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4.6 (9 reviews)
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Process Mining

Average: 8


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Process Mining

Average: 9


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Process Mining

Average: 8.5


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Process Mining

Average: 8.1

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Last edited: January 2025

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Process.Science Reviews (9)

“Powerful, Easy to Use Process Mining software that Integrates into Power BI”
Source of review
In the last 6 months
Validated Reviewer
Owner (Data Analyst)
  • 1-50 employees
  • Industry: Computer Software

What did you like? offers most of the functionality that one expects of this type of software. Yes, there are other providers of process mining software and there are certainly good solutions among them. A big advantage, and a decisive advantage for me, is that it is easy to integrate with Power BI.

What did you not like?

If there is one thing that does not excel in yet, it is design, the user interface. advertises itself with the ease of integration with QLIK and Power BI but would do well to follow the visual design possibilities of these two solutions. Furthermore, there are providers who develop and offer new functionality faster than, but that is often offset by the fact that they do not integrate with Power BI, which is, as previously indicated, a huge plus for me. Integration with Power BI enables me to offer process mining, or at least the results and findings, to a larger audience.

Which problems are you solving with the product?

For organizations that use field workers to solve technical problems, efficiency is very important. It ensures lower costs and higher customer satisfaction for those for whom a problem is solved. How can the costs involved remain manageable while maintaining or improving the one-time fix at a high level? Why and how does unnecessary rework occur? Can we identify this and then improve it? What are the factors that ensure a longer lead time? Is there potential for improvement? can make an important contribution to answering these types of questions.
“Process Mining ganz einfach mit Process Science - Einfach Genial”
Source of review
In the last 30 days
Validated Reviewer
Senior Business Transformation Manager at
Helvetia AG
  • 1001+ employees
  • Industry: Versicherung

What did you like?

Was mich an Process Science besonders überzeugt, ist die gelungene Mischung aus Transparenz, einfacher Handhabung und der starken Anbindung an Power BI. Die Software gibt uns völlig neue Möglichkeiten, Prozesse zu analysieren und zu visualisieren. Durch die klare und verständliche Darstellung lassen sich Engpässe und Optimierungspotenziale sofort erkennen. Besonders positiv finde ich, dass man keine tiefgehenden technischen Vorkenntnisse benötigt, um wertvolle Erkenntnisse aus den Daten zu gewinnen – die Bedienung ist intuitiv und schnell erlernbar. Ein großer Pluspunkt ist die nahtlose Integration in Power BI. So können wir direkt in unserer gewohnten Umgebung arbeiten und individuell angepasste Dashboards erstellen. Die Visualisierungen sind nicht nur ansprechend, sondern auch extrem hilfreich, um komplexe Abläufe verständlich darzustellen. Zudem bietet die Software eine hohe Flexibilität: Unterschiedliche Datenquellen lassen sich problemlos anbinden, und dank der Automatisierung sparen wir viel Zeit bei der Analyse. Das ermöglicht uns, datenbasierte Entscheidungen schneller und effizienter zu treffen. Fazit: Process Science bringt echte Transparenz in unsere Prozesse, ist leicht zu bedienen und liefert wertvolle Erkenntnisse – genau das, was wir für eine effektive Prozessanalyse brauchen!

What did you not like?

Process Science ist eine wirklich starke Lösung, aber es gibt ein paar Punkte, die meiner Meinung nach noch verbessert werden könnten. Performance bei großen Datenmengen Wenn man mit sehr großen Datensätzen arbeitet und viele Prozesse gleichzeitig analysiert, kann es gelegentlich zu Performance-Einbußen kommen. Hier wäre es super, wenn die Verarbeitung noch effizienter gestaltet werden könnte. Anpassungsmöglichkeiten in Power BI Die Integration mit Power BI ist grundsätzlich gelungen, aber bei manchen Visualisierungen oder Filtermöglichkeiten stößt man an Grenzen. Es wäre schön, wenn man hier noch mehr Freiheiten hätte, um individuelle Anpassungen vorzunehmen. Optik und Benutzererlebnis Die Visualisierungen sind funktional und liefern wertvolle Erkenntnisse, aber aus meiner Sicht könnten sie moderner und ansprechender gestaltet sein. Ein frischeres, interaktiveres Design würde das Nutzungserlebnis nochmal auf ein neues Level heben und die Arbeit mit der Software noch intuitiver machen. Trotz dieser Punkte bleibt Process Science eine richtig gute Lösung mit viel Mehrwert. Wenn an diesen Stellen noch nachgebessert wird, könnte die Software nochmal ein ganzes Stück attraktiver werden!

Which problems are you solving with the product?

Mehr Transparenz in Prozessen – weniger Rätselraten Viele Abläufe im Unternehmen sind eine Black Box – Process Science schafft hier endlich Klarheit. Die visuelle Analyse in Power BI zeigt Engpässe auf einen Blick und macht Optimierungspotenziale sofort erkennbar. 🔍 Flaschenhälse identifizieren statt nur vermuten ⏳ Weniger manueller Aufwand durch automatisierte Analysen 📊 Fundierte Entscheidungen auf Basis von Daten statt Bauchgefühl Warum Process Science überzeugt: -Klare Prozessvisualisierung -Intuitive Bedienung in Power BI -Automatisierte & flexible Analysen -Schnellere, datenbasierte Entscheidungen Fazit: Process Science gibt mir die Transparenz, die ich brauche, um Prozesse gezielt zu verbessern.
Reply from Lucas from Process.Science:

Hallo Donato,

vielen Dank für Dein Feedback, wir freuen uns, dass Dir unsere Software im Allgemeinen sehr gut gefällt.

Bzgl. Deiner Anmerkungen: Wir arbeiten gerade an einer neuen Graphbibliiothek, die einerseits schneller sein wird, aber auch für bessere Übersichtlichkeit sorgen wird. Ebenfalls bauen wir in Zuge dessen ein neues und einheitlicheres UI für alle Lösungen in Power Bi, Qlik Sense und auch Tableau.

Beste Grüße

“I got the chence to try in Power BI version at my course's project implementation.”
In the last 3 months
Validated Reviewer
Adjunct Faculty at
Istanbul Kultur University Industrial Engineering
  • 51-1000 employees
  • Industry: Higher Education

What did you like?

Custom dashboard for for Power BI is quite impressive. It is ready to use and strongly highlights the current status and potential anomalies at process bottom line.

What did you not like?

Nothing at all. Customer support was proactive in the case of any license problems. They are also very supportive in academic alliance.

Which problems are you solving with the product? is basically focused on process dynamics and time performance monitoring. While process analyzer visualizes e2e process cycles in terms of different merits and variants, variant/case analyzer gives a helicopter view in terms of different process features. Lead time analyzer is a valid widget for time performance monitoring. Multi facer is also a niche visualization widget to compare different process snapshots in terms of case (or event) based features. Lastly, root cuse analyzer widget is a powerful ML-based component to describe the underlying reason of rework anomalies .
“Process Science a wonderful Exension to visualize and analyze your Processes ”
Source of review
In the last 3 months
Validated Reviewer
Data Scientist at
DOS Software Systeme
  • 1-50 employees
  • Industry: Automotive

What did you like?

You can easily adapt the design and integrate the extension in powerBI. The User Support is exceptional and you always have someone to help with challenging tasks.

What did you not like?

I would like the option to filter the cases on the run. That means my process has 5 steps and i want to exclude certain steps because thei are irrelevant for the question i need to answer.

Which problems are you solving with the product?

Visualize the Application Process in our company. Easily detect delays and identify the cause of the delays.
Reply from Lucas from Process.Science:

Hi Stefanie,

Thank you very much for your open feedback. Can you explain in more detail what you mean by analysing open cases, i.e. how exactly do you want to exclude the steps? Please send us an email with details to, thank you!

If it's purely about creating a filter based on excluded activities, you can also try the events filter. Here you can also exclude activities in the BPMN model.

Best Regards,

“Very effective and convenient process mining tool”
Source of review
In the last 6 months
Validated Reviewer
Managing Director at
Demand Driven Technologies
  • 51-1000 employees
  • Industry: Computer Software

What did you like?

I have been trying several process mining tools over the years. They tend to be complex and expensive. enables quick and easy process analysis, and its integration as a set of Power BI visuals makes it very sersatile and easy to adapt to specific needs.

What did you not like?

Sometimes with heavy datasets the processing may be lengthy. It would also be nice to be able to filter other PBI visuals when selecting a node or a link.

Which problems are you solving with the product?

We use it mainly to map manufacturing processes in order to streamline them.
Reply from Lucas from Process.Science:

Hi Bernard,

Thank you very much for your open feedback.

Can you explain in more detail what you mean by filtering for activities/nodes or edges? This is one of the main functionalities in the Process Analyser, which offers exactly this function. If I understand correctly.
Please send us an email with details to, thank you!

Best regards,
Lucas M.

“Prozesse endlich verstehen mit Hilfe von process science”
Source of review
In the last 6 months
Validated Reviewer
Projektleiter Business Intelligence at
Lechler GmbH
  • 51-1000 employees
  • Industry: Mechanical or Industrial Engineering

What did you like?

process science hilft uns enorm, Prozesse im Unternehmen abzubilden und endlich Zusammenhänge zu verstehen. Die volle Integration in Power BI macht das Tool zu einem visuellen Gamechanger bei der Analyse von SAP-Prozessen in der Abwicklung von Kundenaufträgen, Bestellungen und Produktionsprozessen.

What did you not like?

Process science kennt out-of-the-box Standardprozesse aus SAP und kann diese hervorragend integrieren. Wenn es um custom Prozesse geht, muss man ein wenig Budget mitbringen und Zeit. Bekommt damit aber 100%ige Unterstützung.

Which problems are you solving with the product?

Unser Hauptproblem ist die Bewertung der Liefertreue. Dafür können wir jetzt mit Hilfe von endlich die Bottlenecks im Unternehmen erkennen.
“Fit for purpose process mining”
Source of review
In the last 6 months
Validated Reviewer
Product Manager at
  • 51-1000 employees
  • Industry: Computer Software

What did you like?

Ease of use on the visualizations and how to configure and create visual representations of the process data. It integrates nicely in the Microsoft Power BI ecosystem. When presenting dashboarding to stakeholders, they seem to understand very easily what they are seeing.

What did you not like?

Limitation of certain Power BI visualizations as the visuals are not able to render all process data points.

Which problems are you solving with the product?

Rootcause analysis on process deviations to further shape new process designs.
“Process Science is a nice addition in the Process Improvement toolbox”
Source of review
In the last 6 months
Validated Reviewer
Consultant at
  • 1001+ employees
  • Industry: Versorgungswirtschaft

What did you like?

The flexible integration within Power BI and therefore the advantages of Power BI are a great combination for doing process analysis.

What did you not like?

When you don't use Power BI regularly the use of Process Science may be experienced as technical.

Which problems are you solving with the product?

With Process Science you discover your process on a fact based level rather than a subjective way with interviews. You will notice your processed run very differently than you expect. Because you see the fact based way you are also able to effectively implement changes to improve the business processes.
“Simple and cost effective Operational Analytics. Organisation is responsive and easy to work with”
Source of review
In the last 6 months
Validated Reviewer
Chief Data Refinery Officer
  • 1-50 employees
  • Industry: Government Administration

What did you like?

The BI platforms they are based on are market leading. The visuals are intuitive, The integration with BI insights, from the same data sets, is invaluable. The new swimlanes are much appreciated

What did you not like?

That so many companies still have not considered process science yet as these companies deploy a process-mining-only solution that is not offering them value for money.

Which problems are you solving with the product?

Process Discovery; Internal Controls/segregation of duties exceptions; Continuous Controls Monitoring
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