"Sent by AI?" - How Email Marketing Works with Artificial Intelligence

Together with CleverReach®, we examine AI in email marketing in our white paper.

Table of contents
  1. No e-mail marketing without AI
  2. Helpful colleague instead of autopilot
  3. The future of AI in e-mail marketing

What artificial intelligence can do, we regularly present on OMR Reviews. From pure image creation to Conceptualization of entire marketing campaigns: Tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney have a lot to offer and have been making the (work) everyday life of many people easier since at least December 2022. Software providers have quickly recognized what can be gotten out of Artificial Intelligence and have expanded their software to include helpful AI integrations. One of them is CleverReach® with its newsletter tool made in Germany: Since the beginning of 2023, the AI content generator in CleverReach® has been assisting you in creating appealing newsletter contents. What can this integration do and how is artificial intelligence promoting your e-mail marketing? We answer these and other questions for you in our whitepaper on AI in e-mail marketing.

No e-mail marketing without AI

Tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney are already easing the daily business of many marketers. However, even though other AI applications are easily accessible and quickly implemented, many German companies are holding back on using Artificial Intelligence. This is what a survey by Bitkom showed in 2022. However, a lot has happened since then. So if you want to keep up in this dynamic environment, you should have already started grappling with the possibilities that AI offers. This includes not only practical AI tools but also helpful AI integrations: They support you in your to-dos and help your creativity when you get stuck.

"Compile newsletter topics for a running shoe brand", could be an instruction or prompt to ChatGPT, for example. In a short amount of time, the AI chatbot provides answers to your most pressing e-mail marketing questions and supplies you with new ideas. This way, you can make more out of your e-mails with little effort and save valuable time in content creation.


The Content Generator in CleverReach® doesn't do everything for you, but it still pushes your e-mail marketing forward. How and what AI can do for your e-mails, you can find out in our whitepaper on AI in e-mail marketing.

Helpful colleague instead of autopilot

AI tools are more like helpful co-pilots than independent employees. Even if their skills inspire respect in many people, they should primarily be seen as a practical addition to the working day. This way, AI integrations like in CleverReach® can start where things are difficult and provide you with input for formulations around the clock. And this is particularly practical when creating newsletters: The Content Generator in CleverReach® just needs a clear instruction and gives you appealing subject lines or newsletter contents with wich you can directly continue working. They can be a great foundation for your next steps but never replace you or your own creativity.

Because: AI tools are only as good as the instructions we give them. This also applies to the Content Generator in CleverReach®. In order to generate appealing content, it needs clear input. Logically, incomprehensible work instructions rarely lead to the desired result. This also applies to Artificial Intelligence. For the Content Generator in CleverReach® this means: Give the AI a concrete task. Provide it with the information you would also need. And don't expect it to do everything for you.

The future of AI in e-mail marketing

The launch of ChatGPT has first raised existential questions in many employees. Whether artificial intelligence will replace us all at some point, however, is in the stars. More realistic is that it becomes a helpful sparring partner and supports us where we are stuck. For this reason, it is also important to deal with AI and its possibilities early on. Whoever doesn't do this risks being left behind. This applies to both employees and companies.

The best place to start is with practical tips for your e-mail marketing: In our whitepaper, we give you tips on using AI and introduce you to the Content Generator from CleverReach® in detail. It also helps you get more out of your automations. What else the Content Generator can do, how to use it and which commands it responds best to, you can find out in our whitepaper on AI in e-mail marketing – here's the download. Happy reading!

Would you like additional input on the AI text generator from CleverReach®? Then you should have a look at the accompanying online seminar of the e-mail marketing tool. Here we answer further questions about the AI integration and present all the important features.

Chantal Seiter
Chantal Seiter

Chantal ist Redakteurin bei OMR Reviews. Wenn sie gerade mal nicht in die Tasten haut, betreibt sie Café Hopping oder erkundet neue Städte. Am liebsten beides zusammen. Vor ihrem Start bei OMR Reviews hat die Eigentlich-Kielerin in Kreativagenturen und als Freelancerin gearbeitet. 2022 hat sie außerdem eine Weiterbildung zur Fashion Stylistin abgeschlossen.

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