How Buyer-Intent Data from OMR Reviews Help Magnolia to Grow

For the Digital Experience Platform Magnolia, rating platforms are an important part of the marketing mix.

Table of contents
  1. At Magnolia, they do not simply take care of review platforms on the side
  2. “If you want to grow strongly in DACH, then OMR [Reviews] is definitely the right platform”
  3. Incentives Motivate to Submit Reviews

Reviews are not only an important decision-making basis for potential customers. They also provide software providers, for instance, with helpful input for product optimizations. For the Digital Experience Platform Magnolia, being listed on OMR Reviews holds another big advantage: helpful insights thanks to buyer-intent data.

At Magnolia, they do not simply take care of review platforms on the side

Magnolia was initially a traditional Content Management System (CMS) and has evolved over time into a comprehensive Digital Experience Platform (DXP). With it, companies can manage content and media of all kinds in one place and distribute them across different channels. This is supported by both proprietary features for automation and digital asset management as well as interfaces to numerous software and tools. The tool is primarily used by enterprise customers from all industries.

At Magnolia, review marketing is not a side job: Klara Martens is responsible for being listed on review platforms like OMR Reviews in the company. She is Field Marketing Manager for the EMEA region and keeps all important tasks around review marketing in view. These include planning reviews campaigns or contacting potential testimonials for whitepapers, as Klara Martens reveals in Issue 082 of the podcast ARRtist on Air.

“If you want to grow strongly in DACH, then OMR [Reviews] is definitely the right platform”

The awards and reviews that Magnolia receives for its product receive a lot of attention: The company uses its badges, for example, on the website, events, and social media. And also the physical badges, which the team from OMR Reviews distributes at events like the OMR Festival, are very popular at Magnolia. In addition, the software provider sees a special advantage in cooperation with OMR Reviews: In addition to support with reviews campaigns, Magnolia primarily benefits from the intent data, which the software provider receives every two weeks. They provide an overview of which companies have looked at Magnolia's profile on OMR Reviews or have generally informed themselves about the DXP category – for example, via our content hub. This in turn provides the software provider with an indication of who might be in the selection process for a (new) software product and could be contacted by the sales team.


The Digital Experience Platform Magnolia advertises on its website with our badges.

Magnolia builds its outbound sales on these data and creates target groups for paid ads, for example. “If you want to grow strongly in DACH, then OMR [Reviews] is definitely the right platform”, says Sebastian Stang, General Manager EMEA at Magnolia, in a conversation with ARRtist. The intent data also help the software provider keep track of potential customers over a longer period of time. Because the sales process for such a large product like Magnolia usually takes several months. With the help of the data, the team can re-establish contact with potential customers at the right time, who have repeatedly informed themselves about the product and the category.

In addition to the intent data, which are an important sales tool for the software provider, Magnolia sees further advantages in the profile on OMR Reviews:

  • Trust-Building: Honest reviews from real users and partners create the necessary trust for potential customers. Whoever allows and accepts reviews builds trust – and that can be an important decision-making basis on the large software market.
  • Quick User Feedback: Some users rate Magnolia of their own accord and do not have to be asked to submit a review using various measures. For the software provider, reviews are “a kind of NPS from the market”. The NPS (Net Promoter Score) gives you an overview of the satisfaction of your customers and shows how likely it is that they will recommend your product.
  • Stand out from Competitors: OMR Reviews helps buyers compare software products. On our platform, providers can present their functions and helpful features and thus differentiate themselves from their competition.
  • Support for Review Marketing: The OMR Reviews team also supports with review campaigns and helps software providers to collect further reviews for their products.

Magnolia's employees also presenting the software provider's badges on LinkedIn.

Incentives Motivate to Submit Reviews

If you, as a software provider, want to keep up on review platforms like OMR Reviews, you should stay on the ball and keep reviews up to date. This can be a lot of work and requires capacities that, however, pay off in the end. The effort is also not small for Magnolia: The company organizes one to two reviews campaigns per year, in which it specifically asks customers and partners for reviews. However, the complex product often delays these processes. According to Klara Martens and Sebastian Stang, it can sometimes take up to a year until it makes sense to collect reviews. Because from the sale, it usually takes eight to twelve months until the product goes live with the customers.

To then motivate users to submit reviews, a small motivational push is often needed. Here, for example, incentives in the form of vouchers help – especially with email campaigns without personal contact by the customer service. Klara Martens and Sebastian Stang also advise collecting reviews at events and setting up an area for recording video reviews, for instance.

Overall, according to them, you should not underestimate the effort involved in review marketing and take the task seriously. And even if that sounds daunting at first: In the end, the benefits of review platforms like OMR Reviews outweigh the disadvantages.

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Chantal Seiter
Chantal Seiter

Chantal ist Redakteurin bei OMR Reviews. Wenn sie gerade mal nicht in die Tasten haut, betreibt sie Café Hopping oder erkundet neue Städte. Am liebsten beides zusammen. Vor ihrem Start bei OMR Reviews hat die Eigentlich-Kielerin in Kreativagenturen und als Freelancerin gearbeitet. 2022 hat sie außerdem eine Weiterbildung zur Fashion Stylistin abgeschlossen.

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