Our Top 10 Reviewers: Who Are the Software Specialists Among You?

OMR Team 9/30/2022

We introduce you to the top 10 most diligent reviewers and talk with them about how their business benefits from reviews.

Table of contents
  1. More than 2,600 tools and 26,000 reviews
  2. The Top 10 Reviewers on OMR Reviews
  3. How OMR Reviews help our top reviewers
  4. Honest user reviews as guidance for the community
  5. Why our top reviewers write reviews
  6. Tips and experiences of the top reviewers when using tools
  7. Video reviews by industry giants

The current top 10 of our most diligent reviewers: (L. to R.). Philipp Sender, Andreas Mallaun, Michael Burakowski, Johannes Wiese, Pascal Laux.
Row 2: Marc Aufdemkamp, Tim Kozok, André Tams, Felix Steinbach, Lars-Olof Kreim

Since our software review platform OMR Reviews has launched, we have received over 26,000 reviews for more than 2,600 tools. This is no coincidence, as good product reviews are a game changer for many businesses and often a crucial part of the marketing mix. But what do marketers expect when they themselves write reviews? We spoke with the top reviewers.

There are many businesses from numerous sectors, who have not only realized the enormous marketing potential of reviews, but have also long since smartly used it for themselves. Among them also easyCredit. Together with our Content Manager Carmen Cichon, they have dedicated themselves to the topic “The Power of Reviews” and show in an article how product reviews can boost your B2B business. Especially in this area, the use of review marketing is required to create transparency and guidance.

More than 2,600 tools and 26,000 reviews

Like us, we see great potential in detailed and qualified product reviews and therefore we launched the software comparison platform OMR Reviews. There can be found more than 6,000 SaaS solutions from 110 different areas like email marketing, CMS systems, SEO, HR and Social Media.

“OMR Reviews is always my first point of contact whenever a new tool is needed.”

– Marc Aufdemkamp.

The 26,000 reviews are written by individuals who have engaged intensively with the tools and are eager to share their thoughts with you and the world. Among them were also several who not only did this once, but wrote over 30 reviews. We asked the top reviewers what drives them and how their business profits from reviews.

The Top 10 Reviewers on OMR Reviews




Pascal Laux - Senior Digital Marketing Manager


Felix Steinbach - Senior Search & Display Marketing Manager


André Tams - Social Media Manager


Lars-Olof Kreim - Senior Frontend Architect // Team Lead Frontend DE


Tim Kozok - Senior Account Manager


Andreas Mallaun - Digital Marketing Manager


Johannes Wiese - Managing Director / Conception


Philipp Sender - Online Marketing Consultant


Marc Aufdemkamp - Marketing Manager


Michael Burakowski - Associate Manager (SEO & Content)

The rankings of our top 10 most diligent reviewers


How OMR Reviews help our top reviewers

Our top reviewers not only use our platform to write reviews, but also to research other tools. Here you'll learn how they use OMR Reviews in their workday.

Pascal Laux has written the most reviews with us so far, thus supporting the community in the search for the right software. As Senior Digital Marketing Manager, he himself uses our platform in the “initiation phase”. Before implementing new software, he gets an idea of which tools can be used and compares them with each other. After coming across tools and their features through advertising, social media or search engines, he mainly relies on one thing - the comparison!

“The added value for me also lies in the community spirit, as I get insights from people who have or had a similar problem to mine. This allows me to get a first impression of whether I can solve my problem with it.”

The added value of reviews for me is clearly that I find honest reviews on a various range of tools all in one place.”

– André Tams

Also Felix Steinbach has been prolific, providing numerous reviews. As Senior Search & Display Marketing Manager at Eventim, he is partly responsible for further developing marketing measures. This includes searching for new technical possibilities. Instead of time-consuming provider search, he relies on OMR Reviews to quickly research suitable software vendors. “Even if you have your own favorites, OMR Reviews helps to reflect with other user experiences”, says the Marketing Manager.

André Tams secured the third place in our ranking. In his field as Social Media Manager, he had assignments to find suitable new tools in the field of social media for customers. In addition to his own expertise and experience, André likes to look at OMR Reviews to get more insights and better comparisons. Reviews help him to see whether the tool solves his problem and is suitable for him.

Honest user reviews as guidance for the community

These candid reviews also convince Lars-Olof Kreim. He works as Frontend Architect at Merkle (DACH) and appreciates the possibility to get a first impression of a software in advance. “I find it very practical to be able to get a honest impression of the use cases of others and possible existing limitations before choosing technologies.” He shares these scenarios through his own experiences with tools, so as to simplify the decision for potential users.

Often, decision-makers spend hours discovering potential software and evaluating it. But listening only to the advertising or product descriptions from the manufacturers often doesn't help. After all, every tool offers numerous features and advertises with the best functions and solutions. It is in these cases that the honest user reviews from our reviewers help.

“The broad range of software categories, individual solutions providers and detailed reviews from real users give a good feeling as to whether a tool is suitable for the problem at hand or not”

– Andreas Mallaun

This is also recognized by the CEO Johannes Wiese. He particularly looks out for GDPR-compliant tools. Once his company has compiled a long list of potential software, it is time to look through the reviews. “We can't test all the tools. Therefore we rely on the ratings of OMR Reviews and the German marketing community, because they know what is allowed.”

As a Senior Account Manager, Tim Kozok sees the advantage of the platform, in addition to the real and honest opinions, in the simplified research. “OMR Reviews has facilitated two things for me in particular. For one, it's often quite difficult to become aware of new tools. Previously, this usually required laborious searches, luck, or especially recommendations”, he says. “OMR Reviews makes it possible to deliberately go in search of tools.”

In addition, Tim is enthusiastic about the honest and independent opinions behind the reviews. This gives him a direct insight into the problem-solving capabilities of the tools.

Also, the Digital Marketing Manager Andreas Mallaun likes the simplified search for providers: “OMR Reviews covers the first stage of analysis for me, before I actually get in touch with the providers. The software procurement process is strongly shortened and made more efficient.

Why our top reviewers write reviews

The experiences with OMR Reviews mentioned above show the importance of reviews in the search for the right tool. Real user experiences show what to consider before buying and implementing, and whether the tool really suits you. But what motivates our top reviewers to put their expertise into reviews?

For Felix Steinbach it's quite simple: “I enjoy writing short texts! Especially knowing that it could help other people. Since I myself rely on such sources when searching for a service provider, it is a classic win-win situation.”

This win-win situation and the resulting community spirit also motivates Pascal Laux to write reviews. Pascal wants to share his experiences and above all spare others the process of “trial and error”. Other users should recognize in advance that a tool might not provide the benefit sought after. This creates a kind of give and take on the platform.

André Tams also shares this thought. But besides the motivation to let others benefit from his experiences, he is also motivated by the indirect contact with the providers.

“Of course it's super for tool providers when I give feedback. For me, the clear added value of the reviews is that I can find honest reviews of a wide range of tools all in one place.”

Tips and experiences of the top reviewers when using tools

Our top reviewers have dealt with numerous tools and their functions. But before you can enjoy the features and solutions of a software, it first has to be implemented. Since this is a crucial, but not always very simple step, our review professionals have a few tips for you.

As mentioned above, the comparison of tools is crucial before implementation for Pascal Laux. “There simply is the easy way via OMR Reviews, where I can compare software without much effort”, says the Digital Marketing Manager. Our category and comparison pages of particular tools, like the Comparison page of Asana.  

offer a helping hand here.
Felix Steinbach offers another way to navigate through the software jungle: “When I am writing on new concepts for the further development of search measures and do not yet have an existing partner for certain services, I search on Google in combination with
site:omr.com/de/reviews/ for keywords relating to the use cases. Most of the time, I find suitable reviews with just a few clicks.” According to Felix, besides researching through reviews and articles, it is especially important to talk directly to the providers. “Only when you have a good feeling about the contact persons and their skills, should you consider a commission.”

As for the implementation of tools, the Marketing Manager relies on project plans and the support of project managers as well as staging environments. He also advises to start with MVPs and to consider buffer time periods. According to Felix, you should always keep in mind that the first draft doesn't have to be perfect.

Video reviews by industry giants

In addition to our top 10 reviewers, many people who are well known beyond the marketing and tech industry have also taken the effort to write video reviews. These include for instance, Investor Frank Thelen and Snocks founder Johannes Kliesch for Asana, Director of Finc3 Bjoern Sjut for pipedrive or Sarah Emmerich for Infludata.

All of them make a significant contribution with their detailed reviews to helping others master their work day faster, more efficiently and cost-effectively with the right tools.

From now on we will regularly update our Top 10 list and soon introduce the most diligent reviewers again. You want to be part of it? Simply submit qualified, seriously helpful reviews for the tools you use on OMR Reviews. And maybe you will then already be part of the next “OMR Reviews World Ranking”.
Click here to get started.

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