Sendcloud Reviews (158)
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Logistics and Supply Chain
- 1-50 employees
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Lagerhaltung
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Retail
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Food & Beverages
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Design
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Building Materials
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Machinery
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Hi Volkan,
danke für deine Bewertung und dein Feedback. Wir sind wirklich stets bemüht den bestmöglichen Service zu liefern, auf manche Gegebenheiten haben wir allerdings keinen Einfluss. So ist die Zeichenzahl von den Versanddienstleistern vorgegeben. Daran können wir nichts ändern, haben dieses Feedback jedoch schon vermehrt an die Paketdienste direkt weitergegeben. Den Punkt mit den Verträgen haben wir an unser Entwicklerteam gegeben. Gerade durch solches Feedback ist es uns möglich, die Benutzeroberfläche so Kundenfreundlich wie möglich zu gestalten.
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Retail
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Design
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 51-1000 employees
- Industry: Fashion
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Fashion
What did you like?
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Consumer Goods
What did you like?
What did you not like?
Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Consumer Goods
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Computer Hardware
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Accounting
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Information Technology and Services
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Consumer Goods
What did you like?
What did you not like?
Which problems are you solving with the product?
Hallo Philipp,
danke zuallererst für deine Bewertung, wir sind sehr bemüht, jede Kundenerfahrung so angenehm und reibungslos wie möglich zu gestalten. Daher tut es uns wirklich leid, dass wir deinen Erwartungen hier nicht nachkommen konnten. Wie Du selber schreibst sind die Abholungen und Zuschläge von DPD entweder versäumt oder von DPD fälschlicherweise erhoben worden. Wir wissen dein konstruktives Feedback sehr zu schätzen, hoffen aber auch auf Verständnis, da wir leider keinen direkten Einfluss auf die Servicequalität von DPD haben. Alternativ kannst Du im Small Shop Plan Paketdienste anbinden, bei denen Du dich womöglich besser aufgehoben fühlst. Bei weiteren Fragen kannst Du dich gerne an unser CS-Team wenden!
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Consumer Goods
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Music
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Food & Beverages
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Automotive
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Consumer Goods
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Sport
What did you like?
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Food & Beverages
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 51-1000 employees
- Industry: Architektur & Planung
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 51-1000 employees
- Industry: Chemicals
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 51-1000 employees
- Industry: Health, Wellness and Fitness
What did you like?
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Consumer Electronics
What did you like?
What did you not like?
Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Design
What did you like?
What did you not like?
Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Consumer Goods
What did you like?
What did you not like?
Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Logistics and Supply Chain
What did you like?
What did you not like?
Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Lagerhaltung
What did you like?
What did you not like?
Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Großhandel
What did you like?
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Textilwirtschaft
What did you like?
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Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Großhandel
What did you like?
What did you not like?
Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Retail
What did you like?
What did you not like?
Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Consumer Electronics
What did you like?
What did you not like?
Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Transportation/Trucking/Railroad
What did you like?
What did you not like?
Which problems are you solving with the product?
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Sportartikel
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