Gong Costs
3.4 (7 reviews)
Are you the provider of this software?
Gong is a sales intelligence software offering deeper insight into customer interactions, helping to increase sales efficiency and close more deals.
Gong Pricing
Last edited: December 2024
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Reviews for Gong with pricing information (1)...
“Schlecht Preis Leistungverhältniss”
In the last 12 months
Validated Reviewer
Founder & Managing Director
Workist GmbH
- 51-1000 employees
- Industry: Computer Software
What did you like?
Die Aufnahme Qualität war gut, der Notetaker ist recht einfach in Meeting integrierbar. Die Summary ist auch meistens zu gebrauchen
What did you not like?
Schlechter Deutsch Support, Preispunkt einfach zu hoch, andere Produkte kosten 25%. Schlechter support.
Which problems are you solving with the product?
Notetaking, Meeting Recording, Sharing von Recordings mit Kunden
Alternatives to Gong
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