The Ultimate Guide to YouTube Bumper Ads: Everything You Need to Know

Hendrik Unger 11/30/2023

We show you the advantages of Bumper Ads and how to activate them on YouTube

Table of contents
  1. What are Bumper Ads on YouTube?
  2. Who are YouTube Bumper Ads suitable for?
  3. Pros of Bumper Ads
  4. What makes a good Bumper Ad?
  5. What do Bumper Ads cost and how are they created?
  6. How do you switch a Bumper Ad on YouTube?
  7. Successful examples of YouTube Bumper Ads
  8. Conclusion

Time is money! That's exactly the motto of the shortest ad format that YouTube currently offers. Now read in this comprehensive guide all about YouTube Bumper Ads - the perfect companion for all those who want to dive deeper into the world of short, concise advertising clips. In a time when attention is precious and users are looking for reliable information, we offer in this article security, clear recommendations and in-depth information about Bumper Ads on YouTube.

What are Bumper Ads on YouTube?

In an era where the attention span is short, Bumper Ads allow lightning fast communication. Bumper Ads are short, six-second video ads on YouTube that play before or after a main video. For addressing users in the fast-paced world of the internet, conciseness has become a strong weapon. A study by Microsoft from 2015 shows that people are now less attentive than goldfish due to digitization. A goldfish can stay with a thing for 9 seconds, whereas an internet user only a maximum of 8 seconds.

Correspondingly, the extremely short YouTube Bumpers were then launched in 2016. They are played centrally in YouTube videos and cannot be interrupted by the user. Although an unskippable advertising break is often not popular with users, but since the ad is over as quickly as it came, users can bear this. But which companies should opt for this form of advertising?

Who are YouTube Bumper Ads suitable for?

These advertising clips are versatile and suitable for companies that want to communicate their message in a matter of seconds. From increasing brand awareness to introducing new products - Bumper Ads offer numerous possibilities.

Whether image enhancement, product awareness or sales - all are achievable goals of the ad type. It is important, as with all marketing measures, that the YouTube Bumper is integrated into a meaningful campaign. Standing alone, only short advertising messages and impulses can be sent out. Therefore, the marketing intelligence is needed here, which stands behind the campaign and behind the use of bumpers. Also work very well, for example, event promotion, the reinforcement of marketing campaigns or also the promotion of limited actions or special offers.

It's important to emphasize that the effectiveness of Bumper Ads heavily depends on the specific marketing strategy, the product or service, and the target audience. In some cases, Bumper Ads can be successfully used as part of a broader advertising strategy while in other situations other advertising formats may be more appropriate. Due to the short playing time, complex products or services as well as emotional storytelling requirements can take place less well. If a marketing strategy is heavily based on emotional storytelling or call-to-action goals and a deeper connection with the target audience is to be established, Bumper Ads, due to their brevity, may not be able to fully meet these requirements.

Mobile target groups are particularly worthwhile, as the short duration fits well with the fast interactions on mobile platforms and ensures that the message is effectively communicated on the go.

Pros of Bumper Ads

Short and punchy

Bumper Ads enable a quick and concise delivery of the message. Users can take in the main information in the shortest possible time, leading to a higher advertising effectiveness.


Compared to longer advertising formats, Bumper Ads are budget-friendly. The brevity of the clips allows companies to reach their target audience at a fraction of the cost of other formats. This is particularly advantageous for small businesses with a limited marketing budget.

Immediate effect

Bumper Ads allow companies to attract immediate attention. Due to their short duration, they do not require long dwell times and ensure that the message reaches the viewers immediately.

Optimized for mobile users

Since many users use YouTube on mobile devices, short Bumper Ads are ideal for mobile display. They fit seamlessly into the stream of videos and do not disrupt the mobile user experience.

High recognition

The brevity and clarity of Bumper Ads promote the recognition of brands. Through repeated displaying, companies can strengthen their brand presence and establish a lasting connection with their target audience.

Versatile application possibilities

Bumper Ads are versatile and suitable for various marketing goals, whether it is increasing brand awareness, introducing new products or promoting special actions. The flexibility makes them an effective tool for different industries.

Integration with other advertising formats

Bumper Ads can be seamlessly integrated into advertising campaigns to deliver a consistent message. They complement other formats such as TrueView ads and offer an additional dimension to enhance the overall impact of the campaign.

Measurability and analytics

YouTube provides comprehensive analytics tools to track the performance of Bumper Ads. Companies can precisely measure how often their ad has been seen, which target groups respond best and what the click-through rate is, in order to adjust their campaigns accordingly.

The combination of these advantages makes YouTube Bumper Ads a powerful option for companies that want to advertise on YouTube and reach a broad target audience.

What makes a good Bumper Ad?

A successful Bumper Ad is characterized by a skillful combination of creativity, conciseness and appeal. In this section you will learn how to create highly effective Bumper Ads that have a lasting effect within the short span of six seconds.

The challenge is to meaningfully place information or advertising message in this short time which lingers with viewers long after. Creativity plays a central role here, as it's not only about conveying information, but also presenting it in a way that attracts attention and stays imprinted in memory.

It is advisable to consider Bumper Ads in conjunction with other YouTube advertising formats, such as skippable InStream Ads. These can serve as a refresher to convey a more comprehensive message and maintain the target audience's interest. The integration of different advertising formats allows to bypass the limitations of the short Bumper Ads and create a coherent and effective overall campaign.

Due to the often low click-through rate, which is also due to the short duration of the Bumper Ads, it is crucial that the message immediately appeals and leaves a lasting impression. The use of visual elements, humorous approaches or surprising twists can help captivate the viewers' attention and increase the effectiveness of the ad.

Overall, Bumper Ads should be seen as a powerful tool that not only attracts attention thanks to its brevity, but can also have a lasting effect through skillful creativity and targeted placement.

What do Bumper Ads cost and how are they created?

Compared to campaigns where the users preferably have to actively click on an ad, YouTube ads, such as the non-skippable InStream Ad and particularly the Bumper Ads, prove to be a more cost-effective option. The crucial difference is that with these formats you pay for the impressions and not for the actions of the users. This means that the cost per thousand impressions, depending on the target group and season, usually lies between 1 and 4 euros.

The financial efficiency of Bumper Ads becomes particularly clear when you look at budget spending in relation to the impression reached. Since the billing is based on the impressions, this allows a cost-effective dissemination of the advertising message to a broad target group. The average price makes this form of advertising a financially attractive option for businesses of different budget sizes.

It's important to stress that this cost model is particularly advantageous when the main goal of the advertising campaign is increasing brand awareness and reach. In this context, the investment in Bumper Ads can be considered as a well spent expenditure, with high visibility guaranteed, without the need for users to actively respond to the ad.

In summary, Bumper Ads offer a cost-effective way to broadcast highly effective advertising messages and are therefore a worthwhile option for companies that want to increase their brand awareness and reach a broad target audience.

How do you switch a Bumper Ad on YouTube?

As you may be accustomed to with a classic Google Ads campaign in the search or display area, you create a video campaign here according to similar parameters.

I'll take you step by step through the process - this section gives you the security to place your Bumper Ads at the right time in front of the right audience.

To create an effective YouTube Bumper Ad campaign, follow these steps

First you log into your existing Google Ads account or create a new one. As soon as you click create campaign, you will see the following target selection:


Here you choose a tile as the target. The options are: Sales, Leads, Website Traffic, Product and Brand Consideration, and Brand Awareness and Reach. And in the second step on the campaign type Video. Now you can specify in the next step which YouTube format you want to use. In our case, the first target action is to select Bumper Ads.


If you have never placed an ad on Google Ads before, I recommend you this guide, which also encompasses a whole chapter about YouTube ad placement.

The process is classic and shows parallels to Meta Ad Manager. You choose your budget, the run time, your target audience, as well as further demographic information. It's important that your YouTube video has been uploaded to YouTube and marked as public or unlisted so that it can be used in an ad. 

Keep in mind that your Bumper Ad has to be reviewed by Google and then it is usually approved within the next 24 hours.

Successful examples of YouTube Bumper Ads

The following examples illustrate how versatile and effective Bumper Ads can be - from humorous clips to clever brand messages. You can see here creative and successful ads that demonstrate how companies use the six seconds optimally to bring their message to the point and win the attention of their target audience.

Dive in and ideally let the creativity of these YouTube Bumper Ads inspire you for your own projects! 


YouTube Bumper Ads represent far more than just short clips - they are the dynamic tool that allows companies to quickly deliver concise messages and grab the attention of their audience. These short, yet impactful ad formats are a key for fast and effective communication in an era where time is precious and attention span is limited.

Utilizing the advantages of YouTube Bumper Ads opens up the opportunity for businesses to create impressive ads and captivate their viewers in innovative ways. The particular strength lies in achieving a lasting effect in the shortest possible time, be it through creative design, humorous approaches or targeted messages. Not only are these ad clips efficient, they also offer room for creative development to arouse the interest and curiosity of the target audience.

Start your journey to convincing ad clips, by fully exploiting the versatility and effectiveness of YouTube Bumper Ads. Use these dynamic clips to easily communicate your messages and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Hendrik Unger
Hendrik Unger

Hendrik Unger ist als Lead Corporate Communicatons bei der Online-Marketing-Agentur morefire tätig. Der mehrfache Gründer gilt als Kreativkopf und Experte auf dem Gebiet Werbung, Social Media und Branding. Seit über 15 Jahren lässt den 35-Jährigen die Marketing-Branche nicht mehr los. Dabei entwickelt er z. B. Online-Marketing-Strategien für den Erfolg von Marken im Internet, insbesondere auf Social Media Networks und gibt sein Wissen europaweit als Dozent, in Vorträgen und bei Workshops weiter.

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