Why Reviews for Spryker are an Important Part of the Marketing Mix

Chantal Seiter 10/2/2023

Samuel Pais von Spryker reveals how the tool provider benefits from review marketing and what you should pay attention to.

Table of contents
  1. Nowadays, software buyers educate themselves
  2. User-generated content is the "gold dust in marketing"
  3. OMR Reviews create optimal synergies
  4. Customers want to share their feedback

Spryker has long recognized that reviews provide great added value for technology companies. That's why the tool provider relies on OMR Reviews to secure its market position, assist potential customers in their search for suitable software, build important trust and continuously improve its offerings with the help of the acquired input.

Nowadays, software buyers educate themselves

"The buyer's journey has simply changed," says Samuel Pais, Community Marketing Lead at Spryker. The Composable Commerce platform is particularly aimed at companies with complex business models such as marketplaces that go beyond traditional e-commerce. As Community Marketing Lead, Samuel takes care of partners, customers and developers who work with Spryker. That's where reviews come into play. Nowadays, most software buyers first educate themselves before turning to software providers to get to know their products. Anyone who needs a new tool generally googles it and watches YouTube videos, Samuel knows. "The buyer nowadays also simply wants to find out for themselves: 'Is the product something that could interest me? Does it solve the problem?' "

To find this out, many software seekers also rely on comparison platforms like OMR Reviews. Therefore, it is only natural for Spryker to be present in these software directories. "We cooperate with platforms that give users and customers the opportunity to share their feedback, so that others can benefit from it," says Samuel. Another advantage: review platforms aggregate valuable search volume. Thus, Spryker not only appears when the tool is specifically searched for, but also in search results related to store systems or when it is mentioned in top lists, for instance.

User-generated content is the "gold dust in marketing"

For Samuel, software directories like OMR Reviews offer a host of advantages. One of them is the user-generated content that emerges on such platforms. This opinion from third parties, which does not come from the company itself, is particularly valuable in the eyes of the Community Marketing Lead because it is not as polished as sales decks or landing pages. "The sentence that says 'With this solution, I have reached my goal.', these are the statements where people say: 'I want that too.'", Samuel thinks. The tool provider uses these positive user feedback for its sales and marketing, for instance in email signatures or at trade shows.

Thus, reviews are an important part of Spryker's marketing mix. However, Samuel is also aware that there is still room for improvement: "Marketing has simply become super complex. B2B marketing as well: paid, organic, PR, then the whole topic of websites, YouTube, video marketing... there is so much. I can understand that topics like review marketing are still a bit fresh," he says. At Spryker, he and his colleagues try to integrate review marketing as best they can into daily business. They use voice of their users on landing pages, for example, and benefit from the social proof resulting from company names and photos. This feedback can be used particularly well with industry reference, according to Samuel. In this way, software providers can show potential customers which similar use cases they have the right solution for.

In addition to customer voices, OMR reviews badges also create crucial trust among potential customers. They can also easily be integrated into the website, landing pages or even trade show booths. However, marketers should be strategic and not overdo it with badges due to pride, advises Samuel.


On software review platforms like OMR Reviews, Spryker collects valuable feedback for its product, which the tool provider uses on its website

OMR Reviews create optimal synergies

The market for software and tools is huge and software providers increasingly need to create unique selling propositions that distinguish them from the competition. Oftentimes, it's just technological details that distinguish one product from another. There, according to Samuel, it is becoming increasingly important to build trust with the target group and to score with them especially in this way. Software comparison platforms like OMR Reviews are a good basis for this: Here, you will find honest feedback from real users. Samuel explains that what Spryker appreciates about OMR Reviews, in addition to this, is its close connection to the OMR cosmos. Strong synergies emerge because review marketing alone is not enough. Rather, with OMR backing, software providers can fully immerse themselves in the world of their target group and reach them also through touchpoints such as the OMR festival or podcasts. "You cannot be ignored in the DACH market," says the Community Marketing Lead.

Besides this 360-degree potential, Samuel particularly appreciates OMR Reviews' strong focus on video content. With video reviews, you can actually see people's excitement about a product and think: "I also want to be this winner type when I have used the solution", says Samuel. He also highlights the many articles in the ContentHub. Because, while reviews already provide quite good insights, detailed content helps potential customers dive deeper into a software or a problem.

Customers want to share their feedback

Review marketing does not just happen on the side. Anyone who wants to benefit from the feedback of their users – not only for their marketing and sales, but also to receive important input for product improvements – can start small, however. Samuel knows this as well. He has tips for software providers who are new to OMR Reviews:

  • Be visible: create a profile on OMR Reviews. This brings free attention and is the most important step.
  • Understand that reviews address many pain points that sales marketers in particular have to struggle with: user voices from review platforms are a credible resource that sales teams can refer to when interacting with potential customers. So generating reviews is worth it.
  • Activate your customers: According to Samuel, many customers are willing to share their feedback with the community. "You say: 'I have made these learnings and this solution has achieved the following for me and I now share this with others who may also be looking.'" However, you must also proactively approach your users and motivate them to give reviews.
  • And last but not least: "Always thank customers when they have given a review."

Is your product not yet listed on OMR Reviews? You can quickly and easily remedy this situation and submit your request here.

Chantal Seiter
Chantal Seiter

Chantal ist Redakteurin bei OMR Reviews. Wenn sie gerade mal nicht in die Tasten haut, betreibt sie Café Hopping oder erkundet neue Städte. Am liebsten beides zusammen. Vor ihrem Start bei OMR Reviews hat die Eigentlich-Kielerin in Kreativagenturen und als Freelancerin gearbeitet. 2022 hat sie außerdem eine Weiterbildung zur Fashion Stylistin abgeschlossen.

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