The 14 Best Web Design Inspirations

Nils Martens 5/16/2024

We present to you the 14 best web design inspirations. Additionally, we will show you the corresponding web design tools.

Table of contents
  1. What are the best sources of web design inspiration?
  2. Providers of themes and templates for WordPress
  3. Final words on website, inspiration, design

Finding inspiration is not solely the daily bread for web designers, but everyone who sets up a website wants to be able to showcase the most beautiful, unique, and best design. We surf through numerous internet sites every day, delighting or annoying us with effects, colors, graphics, photos, and videos. The content alone does not make the music.

You want to be completely picked up, no matter whether you compare software on OMR reviews, shop for a summer dress, or move on any magazine pages. In addition to the aspect for the eye, web design must also be functional, responsive and UX/UI compliant. So it's not so easy to decide on a look. It's a good thing that there are countless sources of inspiration in the place where your future website appears: the internet

If you are currently working on a website for which you need ideas in terms of web design, you are in the right place. We have rummaged through the net to find the 14 best web design inspirations and listed them for you. In addition, we introduce you to the one or the other web design tool.

And after all: The inspiration is not limited to your web presence, but may extend to freebies, newsletters, and other goodies you want to play out. In that case, you kill two birds with one stone if you get your inspiration from sites that not only focus on website design ideas.

What are the best sources of web design inspiration?


The largest and most diverse selection of website designs can be found on the online pinboard Pinterest. See it as a search engine and you can get so many results with terms like "Design Website Inspiration" or "Website Design Ideas" that it can lead to an inspiration overdose. Since Pinterest is made by users for users, it has no editorial background. You must therefore also fight through web designs that everyone has already seen or look like 1970.

Special feature:Since the pins are not set to a square format, Pinterest offers the advantage that web designs can be seen completely. Especially OnePager, which consists of several consecutive parts, can be seen at a glance.


If you are a web designer, Awwwardshas two plus points for you. On the one hand, you can pick up a lot of inspiration and on the other hand, you can send in your works. These are then evaluated by a jury. The best website designs are presented daily on the homepage of Awwwards. Accordingly, there are also many extraordinary, award-winning designs to be found and a lot of potential for inspiration is available.

Special feature:A well-designed search function with many filter options also makes it easy for you to get web design inspiration that suits your taste right from the start.

Canva Pro

As software, Canva Pronot only provides viewing material, but lets you get "hands-on" directly. Numerous templates provide the inspiration, which you can then adapt to your ideas. Colors, shapes, graphics, images, and much more - there are no limits to individuality. Then Canva helps you to publish your web design. We recommend you to get the Pro version, which is available from 9 euros per month. This considerably enlarges your selection of elements. So you don't run the risk of taking stock material that thousands of people before you have already used.

Special feature:The simple operation makes Canva the perfect solution for every beginner to get an individual web design. In addition, not only five templates are waiting for you, but far over 150 - which can all be edited and used.


In addition to web design, you will find inspiration for branding, print, or product design on Dribbble. Many web designers show their works here - from students to experienced professionals. The website designs are often played out in the overview as a video so that you can see all the effects that are built in. The inspiration is therefore not limited to the outside. Overall, Dribbble has a very high-quality selection of ideas.

Special feature:Web designers can also search for job offers on Dribble and win customers for their own services. However, you need to sign up for the Plus membership for freelance projects.

Best Website Gallery

Best Website Gallery is a very clear collection of special designs for websites. This is related to the origin of the page: in 2008, the award-winning digital designer David Hellmann called this into life to have a place where he can collect and share inspiring website designs. He continues this to this day. Since he is the only one who uploads designs, the selection is accordingly limited, but very, very, very special.

Special feature:The filtering is also special. He tags all design inspirations by CMS, style, color and framework. So if you already know for example that you want to create an animated, blue website with WordPress, the search function of BWG helps you to narrow down the results.

One Page Love

Unlike the inspirational works, One Page Loveis not a OnePager, but it is packed in several areas with web designs, templates, and tutorials. Here, South African designer Rob Hope has been presenting OnePage and Landing Page designs that inspire him since 2008. The selection on One Page Love is definitely unique and for that Rob fills the page alone, extensive. If you are open to templates directly, you will also find both free and paid specimens for various platforms - also for online shops.

Special feature:On One Page Love, you get numerous video tutorials and workshops that help you create OnePagers and landing pages.


With Designinspirationthe name says it all. It is similar to Pinterest, but with a focus on design inspiration - websites, logos, business cards, interior and so much more. It's all about design in any form, without exaggeration. All websites are displayed in their full length, which gives you a better first look. The selection on Designinspiration is colorful, but you can limit it by using the search function

Special feature:Creative minds can get their inspiration in all categories on Designinspiration without exclusively focusing on website designs. By the way: You can also go through numerous UI/UX designs.

Website builders like Wix, Jimdo & Co.

Not only special design websites serve as a source of inspiration, but also website constructors. In addition to numerous templates, they often offer discoverer pages on which you can collect ideas for your own project based on existing websites. Although you often do not have great filter functions at your disposal, you are offered fullscreen displays that also show all slides and effects. The following website builders are worth a look:

You can find more website builders on OMR Reviews. The evaluations are based on verified user experiences.

Special feature:Website Design Inspiration means for builder providers also that you can use some examples directly as a template. It is then enough to adjust details like colors with website designer tools so that the website becomes yours.

Design Bombs

Boom! Here comes the concentrated load of design inspiration. Not exclusively for websites, but the focus is on it. Design Bombs is especially for those who deal a little (or more) with coding and thus give websites the certain design finish. In addition, ideas are provided around the online presentation of freebies for your lead acquisition.

Special feature:Unlike most other sources of inspiration in our list, the team behind Design Bombs collects all outstanding website looks in articles. You also get a lot of information about WordPress.


Behind The FWA is a more than 500-person international jury that constantly finds and evaluates extraordinary website designs. For you, this results in a huge collection of completely off-track to very technical website designs. The filter function is clear, but you can follow a timeline that delivers inspiration to you bit by bit. Since the project has existed since 2000, the selection is not insignificant.

Special feature:The FWA has some special features ready. For example, the jury vote runs live every day. In addition, a lot of insights are available about all websites and the brands behind them. And those who earn their bread with web design, look around on the integrated job exchange.


siteInspire is the digital showcase of well-known British web designer Daniel Howells. In this, however, he does not exhibit his own works, but those of thousands of other agencies and freelancers who have impressed him. As a result, a large selection of unique designs has been collected over the years. siteInspire is very clean, which is why the web designs are in the spotlight and the site is easy to use. A successful search function simplifies your selection of website inspirations.

Special feature:So you don't have to bookmark every design you like in your browser, you can add these to your collection on siteInspire. A free registration as a user is only necessary for this.

Web design Inspiration

In addition to a large selection of website ideas, you will find the best WordPress templates on Web design Inspiration. You can also find these in our collection of the 14 most popular WordPress Themes. The design of the page is simple and with every click on the preview of a web design, you get directly to the respective website. So you can collect your inspiration directly at the source.

Special feature:Above all, the search function stands out. Web Design Inspiration offers you the possibility to select by website type, industry, style, and colors.

Design Made in Germany

On Design Made in Germany the German Who's who of the graphic design landscape shakes hands and those who want to become it. In addition to contracts for freelancers and agencies, however, a whole lot of inspiration accumulates. More than 20,000 works are already online at Design Made in Germany. However, these are not exclusively websites, but also posters, illustrations, and logos - all things that can also inspire you for your design.

Special feature:In addition to numerous web designs, some freelancers publish articles on the topic, which can also straighten out your view of a captivating design.

Providers of themes and templates for WordPress

You can not only pick up inspiration on special web design sites, but also find it at providers of WordPress themes. Whether paid or for free: Many marketplaces or developers have a large selection of themes that you can use directly and above all adapt. Therefore, it is not tragic if some templates have been downloaded many times. Especially paid WordPress themes have the property to be individualized in many places.

Special feature:In the area of purchasable themes, there is an almost gigantic selection of providers. Of course, not all are kosher, but as a source of inspiration, the last point in our list almost knows no boundaries. We can recommend the following pages: Templatemonster, Pigdigand the marketplace of Themeforest.

Final words on website, inspiration, design

If you get panic from all the beautiful inspiration now that you have to be a CSS specialist or a design Koryphäe, we can calm you down. Getting website design inspiration does not have to mean having to transfer your resulting idea in your head 1:1 into the WWW.

Adjust your idea only according to your abilities. In this way, you will be satisfied with the result. Long tinkering and hours of watching tutorials will only spoil your satisfying moment. There is a lot of inspiration gold on the internet; with our guide, you now know where you can find it.

Nils Martens
Nils Martens

Nils ist Gründer der Personal Branding Rebels und bereits einige Jahre im LinkedIn-Game unterwegs. Zusammen mit seinem Team unterstützt er Menschen und Unternehmen dabei, auf der Business-Plattform sowie darüber hinaus sichtbar zu werden. Die Rebels bilden dafür Mitarbeitende zu Corporate Influencern aus, übernehmen den Aufbau kompletter Personal Brands und educaten in Workshops.

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