The Future of Web Design with AI Tools

Jonah Runge 9/12/2023

We show what role Artificial Intelligence will take in web design.

Table of contents
  1. Web design today - the basis for accessible information on the web
  2. What are the advantages of using AI in web design?
  3. How can AI be applied in web design?      
  4. Which tools are suitable for using AI in web design?
  5. Conclusion and outlook - AI is here to stay

Hardly any other topic receives as much attention in the context of digitization as artificial intelligence. Tools like ChatGPT are on everyone's lips. The development influences many areas of private and working life. The question arises as to how AI trends will impact the future of web design. That is exactly what our guest author Jonah Runge is writing about in this blog article.

Web design today - the basis for accessible information on the web

In almost all areas, the internet has become the first port of call for people today. Whether it's about buying products or searching for information - the search query is quickly typed in and in most cases you will find a helpful answer on the websites listed in the search. That's exactly where web design comes in. Web design ensures that information is transported quickly and attractively via websites.

Today, web designers accompany the entire process from planning to implementing a website. Based on the target definition of a website, a concept is derived and implemented graphically and technically. The content is inserted and optimized. In the end, a website is created that serves its exact purpose. However, the process is complex and challenging and there are a few points where artificial intelligence in web design can be a real game changer.

AI trends influence the future of web design

One thing is certain: Artificial intelligence will not stop at web design either. And why that might even be good for the industry and how AI trends can help you in your day-to-day work, you'll find out here.

What are the advantages of using AI in web design?

AI streamlines and automates processes

Web designers are particularly enthusiastic about the creativity they can put into their work every day. In contrast, some tasks seem quite annoying and are really just a means to an end. The following tasks, for example, can be automated with artificial intelligence, which are not usually favorites in web design:

  • Trimming images
  • Providing web-optimized images
  • Meta data suggestions
  • Searching for visual inspiration

With AI, more focus is on creativity

With the fact that artificial intelligence already eliminates whole processes from web design, the concern is growing that creativity will be lost and also replaced by AI. But is this concern justified?

No, quite the contrary, because through the automation of processes and the more efficient design of implementation, you have much more time for the creative part. So without investing more time in a project, you can focus on user-friendliness and other optimizations. In addition, artificial intelligence can also provide the spur for new ideas and get you out of a creative hole - just generate suggestions!

There are already tools that also automate the entire design process using artificial intelligence. However, one should keep in mind the working or development method of artificial intelligence. An AI generates new combinations from existing components. With the advancement of self-learning, the combinable components become smaller. Nevertheless, a good AI needs a good database to deliver convincing results.

AI can deliver personalized content

Which web designer doesn't know it. The client doesn't provide the content right at the start of a project. Often you then encounter placeholders like the famous "Lorem ipsum" and random stock photos. That doesn't have to be, because with artificial intelligence you can easily generate unique content for customers, which can then serve as the basis for further processing. Give it a try. You'll find that the perception of your customers is completely new.

AI increases efficiency in development

Web design and especially the part of technical implementation follow clear rules and conventions. These can also be learned by AI in web design and can help you speed up and optimize your development process. For example, you can have AI create entire code components.

How can AI be applied in web design?      

AI web design can sound quite intimidating. A look into practice, however, shows how you too can benefit from the onset of artificial intelligence

  1. Be open: Don't close yourself off to new trends, but try to create points of contact early on. This way you ensure that you can develop understanding and profit from new technologies.
  2. Generate code components with tools like ChatGPT: A first step would be creating individual lines of code with OpenAI ChatGPT. Here you get a feel for how AI tools in web design can help you.
  3. Create images using Midjourney: For your next project, you can have the placeholders created using Midjourney. This way you have the chance to appreciate the benefits of personalised images.

Which tools are suitable for using AI in web design?

Creaitor or Jasper are AI-assisted platforms for digital content. The platform generates texts, which can save users time and effort. Tools like Creaitor help with idea finding, creating new content and improving existing content. First users choose the right AI assistant and a suitable template. Then they name the product or service, including a short description. Afterwards the AI does the writing. However, it is always important to remember that you cannot rely 100% on such tools and should always cross-check, as an AI cannot yet understand contentwise what it is writing.

Conclusion and outlook - AI is here to stay

Artificial intelligence will have a lasting impact on web design. There are already many AI tools that can make your job much easier. So don't worry about your job, but make use of the new possibilities. AI tools are here to stay. Open yourself up to new trends and make use of artificial intelligence in web design!

Jonah Runge
Jonah Runge

Jonah Runge ist Geschäftsführer und Mitgründer der Elephant Agency und betreut mit seinem inzwischen 8-köpfigen Team eine Vielzahl von Kund:innen im B2B Bereich. Dabei geht es vor allem um Webdesign, Suchmaschinenoptimierung und individuelle Webanwendungen. Jede Lösung, die Elephant anbietet, hat ein Ziel: Sie soll mehr Anfragen gewinnen und User zufriedener machen. Egal, ob Kund:innen oder Mitarbeiter:innen. Jonah ist überzeugter Digital Native, lebt New Work als Teilzeit Digital-Nomade und ist immer für neue Technologien zu haben.

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