Iconosquare Reviews (37)
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- 1001+ employees
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Hi Melissa,
Thank you so much for leaving us a review, we really appreciate it and value your opinion and are always looking for ways to improve our platform.
In terms of tracking your performance over a specific time period, Iconosquare proposes a time period of the data at the same time 12 months earlier or a comparison of the data from the preceding month.
I hope that this helps.
- 51-1000 employees
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Hi Julia,
Thank you so much for leaving us a review, we really appreciate it.
We are always seeking to improve connectivity issues in order to provide you with a streamlined experience. In terms of auto-posting, we have made some improvements and enriched this feature. It’s great to hear that you are enjoying our conversations feature.
I hope that this helps.
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Online Media
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Hallo Thung,
Vielen Dank für die Nachricht. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Ihnen Iconosquare gefällt.
Was Pinterest betrifft, haben wir noch nicht genügend Ressourcen, um es zu integrieren, aber das ist etwas, was wir in Zukunft tun wollen. Vielen Dank nochmals für diese sehr positive Bewertung!
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- 51-1000 employees
- Industry: Cosmetics
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Marketing and Advertising
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Leisure, Travel & Tourism
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Hi Josephine,
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us a review, we really appreciate it. We’re so happy to see that you are enjoying our analytics feature and the ability to track your post performance. Regarding your review, it is possible to compare KPIs to different time periods, for example the previous month or the same period of the previous year.
I hope that this helps
- 51-1000 employees
- Industry: Publishing
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Hi Ivelina, thank you so much for leaving us a review, we really appreciate it.
Unfortunately due to technical bugs, our platform does experience connectivity issues. We are continually working on optimizing and streamlining our platform in order to reduce these circumstances.
We are delighted to hear that you are enjoying our scheduler feature. We have recently enriched our scheduler feature and you can now auto ptInstagramam Reels and stories as well as cross-post onto various social media platforms.
I hope that this helps.
- 51-1000 employees
- Industry: Leisure, Travel & Tourism
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Hi Emilia
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us a review, we really appreciate it.
It’s great to hear that yo are enjoying tracking your KPIs via our platform.
Regarding your review, we now have analytics data for both Instagram and Facebook Reels.
I hope that this helps
- 51-1000 employees
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Hi Alice,
Thank you so much for your review, we really appreciate it.
We’re so happy to hear that you are enjoying our scheduling feature and find our interface user-friendly.
We have recently updated our platform and are delighted to now offer auto publication for Instagram Reels and stories.
I hope that this helps
- 51-1000 employees
- Industry: Marketing and Advertising
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Graphic Design
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Hallo Gabriele, Wir danken Ihnen herzlich für die Bewertung, die Sie auf iconosquare abgegeben haben. Ich wollte auch Ihnen Bescheid geben, dass es jetzt möglich ist, Stories und Reels automatisch zu veröffentlichen. Bezüglich der Darstellung der Zahlen würde ich auch gerne wissen, wie Sie sich es vorstellen können, sodass ich das zu unserem Team weiterleiten kann. :) Schöne Grüße,
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Hallo Nicole,vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertung! Wir freuen uns, dass Ihnen unsere Dienstleistungen gefallen und wir Ihnen weiterhelfen. Wir danken Ihnen herzlich für die Bewertung, die Sie auf iconosquare abgegeben haben
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Publishing
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Hi Carsten, Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us a review, from the Iconsoqaure team we really appreciate it. At the moment, the Iconosquare mobile app is required in order to access our scheduler feature, howev,er we are working on improving and simplifying this process. I hope that this helps.
- 1001+ employees
- Industry: Marketing and Advertising
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Vielen Dank für Ihre Meinung zu Iconosquare. Wir freuen uns, dass Ihnen das Produkt gefällt. Was Ihr Problem mit der Inhaltsgröße betrifft, so handelt es sich hierbei leider um Beschränkungen, die uns durch die APIs auferlegt werden. Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback zu Iconosquare. Wir freuen uns, dass Ihnen das Produkt gefällt. Wenn Sie über Ihr Problem mit der Inhaltsgröße besorgt sind, werden uns leider durch die APIs Einschränkungen auferlegt. Zögern Sie jedoch nicht, weitere Informationen von unserem Support-Team anzufordern, indem Sie sich an help@iconosquare.com wenden.
Ich hoffe, dies wird dir helfen !
- 51-1000 employees
- Industry: Entertainment
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Hallo Theresa,
Vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht und für die Bewertung, die Sie Iconosquare gegeben haben.
Wir sind wegen dier Crossposting-Probleme mit Facebook und Instagram bewusst, und arbeiten derzeit daran, unsere Platform stabiler zu machen. In der Zwischenzeit entschuldigen wir uns für die entstandenen Unannehmlichkeiten.
Schöne Grüsse,
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Sportartikel
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Hallo Emilia,
Vielen Dank für die Nachricht und die Bewertung, die Sie Iconosquare gegeben haben.
Wir freuen uns, dass Ihnen unser Produkt gefällt und Ihnen die Arbeit erleichtert.
Zur Funktion Zeitvergleichsdarstellung finden Sie für Instagram und Facebook Grafiken, die Ihnen zeigen, zu welchen Zeiten Ihre Follower am meisten online sind. Für Instagram finden Sie außerdem eine Grafik, die zeigt, wann Ihre Reichweite am besten ist. Vielleicht kann es nützlich sein!
Sie finden es hier : https://app.iconosquare.com/analytics/reach
Ich hoffe, dies wird Sie helfen!
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Fashion
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Hi Christopher, Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us a review, we really appreciate your feedback.
We're so happy to hear that you are enjoying our Analytics feature. Regarding your review, we do have report data for Instagram stories and customizable reports are available. In terms of saving and categorizing comments, it is possible t export comments from the Iconosquare platform.
I hope that this helps.
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Think Tanks
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Media Production
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Online Media
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Marketing and Advertising
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Hi Deni, Thank you so much for leaving us a review, we really appreciate it. Regarding your review, in terms of sharing a report, thanks to the collaboration feature users can add various email addresses to recipients, therefore the posts are shareable with your team. Technical bugs occasionally happen via our platform however we do endeavor to limit these connectivity issues when we can. We are currently working on enriching our Instgraanalysisis, to provide you with even morin-depthth insights. I hope that this helps.
- 51-1000 employees
- Industry: Higher Education
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- 1-50 employees
- Industry: PR & Kommunikation
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Hi Julia,
Thank you so much for leaving us a review, we really appreciate it.
We’re so happy to hear that you are enjoying using our reporting feature. Our most recent updates allow Instagram Reels and story analytics to be assessed.
I hope that this helps.
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Hi Moritz,
Thank you so much for leaving us a review, we really appreciate it.
We’re so happy to hear that you are enjoying using our scheduler feature. We’re sorry to hear that you have experienced problems with our platform, would you be able to tell me which sections are hidden so we can further investigate this issue?
I hope that this helps.
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Mental Health Care
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Hi Anne,
Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review, we really appreciate it. It’s great to hear that you are enjoying our album feature. In terms of analytics for paid and organic posts, for Instagram you can track the analytics separately via our advanced plan; however, for FaceBook the data is mixed together. This is available for all plan levels.
I hope that this helps
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Hi Vanessa,
Thank you so much for leaving us a review, we really appreciate it.
We’re happy to see that you’re enjoying our reporting feature.
Unfortunately due to technical bugs, our platform does experience connectivity issues. We are continually working on optimising and streamlining our platform in order to reduce these circumstances.
We recognise that this can be frustrating and we are constantly looking for ways to improve this system.
I hope that this helps,
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Information Technology and Services
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Hi Till,
Thank you for leaving us a review, we really do appreciate it.
We’re so happy to hear that Iconosquare is fulfilling our goal of saving you time and simplifying and streamlining your tasks.
We have developed our monitoring feature, it is now possible to save hashtags and compare your company against your competitors in your industry
I hope this helps
- 1-50 employees
- Industry: Consumer Goods
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Hi Marco,
Thank you so much for taking the time to review us, we really appreciate it.
We’re sorry to hear that your learning curve peaked. At Iconosquare, innovation is at the heart of our product, we are constantly bringing out new features and enhancing current assets of Iconosquare to improve user experience. We have recently introduced Facebook reels analytics, a new TikTok scheduler, AI captions generator and we plan to introduce more features.
I hope that this helps,
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Hi Alice,
Thank you so much for reviewing Iconosquare, we are always trying to improve our platform and we appreciate your feedback.
In one of our recent updates, we have now implemented auto-publishing for Instagram stories via the Iconosquare platform, saving you time.
I hope this helps
- 1001+ employees
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Hi Nane,
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us a lovely review, we really appreciate it.
At Iconosquare we pride ourselves on the accessibility of our platform, whilst being an affordable social media management and analytics solution. It’s great to hear that you’re enjoying our dashboard feature.
- 51-1000 employees
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Hi Milena,
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us a review, we really appreciate it.
It’s great to hear that you’re enjoying automating publishing features.
In one of our most recent updates, we have now made it possible to automatically publish Instagram photos, stories, carrousels, and reels.
I hope that this helps.