Optimize Your E-Commerce Business with Affiliate Marketing: Step-by-Step Guide for Implementation with Shopify

Michael Wolf 6/16/2023

Optimize your e-commerce business with affiliate marketing

Table of contents
  1. What is affiliate marketing, and how does it work?
  2. The most common commission models in affiliate marketing
  3. How to establish your affiliate marketing and set up an affiliate program in Shopify
  4. What apps and tools are suitable for setting up a partner program?
  5. Conclusion

Acquiring new customers and retaining existing ones is a challenge for companies. One of the most effective marketing tools is affiliate marketing. In this popular model in e-commerce, a merchant pays partners (affiliates) to promote products or services and direct customers to their own website. By collaborating with affiliates, merchants can expand their business and increase revenue. For shop operators, it is extremely important to track this channel in order to optimize marketing strategies and continue to grow with the business.

But how does it all actually work? In this article, our guest author and expert Michael Wolf gives you a brief introduction and a step-by-step guide on how to set up and successfully run an affiliate program with the e-commerce shop system, Shopify.

What is affiliate marketing, and how does it work?

Affiliate marketing is an effective marketing strategy that allows businesses to promote their products or services with the help of affiliates. Affiliates are partners who promote the product or service on their website or social media channels and in return receive a commission for each successful referral.

The Affiliate Marketing is based on the principle of commission. When a customer makes a purchase due to the recommendation of an affiliate, the affiliate receives a previously agreed commission. The amount of the commission often depends on the type of product or service and can range from 5 percent to 50 percent of the sales price.

A successful affiliate marketing strategy requires careful planning and execution. Merchants need a clear strategy to select the right affiliates, determine the amount of the commission, and provide marketing materials to maximize the success of the affiliate campaign.

Overall, affiliate marketing is an effective strategy for increasing traffic and sales and improving e-commerce business. With the right affiliate tracking and a smart strategy, businesses can reduce their marketing costs and increase revenue while affiliates benefit from a lucrative source of income.

The most common commission models in affiliate marketing

There are different commission models in affiliate marketing that you can offer to compensate your affiliate partners. The most common commission models are Cost-per-Order (CPO), Cost-per-Click (CPC) and Cost-per-Lead (CPL).

The Cost-per-Order model is the most commonly used commission model in affiliate marketing. A fixed commission is paid for each sale generated through the affiliate link of the partner. The amount of the commission can vary depending on the company and product, but is usually between 5 and 20 percent of the sales price.

With the Cost-per-Click model the affiliate partner receives a commission for each click on the affiliate link, regardless of whether a sale is made or not. This type of commission is less common and is often only offered for niche products or harder-to-sell products.

The Cost-per-Lead model refers to the generation of potential customers. The affiliate partner receives a commission when a potential customer performs a certain action via the affiliate link. For example, filling out a registration form or downloading an app. This type of commission is often offered for services or complex products.

It is important that companies choose the commission model that suits their goals and products. An offer of commission that is too low can lead to no affiliates registering, while an offer that is too high can affect the margin.

How to establish your affiliate marketing and set up an affiliate program in Shopify

Shopify is one of the world's most popular e-commerce platforms. And as already mentioned, affiliate marketing is an effective method to increase traffic and sales.

But how do you start and what are the necessary steps? Below, we will discuss setting up an affiliate program through an existing affiliate marketing network.

Building your own affiliate partnership program is more suitable for strong brands that can attract enough affiliates through their popularity and will therefore be left out in this article.

The advantages of a network include an existing large pool of potential affiliates and less organizational and technical effort. The providers of course charge fees and commissions for this fast track.

Step 1 - Selecting the right network

There are a multitude of networks, which can be differentiated according to various criteria. These include technological development, the range of tools, the orientation of the partner program (niche, exclusivity), tracking, partner support, etc.

Shopify also offers its own network with its associated app "Shopify Collabs". We recommend you to choose a network that has an app for Shopify and facilitates integration. In the app store of Shopify, you will find a plethora of apps that you can use for your affiliate marketing (e.g. Awin). The app for the affiliate provider Tradedoubler is relatively new. You can find an overview of suitable apps further down in the text. 

Another important decision criterion for merchants is the reach of the network. If you want to learn more about affiliate networks, you can find information in our OMR Reviews Software Guide on Affiliate Networks.

Once you have decided on a provider, you must submit an application to the network to include your planned partner program in the network. The network checks your request and some of the providers perform a potential analysis. After approval, you can create an account with the network.

Step 2 - Setting up the Partner Program

After successful registration, you can set up your first partner program. In addition to general settings such as the program name and program description, you also need to create guidelines that define the conditions and terms of your program. Think about what kind and amount of commissions you want to offer, what products you want to promote and what guidelines apply to the use of your marketing materials. Offer attractive commissions that motivate affiliates to promote your products. Make sure that your commissions are competitive while still providing sufficient returns to your business.

Next, create compelling marketing assets or promotional materials for your affiliates, such as banners, text links, or forms. Make sure they are tailored to the needs and interests of your target audience and contain a clear call to action.

Step 3 - Install Appropriate App in Shopify

Then install the app for your network in Shopify and connect it to your affiliate account. Make sure you correctly configure the app according to the platform's instructions. An overview of the available apps can be found directly on Shopify.

Step 4 - Setting up Tracking

An important aspect of affiliate marketing is tracking your partners. To ensure that affiliates are compensated correctly, tracking codes must be embedded in affiliate links. These codes allow you to track traffic and conversions from affiliate websites and channels to your online store and pay commissions accordingly.

Tracking allows you to optimize your affiliate strategy and maximize the return on your marketing budget. Since affiliates are typically only paid for the conversions they actually generate, companies minimize the risk of unnecessary marketing expenses. At the same time, tracking helps ensure fair and transparent collaboration between merchants and affiliates. Both sides have an objective view of the sales they have made together. This is the opportunity for you as a company to win new customers and convince them of your services.

The tracking integrated into Shopify via Google Analytics is not sufficient and needs to be adjusted. Fortunately, many cases already take over tracking through the installation and setup of the appropriate app in Shopify. This allows you to measure and analyze traffic data and conversions to evaluate and optimize the performance of your partners. Use the analysis provided by your affiliate network to understand which partners and marketing channels deliver the best results and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Step 5 - Testing and Going Live

After you have completed the setup of your partner program and implemented all necessary elements, the testing phase and then the official start follow.

It is important to thoroughly test all aspects of your program to ensure that everything works as planned:

Affiliate Links and Advertising Material

  • Check whether all the links and advertising materials you provided are correct and work flawlessly.


  • Make sure that this works correctly, i.e. the clicks on your affiliate links are evaluable and the correct assignment of the sales to the respective affiliates is made.

Communication Channels

  • Test all communication channels you have set up for contacting your affiliates. These can be emails, messengers, live chats and others.

Payment Processing

  • Run a test run of the payout processes to make sure your affiliates receive their commissions promptly and effortlessly.

When you are sure that everything runs smoothly, it is time to launch your partner program.

Step 6 - Promoting Your Affiliate Program

After you have set up and tested your affiliate program, the next step is to market it and win affiliates for your program. Use social media, email marketing or other marketing channels to promote your program and highlight the benefits of partnering with your business. A dedicated landing page that informs visitors about the partner program, among other things, helps to win new partners.

Step 7 - Analysis and Optimization

It's important to continue to monitor the effectiveness of your program after going live and make optimizations as needed. Only in this way can you ensure that your affiliate program continues to grow and helps you achieve your goals.

Step 8 - Community Management

The success of an affiliate program not only depends on winning affiliates, but also on maintaining a strong and engaged affiliate community that supports you and your business in the long term. Communicate regularly with your partners and offer them support in marketing your products. Make sure they feel valued and are motivated to actively promote your affiliate program.

By following these steps, you can set up a successful Shopify affiliate program and benefit from improved brand awareness, traffic and sales.

What apps and tools are suitable for setting up a partner program?

The overview at OMR Reviews Category Affiliate Networks will help you choose a suitable and reliable affiliate network.

For Shopify, there are several apps suitable for setting up an affiliate program. Here are some of the most popular apps:

Shopify Collabs


In summary, affiliate marketing is an effective way to boost e-commerce business and increase the reach of the company. With a clever integration of the right apps and careful setup of affiliate tracking, you can set up a successful partner program on Shopify. It's important to focus on clear guidelines, appealing product presentation and adequate compensation. With these tips and a comprehensive understanding of the common commission models in affiliate marketing, there is nothing standing in the way of a successful implementation of your affiliate program on Shopify.

Michael Wolf
Michael Wolf

Michael Wolf ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer der Agentur Tudock. Die Hamburger Digitalagentur ist Experte für digitale Vertriebsarchitekturen und spezialisiert auf das Finden von Informationen bzw. Produkten. Mit dem Thema Digital Commerce beschäftigt sich Michael seit mehr als 20 Jahren und schreibt darüber auch im Magazin auf tudock.de.

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