Software for the Whistleblower Protection Act: The Top 5 Whistleblower Tools

Nils Knäpper 7/23/2024

By December 17, 2023 at the latest, the Whistleblower Protection Act is mandatory for (almost) every company - implement it quickly, easily, and legally secure with these tools!

Table of contents
  1. What is the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG)?
  2. Top 5 Software for the Whistleblower Protection Act 
  3. 1.
  4. 2. Hintbox
  5. 3. PRIMA Whistleblower
  6. 4. tell it
  7. 5. Parlabox
  8. How to find the right HinSchG software for your business
  9. More software for the Whistleblower Protection Act
  10. Conclusion

Let's be honest: Probably few of us like to deal with legal topics. Especially as an entrepreneur, however, it is inevitable to deal with a variety of laws, rules, and regulations. It is naturally helpful to be able to use tools that can make this aspect of entrepreneurship easier. This is also the case with the Whistleblower Protection Act (short: HinSchG), which is supposed to provide a secure channel for internal reports of violations in companies. In the following, we present five software solutions with which you can quickly, uncomplicatedly, and legally implement the Whistleblower Protection Act in your company.


What is the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG)?

The Whistleblower Protection Act, which found its way into the legal landscape on July 2, 2023, represents the legal framework for you as an entrepreneur that makes the uncovering of misconduct in companies and organizations safer. The main goal is the protection of persons who point out serious misconduct, be they your employees, contract partners, or third parties, and at the same time the promotion of transparency in the processing of these misconduct. Here is an overview of the central aspects of the law that you should know:

  • Scope of Application: The law is binding for companies with more than 50 employees. However, there are exceptions such as capital management companies, which must implement the law regardless of their number of employees.

  • Establishment of internal reporting channels: You are required to provide internal reporting channels in your company through which tips can be given anonymously. This can be done most easily, for example, through the software mentioned in this article.

  • Transitional Regulation: If your company has between 50 and 249 employees, you have until December 17, 2023, to set up the required internal reporting channels.

With the Whistleblower Protection Act, a significant step has been taken towards a more transparent and responsible corporate culture, which facilitates the uncovering of misconduct and thus ultimately benefits the entire society and economy. 

However, this means for you as an entrepreneur at first a certain effort: The internal reporting channel needs to be set up and efficiently managed. Luckily, the SaaS market also provides the right tools for this.


Top 5 Software for the Whistleblower Protection Act 

At OMR Reviews, you will find in our Whistleblower category different providers of tools that help you implement the HinSchG for your company. We will introduce five of them to you in the following:


With you get a digital solution that helps you establish a whistleblower system in your company or municipality, regardless of the size of your organization. The implementation is designed to be quickly and uncomplicatedly digitally implementable.

The setup of the whistleblower system is done in three simple steps: You register your company, define the topics, and integrate a hyperlink on your company's website. The aim of is to cover all legally required topics within the framework of the Whistleblower Protection Act. However, you also have the option of defining additional topics individually.

The cloud solution is designed to be always available and can be used on various devices. Another advantage is the continuous updating of legal framework conditions as well as automated workflows and efficient deadline management. Optionally, you can book an external ombudsman team that takes care of various tasks such as pre-filtering of tips, legal evaluations, and data protection.

In the area of organizational profile setup, offers features like automated language translation for all EU languages and a reminder function for incoming tips. In addition, 100% anonymous, reciprocal communication is possible. The administration of topics and received hints is facilitated by individual definition possibilities and a clear presentation. prices

The prices for are graduated according to the number of employees in your company. The range of functions is identical in every version. For companies up to 99 employees, for example, these start at 50 € per month. You can also try the tool for free. Alternatives

Would you like to discover more whistleblowing tools? At OMR Reviews, you will find numerous alternatives to

2. Hintbox

Another tool from the range of whistleblower tools is Hintbox. This software allows you to safely, quickly, and easily meet the requirements of the EU Whistleblower Directive, the Whistleblower Protection Act, and the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act. Functions such as automatic notifications, pre-made templates, and an integrated communication tool ensure that hints are processed quickly and efficiently while you always keep an overview.

With Hintbox, you can receive anonymous as well as personalized hints. The design of the whistleblower form can be adapted to your specific needs, and it is also optimized for mobile devices, so tips can be easily submitted via smartphone or tablet.

The integrated triage system automatically evaluates and prioritizes incoming cases, and the dynamic form allows you to create and configure various templates. This not only facilitates the fulfillment of the EU Whistleblower Directive but also allows the Supply Chain Act to be implemented.

Hintbox also offers a wide range of security and data protection features, including end-to-end encryption, 2-factor authentication, audit-proof logging, and ISO 27001-certified hosting in Germany.

Hintbox prices

For the exact prices of Hintbox, you should check directly on the provider's website. There is also the possibility to request a free demo to get a better insight into the functions and benefits of the tool.

Hintbox Alternatives

Would you like to discover more whistleblowing tools? At OMR Reviews, you will find numerous alternatives to Hintbox.


3. PRIMA Whistleblower

The digital whistleblower system PRIMA Whistleblower also allows you to set up a secure communication platform for whistleblowers. The platform is designed to work responsively on various devices, even though usage on a computer or tablet is recommended. 

The anonymity of the whistleblowers is guaranteed by not storing IP addresses and the possibility to give hints without specifying an email address. When creating a hint, the whistleblower receives a randomly generated case number, which allows access to the communication history together with a user-selected password.

The cloud-based application is accessible from anywhere as long as you have a web browser. Communication and the exchange of evidence are facilitated by uploading file attachments in .png, .jpg, or .pdf format.

PRIMA Whistleblower prices

The prices for PRIMA Whistleblower start at 19.99 € per month. This price gives you access to a secure and reliable digital whistleblower system, which facilitates the communication of misconduct.

PRIMA Whistleblower Alternatives

Would you like to discover more whistleblowing tools? At OMR Reviews, you will find numerous alternatives to PRIMA Whistleblower.


4. tell it

The tool tell it presents itself as another effective solution to keep your company in line with the requirements of the Whistleblower Protection Act. Through an intuitive design and support in compliance questions, it allows you to promote a trusting corporate culture by providing a secure platform for the reporting and management of misconduct.

The main functions of tell it include simple management and tracking of hints, which allows you to always keep an overview. The system offers automatic notifications so you don't miss any important deadlines. It also supports dialogue with the whistleblower through a seamless communication path. The structured case categories facilitate the efficient sorting and processing of the hints, while the platform supports the upload of relevant files.

Also tell it is designed in such a way that no naming is necessary when submitting hints. In this way, confidential reports can be made without revealing identity. Of course, the tool is also GDPR-compliant.

tell it prices

The prices for tell it start in the Essential version at 90 € per month. This includes, for example, an unlimited number of hints, 2 user accounts, and 10 case categories. An even larger scope is available in the Professional edition for 135 € per month.

tell it Alternatives

Would you like to discover more whistleblowing tools? At OMR Reviews, you will find numerous alternatives to tell it.


5. Parlabox

Last but not least: The tool Parlabox also has committed itself to providing an anonymous infrastructure for whistleblowers. The platform offers a clear dashboard where new, ongoing, and closed cases are centrally displayed. With various filter functions and a simple click, you can navigate directly to the desired case.

Editors can change the status and ask questions to the whistleblowers via an anonymous chat system. Special attention is paid to deadline management to ensure compliance with all relevant deadlines according to the EU Directive. The Parlabox also offers an easy overview of the respective processing status of each case.

Another advantage is the quick deployment: The Parlabox is set up and ready to go in under a minute after registration, with a provided link for integration and submission of hints, for example on your website. Individualization of the platform is possible by inserting your logo and adjusting the standard questions. In addition, the platform allows the export of hints in PDF format, which facilitates the transfer to people who do not have access to the Parlabox.

In terms of data security, Parlabox is hosted in an ISO 27001-certified data center in Germany and is, of course, GDPR-compliant.

Parlabox Prices

The prices for Parlabox are staggered according to the number of your employees and start, for example, up to 50 employees from 69 € per year. The features are identical in all versions.

Parlabox Alternatives

Would you like to discover more whistleblowing tools? At OMR Reviews, you will find numerous alternatives to Parlabox.


How to find the right HinSchG software for your business

Now that you have an overview of possible tools, you may be wondering how to find the right Whistleblower Protection Act software for you. Here are steps you can follow:

Step 1: Needs Analysis

  • Company-specific requirements: Determine the specific requirements of your company, such as the number of users, required languages, and whether integration into existing systems is required.

Step 2: Research

  • Software Options: Research and compile a list of software options that support whistleblower protection. Start for example in our category for Whistleblower Software at OMR Reviews

  • Reviews and Recommendations: Read reviews and get recommendations from other companies or industry experts.

Step 3: Comparison of Software Solutions

  • Function Comparison: Compare the features of the different software solutions, especially with regard to the requirements of your company and the legal requirements.

  • Cost Comparison: Also compare the costs, including license costs, implementation costs, and ongoing costs.

Step 4: Test Phase

  • Demo or Trial Version: Use demo versions or trial versions of the software to get a feel for the usability and the functions.

  • Customer Service: Also test the customer service of the software providers to ensure support is available when you need it.

Step 5: Evaluation

  • Collect Feedback: Get feedback from the users who were involved in the trial phase.

  • Customizability: Check, if necessary, to what extent the software can be adapted to the specific needs of your company.

Step 6: Decision Making and Implementation

  • Final Decision: Make an informed decision based on the collected information and experiences.

  • Implementation: Start with the implementation of the software and ensure thorough training of the users to guarantee effective use.

More software for the Whistleblower Protection Act

Not found the right solution yet? No problem! At OMR Reviews, you can find many more providers of whistleblowing software, for example:


One thing is certain: As an entrepreneur, you are very likely to need a Whistleblower Protection Act Software. Which of the ones mentioned above is the right one for your business mainly depends on the company-specific requirements - from a legal point of view, the mentioned tools are all more or less equal and fulfill, for example, all GDPR requirements. And even if the topic of Whistleblower Protection Act sounds like a lot of work at first: With the right software, you can build the foundation for a positive, transparent, and responsible corporate culture from which both your employees and you yourself can benefit.

Nils Knäpper
Nils Knäpper

Nils ist SEO-Texter bei OMR Reviews und darüber hinaus ein echter Content-Suchti. Egal, ob Grafik, Foto, Video oder Audio – wenn es um digitale Medien geht, ist Nils immer ganz vorne mit dabei. Vor seinem Wechsel zu OMR war er fast 5 Jahre lang als Content-Manager und -Creator in einem Immobilienunternehmen tätig und hat zudem eine klassische Ausbildung als Werbetexter.

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