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Daliah Salzmann on the Vision of ECOMMERCE ONE

The Managing Director of ECOMMERCE ONE reports on the establishment and future of the company

Table of contents
  1. How did ECOMMERCE ONE come about?
  2. What drives you to invest in the software industry?
  3. How do you manage to keep up with the constantly changing competition in the e-commerce industry and distinguish yourselves?
  4. What is your vision for the future of ECOMMERCE ONE?
  5. How do you plan to position your company in the coming years?

Keeping up with the times, instead of standing still: The demands in e-commerce are increasing and ECOMMERCE ONE supports online retailers in overcoming them. The company was created from the desire to create a common platform for software companies in e-commerce.

Led by ECOMMERCE ONE are the two managing directors Daliah Salzmann and Arik Reiter. Together with their team, they aim to increase added value for online trading, improve software and generate higher growth. This is achieved by ECOMMERCE ONE through investments in successful software companies. So far, they have invested in six leading SaaS software providers for online retailers. One of these is the ERP software DreamRobot.

In the interview, the managing director Daliah Salzmann shares the history of ECOMMERCE ONE and gives insights into future development of the company.

How did ECOMMERCE ONE come about?

Daliah Salzmann: ECOMMERCE ONE was founded in 2021 from a vision: to establish a comprehensive ecosystem for online trading . This means we want to offer providers from the market the opportunity to tap into new growth potentials and to leverage synergies, together with other members of the corporate group, so that online retailers have comprehensive software solutions at their disposal, with which they can solve today's and tomorrow's challenges. With Oakley Capital, we have the perfect partner for the implementation of the buy-and-build strategy and also receive capital for further investments.

We started by acquiring Afterbuy and DreamRobot, both providers of multichannel solutions. Today, the shop system provider Gambio and Baygraph with its eBay SEO tool are also part of the group. New to the corporate group are the e-commerce agency Marmalade and Makaira as a developer and provider of an e-commerce marketing suite for online trading. We are expanding sustainably and continuously.

What drives you to invest in the software industry?

Daliah Salzmann: Online retailers need to keep up with the times in order to meet growing market and customer requirements. We support them in this by bundling the knowledge of different software providers and consulting firms from the e-commerce market and providing them with holistic solutions. Everyone benefits from this. By accessing various resources and expertise within the ecosystem, providers can further develop their products and services and strengthen their market position. They are also able to increase the reach of their products and break into new customer segments.

This is an absolute win-win situation for retailers and providers. To be able to realize something like this motivates us every day and drives us to always do things a little better and interlock them even more closely.

How do you manage to keep up with the constantly changing competition in the e-commerce industry and distinguish yourselves?

Daliah Salzmann: The pooling of competencies and resources has a crucial advantage: An ecosystem is a fertile ground for innovation. The constant exchange of ideas and collaboration with other specialists creates holistic software solutions that adapt to the constantly changing requirements of online trading. The formula is as simple as it is successful: Many providers with special knowledge are stronger and broader than an isolated provider.

We also have the advantage that, through the spectrum of companies that belong to ECOMMERCE ONE, we can offer a broad portfolio of different special solutions from one source. So online retailers do not have to go in search of individual providers or – even worse – are sent back and forth between providers.

What is your vision for the future of ECOMMERCE ONE?

Daliah Salzmann: We want to become THE ecosystem for software companies in e-commerce. We want to be the first port of call when online retailers are looking for solutions to automate and optimize their business processes. This is undoubtedly an ambitious ambition, but it is important to set ambitious goals.

Of course we will also maintain our course and continue to expand. We have a lot in the pipeline!

How do you plan to position your company in the coming years?

Daliah Salzmann: The previous question almost answers this: We will continue to invest specifically in companies, which offer innovative solutions for the e-commerce sector and fit into our portfolio. The range of offers for online retailers is thus set to become even broader – and the synergies for providers will become even greater.

Lea Marie Roosen
Lea Marie Roosen

Lea ist Content Managerin und Autorin bei OMR Reviews. Vor ihrem Start hat sie 2022 erfolgreich ihr Studium in Sportwissenschaften und Germanistik abgeschlossen und vereint die beiden Komponenten weiterhin. Jede freie Minute wird für sportliche Aktivitäten genutzt, während sie ihre Affinität zum Umgang mit Sprache beruflich auslebt.

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