These Are the 5 Best Tips for Your Influencer Marketing

Carolin Puls 9/19/2022

With these tips, you can successfully implement affiliate marketing for and with influencers

Table of contents
  1. The 5 best tips for your influencer marketing
  2. How to implement Influencer Marketing Tips
  3. Conclusion

The global market for influencer marketing platforms is estimated Statista in 2022 at 202 million US dollars. For good reason, influencer marketing is currently one of the most popular forms of marketing, as in total nine out of ten brands are using this online marketing discipline.

Influencers benefit from the power of the community and their own target group that follows them. Credibility and relevance of the topics are in demand - regardless of whether in the sports, beauty or fashion sector. Many brands decide to work with influencers for a single reason: they want to connect to the community that until then was not part of the brand's core target group, and thus gain new customers.

This different composition often leads to misunderstandings, as influencers can quickly feel controlled and pressured by brands. On the company side, a lot of contracts and payments quickly accumulate.

But there are solutions on how cooperation can work well and be successfully implemented for both. In this article we present you the best influencer marketing tips and how softwares can help you with the correct implementation.

The 5 best tips for your influencer marketing

It is certain that your company will not benefit if randomly selected people hold your products into the camera. But it is also certain that if you properly manage influencer marketing, you will quickly achieve great success. To help you get started right away, we have compiled the best influencer marketing tips for you:

1. Pay attention to Micro-Influencers

Many companies claim that successful influencer marketing works best when key influencers with a large number of followers are selected (see our article on influencer finding). However, this is a mistake. Of course, it is possible to achieve a larger reach with large influencers, but that is not always the solution. Not all posts are seen and not all posts are relevant to the target group, which only makes up a small percentage of the followers of large influencers.

So multiple Micro-Influencer can be combined in an overall strategy. In addition, influencers with a smaller reach are often in closer contact with their followers, so you can quickly achieve higher engagement rates.

Just recently, Instagram announced new algorithms, which support newcomers, so that Micro-Influencers are more noticed and seen, win traffic and can build their own communities.

2. Use of First-Party Data

Accessing third-party data is a challenge for many marketers. Third-party cookies are being phased out by Google by 2024. According to Apple's iOS 14.5 update, 62% of iPhone users:inside decide against tracking their app usage. As a result, first-party data is becoming increasingly important for marketing purposes.

Brands can use first-party data to identify new potential partnerships with influencers. Consumer data is analyzed by companies to identify valuable customers for participation in loyalty programs, ambassador campaigns, partner programs, and influencer marketing deals.

3. Encourage entrepreneurship of influencers

It is becoming more and more common for influencers to generate income beyond sponsored content. Through websites like Patreon or social tipping functions, some influencers receive direct payments from fans. Creative entrepreneurs increasingly launch their product lines as influencers.

Influencers can build their own brands, it's not just about financial return or revenue growth – often the question of complete control over your own creativity that can be monetized is much more important. Ksana Liapkova, Head of ConvertSocial at Admitad, confirms: "We endorse the entrepreneurship of content creators in affiliate marketing. It is important to support each other and create relevant content together, without tying influencers to strict guidelines. For this reason, for example, we almost never influence the contents of the influencers, with whom we cooperate - we trust them completely."

Many more affiliate marketing platforms offer opportunities to support influencers from the start, as they can better control all the work in search of a partnership, organizing the workflow, and receiving revenue with their tools and solutions. After all, affiliate platforms have been doing the same job for publishers for years.

4. User-generated content is worth its weight in gold!

When it comes to building trust with consumers, User Generated Content (also called user-generated content) is a great resource. Brands can share content generated by customers and users online, instead of hiring influencers. In return for using their content, individuals usually require a credit or payment, raising questions about proper disclosure and compensation – and for such cases you should be prepared in any case.

Posting authentic content has become increasingly popular in social media in recent years. During the worst times of the pandemic, people also sought connections to others on social media, driving this trend even faster. Influencers are also following this trend and publishing more authentic content that contains less polished elements.

5. Leverage social commerce

Companies are responding to the increasing demand for online shopping by setting up e-commerce shops across the Internet. Influencers now work with more than half of the brands that implement e-commerce shops.

In a similar way, social platforms are investing in native shopping tools for developers and brands, so social commerce is expected to grow in 2022. Buyers:inside do not even need to leave platforms like Instagram to complete a purchase, as many platforms seamlessly offer integrated online stores.

How to implement Influencer Marketing Tips

The solution for the right collaboration between influencer and brands is quickly implemented if you use affiliate marketing software. Both content creators and brands can only select the cooperations that really suit them. It works like a match: If the product or brand fits the influencer, links will be generated automatically, without you having to implement complex campaigns. Such “matches” are paid on the CPA basis (Costs per Action). Content creators only get their money when something has actually been ordered via the referral link.

The Heilbronn based company Admitad supports you with the platform ConvertSocial in matchmaking with your influencers. ConvertSocial is specialized in monetizing social media traffic and connects brands and content creators using business models and affiliate marketing tools.

Of course, influencer marketing tools are also suitable to find the right influencers.

How your influencer marketing works with ConvertSocial

We will show you exactly how to implement influencer marketing using the ConvertSocial platform in the following steps:

1. Once influencers have signed up to your platform and created an account, this will be linked with other social media accounts. It can start immediately, regardless of how big or small an influencer is and how many followers he or she has.


2. In the account area of the software, the users:inside can select the brands with which they want to work - provided these brands are also part of one of the affiliate programs.


3. Once the list of brands is created, referral links are added, which are automatically generated using the platform.


4. These links are then placed in posts and updates on social media and communicated to the user and community as an additional offer.


5. If an order is made via the links, an influencer is also paid behind it. The platform provides each content creator with a dashboard where the exact earnings can be tracked.

Within a few minutes, a cooperation with suitable influencers for you comes about, who have specifically chosen your brand. So you have more time for the essentials - the successful marketing of your products.


Influencer marketing strategies are becoming increasingly popular because of their great success, as authentic marketing content is in demand with consumers. That's why it pays to bet on influencer marketing and not to lose sight of the transparency of marketing content and the insights. The suitable affiliate marketing software supports you in not underestimating the power of data.

Carolin Puls
Carolin Puls

Carolin ist freie Texterin und Pressereferentin mit einer Leidenschaft für das geschriebene Wort. Als ehemalige Brand Managerin in der FMCG-Branche hat sie umfangreiche Marketing-Erfahrung gesammelt und währenddessen berufsbegleitend ihren Abschluss als Marketing-Betriebswirtin gemacht. Heute erstellt sie PR-Texte, Pressemitteilungen und Social-Media-Inhalte, immer mit viel Kreativität und Herzblut.

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