other excellently.While the Manager is ideal for day-to-day business and monitoring your ads in real time, the Editor offers the flexibility and precision you need for extensive adjustments.

The best 5 hacks in the Google Ads Editor

The Google Ads Editor is packed full with helpful features and tools, designed to optimize your ads and save you time. Here are some of the most noticeable:

Templates for recurring tasks

If you find that you regularly perform similar actions or changes in your campaigns, you can create templates. These templates can then be reused for future ads or campaigns, speeding up the process.

Automatic rules

This feature allows you to set certain criteria, once they are met, actions are automatically performed. For example, you can create a rule that automatically adjusts your bids when a certain keyword achieves a certain performance.

Advanced search and filtering functions

With the Editor, you can specifically search for ads, keywords or other elements and filter them according to specific criteria. This makes it easier to find and edit specific details of the campaign.

Undo and compare versions

Have you ever made a change and later regretted it? With the Editor, you can undo changes and even compare different versions of your campaign to see what changes have been made.

Bulk uploads and changes

If you need to make many changes at once, the Editor allows you to import or change them in bulk, rather than having to edit them individually. Similar to the Meta Business Manager, you can make adjustments quickly and on-scale in a spreadsheet.

While these tricks and features only represent the tip of the iceberg, they give you a glimpse into the potential of the Google Ads Editor. There are many more features to discover, but that would go beyond the scope of this introduction. If you want to dive in even deeper, maybe a specialized workshop or a comprehensive guide to the topic would be helpful.


The Google Ads Editor is a powerful tool that can elevate your campaigns to the next level. Trying it out is better than studying, so get started and discover all it can do!

Florian Langer
Florian Langer

Florian hat über seinen MBA an der Real Madrid Business School eine Begeisterung für Performance Marketing entwickelt. Mittlerweile arbeitet er als Head of Growth bei dem jungen InsurTech-Unternehmen Getsurance in Berlin.

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