With this tool, 4BRO breaks the rules of the digital age

How the 4BRO Community gained more than one million users in a short time

Table of contents
  1. Magnolia creates flexibility
  2. In use daily
  3. Integration with own ERP system
  4. Smooth and fully automated processes

The concept of 4BRO is easily explained: The lifestyle brand focuses on tech and food, with the iced tea standing out as a product highlight, while simultaneously conveying a sense of community in the spirit of the bro community. Those who've always wished for a big brother will, in a symbolic sense, find what they're looking for here.

Loyalty, respect, helpfulness, and tolerance hold a special significance for the company. The 4BRO app creates a sense of belonging and helps users (the bros) realize their dreams. Mahir Salvarcioglu, the e-commerce merchant of 4BRO, tells us what goes on behind the scenes so the company can break the rules of the digital age and embody the lifestyle of Gen Z.


Picture: Mahir Salvarcioglu, e-commerce merchant of 4BRO

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Magnolia creates flexibility

Within a few months, 4BRO was able to establish a name for itself in the beverage and food industry and build a broad customer base. After its founding in 2020, the Success curve shot up and the company's CMS quickly reached its limits. Since it wasn't an enterprise solution, the ERP, webshop, and app only functioned separately. This had a negative effect on user experience and cost the company a lot of time.

For the past three years 4BRO has been working with the software tool Magnolia, which meets the specific requirements of the company. The experts at the technology consulting firm dev5310 from Hamburg also provide support in the areas of integration, programming, and consulting. This made it possible to transition to Magnolia in just four months.

Magnolia is a Digital Experience Platform (DXP) and assists the company in creating, managing, and distributing content for both the website and app. With the help of the tool, 4BRO can personalize both channels and promote the online presence through search engine optimization features. The ERP, webshop, and app are bundled in the Digital Experience Platform and now operate coherently within a single interface.

Even though Magnolia competed with some software at the beginning, the latter tool prevailed. “Ultimately, it was crucial for us to choose a platform that is tailored to our specific requirements, so we can quickly and securely react to spontaneous changes,“ explains the e-commerce merchant of 4BRO. He particularly emphasizes the individual customization opportunities and flexibility of Magnolia, which have enabled the lifestyle brand to better meet its business requirements and quickly adapt to new situations.

In use daily

What makes the tool so perfect for 4BRO? “Magnolia allows us to flexibly, effectively, and efficiently create and manage web content,” says Mahir Salvarcioglu. The tool is used daily in the lifestyle company. It enables content editors from a central location to optimize the webshop and adjust or update the content of the 4BRO app. Orders run through SAP Business ByDesign, but since all product and user data are synchronized between the DXP (Webshop) and ERP, Magnolia also saves the company a lot of time when processing orders. For updating and optimizing the webshop, the company uses the hybrid headless approach of the Digital Experience Platform. This helps 4BRO run the website in a traditional way with Magnolia templates and a frontend hosted by Magnolia. At the same time, the employees can provide content headless via APIs from the Digital Experience Platform for their app and other landing pages. This approach enables the lifestyle brand to centralize data and reuse content. Thus, 4BRO is able to distribute content both via the Magnolia frontend and via APIs, overcoming both the restrictions of a pure headless CMS as well as those of a traditional CMS.

Integration with own ERP system

In order for all operational resources to be managed, planned, and controlled according to 4BRO's individual imagination, Magnolia is connected to their own ERP system SAP byDesign. This synchronizes product information and the webshop is designed and maintained directly in a content app in Magnolia. "This helps us to provide a more rich content commerce experience,” Mahir Salvarcioglu explains.

Managing content in the webshop is a central task area of the company, where Magnolia is mainly used. “In addition, in the 4BRO app we manage and update new content and goodies such as vouchers, concert tickets, and food boxes,” Mahir Salvarcioglu adds.

Smooth and fully automated processes

The company's uncoordinated system landscape was replaced with a composable digital experience platform using Magnolia. 4BRO's work processes are significantly more efficient through the tool and the team benefits from ,Omni-channel marketing functionalities. Not only is the entire content maintenance for the 4BRO website, app, and campaign landing pages integrated into the Digital Experience Platform, but staff also have the central asset management in the DXP that allows them to reuse any asset across all channels. “A bidirectional connection to SAP byDesign helps us to handle orders from the website to packaging fully automatically”, says Mahir Salvarcioglu. The main advantages that convinced the lifestyle company are, in particular, the centralization of content, the integration with existing systems, and scalability. With the help of Magnolia, 4BRO now saves up to ten minutes of manual effort per order. Areas for improvement, according to the company, lie only in the user interface, so users can find their way faster. In addition, a help function with relevant help information would be useful.

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Lea Marie Roosen
Lea Marie Roosen

Lea ist Content Managerin und Autorin bei OMR Reviews. Vor ihrem Start hat sie 2022 erfolgreich ihr Studium in Sportwissenschaften und Germanistik abgeschlossen und vereint die beiden Komponenten weiterhin. Jede freie Minute wird für sportliche Aktivitäten genutzt, während sie ihre Affinität zum Umgang mit Sprache beruflich auslebt.

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