OMR Team 10/10/2023 Behind the App: This Software Powers Europe's Largest Mobility Provider FREE NOW We reveal here which tools FREE NOW uses to track app marketing campaigns, what tech solution is behind push notifications, and what the most important software is for the company.
Roland Eisenbrand 10/6/2023 With these tools, Foodist has become the leading food discovery platform. Special food in a subscription box and in the online shop - we explain the business model and reveal which tools and software Foodist cannot do without.
Martin Gardt 10/6/2023 Machineseeker Group: These are the Tools that OMR Podcast Regular Guest Sven Schmidt Relies On
ProjektmanagementInstant MessagingiPaaS Lea Marie Roosen 9/20/2023 With these tools, the OMR Crew Management organizes 12,000 employees
Product ManagementSubscription-ManagementCustomer Engagement Plattform (CEP)Web AnalyticsOffice Suites Martin Gardt 9/13/2023 With These Tools, Blinkist Makes Its Million App Users Happy
Virtueller ArbeitsplatzVideo Conferencing Carolin Puls 9/8/2023 What You Should Know About Virtual Meetings: Advantages, Tips, and Tools
Instant MessagingOffice SuitesVideo ConferencingCollaboration Tim Fischer 9/8/2023 Wie du Remote Work in deinem Unternehmen einführst
ProjektmanagementWebsite-BaukastenOffice Suites Chantal Seiter 9/6/2023 Mit diesen Tools macht Articly Hören zum neuen Lesen
Content Management Systeme (CMS) Carmen Martins 8/21/2023 With These Tools, Storyblok Builds a Successful SaaS Business
Sponsored Carmen Martins 8/18/2023 With these tools, relies on a combination of online and offline business.
Digital Learning PlattformWissensmanagementHRInstant MessagingProjektmanagement Lorenz Illing 7/13/2023 People Development: The Key to Unleashing Employee Potential
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ProjektmanagementCollaborationInstant MessagingRechnungsprogrammeVideo Conferencing Chantal Seiter 3/1/2023 Tech Stack for Founders: Tools for the First Steps in the New Business
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CollaborationInstant MessagingMind MappingAgenturHR Saskia Robert 12/16/2022 Digital Tools for Agencies: So There's More Time for Agency Life
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ProjektmanagementSocial IntranetInstant Messaging Lisa Zöfgen 11/10/2022 Wie Ihr Mitarbeiter*innen als Markenbotschafter*innen in Eurem Unternehmen einsetzen könnt
ERP-SystemeE-Commerce-Plattformen & ShopsystemeCollaborationProjektmanagementCRM Philip Kehela 2/11/2022 With these tools, you maintain control of your e-commerce in DTC business.