Simply Safe: 5 On-Premise Password Managers

Discover the top 5 on-premise password managers for a secure and local management of your access data.

Table of contents
  1. Why password managers are important
  2. Advantages of On-Premise password managers
  3. 1. Jumpcloud
  4. 2. Bitwarden
  5. 3. Enpass
  6. 4. Psono Password Manager
  7. 5. Bravura Pass
  8. Conclusion

You've probably heard it often: Strong passwords are the cornerstone of digital security. But how do you keep track of a growing number of complex passwords? This is where password managers come in. In this article, we introduce you to the exciting world of password managers and focus particularly on on-premise solutions. We explore the benefits of these locally hosted tools and take a close look at five top-notch options that will help you manage your passwords easily and securely.

Why password managers are important

Password managers are indispensable in today's digital world to ensure the security of your online accounts. With the ever-growing number of online services and the need for secure access data, password management is becoming increasingly complex. Password managers come into play here to solve this problem.

Using a password manager offers several key advantages. Firstly, they allow for the secure storage and management of all access data in one central place. This helps avoid using weak or easy-to-guess passwords. Secondly, they offer the possibility to generate complex and unique passwords for each account, which further enhances security. Moreover, password managers save time because they eliminate the annoyance of remembering and entering passwords on various platforms.

Using a password manager as an on premise solution also ensures that sensitive access data is stored locally, providing additional security. Having control over the password database in the hands of the company or individual significantly reduces the risk of data leaks and unauthorized access. Therefore, On-Premise password managers, with their integrated encryption and authentication technologies, offer a robust and reliable solution to ensure the security of password management.


An on-premise password manager provides a local back-up of all your passwords.

Advantages of On-Premise password managers

Using an On-Premise password manager offers a wide range of benefits that businesses and organizations appreciate. Local storage and management of sensitive access data can minimize security risks and ensure full control over one's data. By using such a tool, companies have the opportunity to store and secure their data within their own infrastructure, which is particularly important in industries with strict data protection regulations and compliance requirements.

Another advantage of on-premise password managers is the adaptability to individual security requirements. Companies can configure and adjust security measures and protocols to their own standards to meet specific needs and requirements. This allows them to ensure that their password management complies with the highest security standards and remains flexible enough to adapt to changing threat scenarios.

Furthermore, on-premise password managers allow direct control over access to sensitive data. Firms can limit access to the password database to authorized users and thus prevent unwanted access from outside. This contributes to ensuring the security of sensitive corporate data and minimizes potential threats from internal and external threats.

A fundamental aspect is also the independence of third parties that comes with the use of on-premise password managers. Companies are not dependent on external service providers and have full control over their password management without being influenced by their availability or performance. This can contribute to increased reliability and stability of the password management system.

Protection against external attacks by cybercriminals is also a key advantage of on-premise password managers. Local storage of sensitive data minimizes the risk of data leaks and unauthorized access as data is not managed in the cloud or on external servers. This creates an additional level of security that is particularly essential when managing confidential corporate data.

Another important aspect is compliance with compliance guidelines and data protection laws. On-premise password managers allow companies to ensure compliance with legal requirements by keeping control over storage and processing of sensitive data within their own infrastructure. This is particularly relevant for companies subject to specific regulatory requirements.

1. Jumpcloud

JumpCloud stands out especially for its seamless integration into the existing enterprise infrastructure. With features such as password generation and storage, along with easy and secure sharing of access permissions, Jumpcloud provides a comprehensive solution for managing sensitive access data. Jumpcloud also stands out for its user-friendly interface, which makes using the tool easier while ensuring a high level of security.

The multi-factor authentication integrated into Jumpcloud provides an additional level of security for corporate data. By centrally managing access data, administrators can maintain control over resource access while promoting employee productivity at the same time. The ability to set password complexity and expiration policies allows companies to adapt security standards individually while still ensuring efficient password management.

The easy integration of Jumpcloud into existing corporate systems, and its high scalability, make the tool an ideal solution for companies of any size. Comprehensive reporting and detailed audit logs provide additional transparency and allow companies to monitor and ensure compliance with security policies. Overall, Jumpcloud offers a high degree of flexibility and security to meet the requirements of modern companies.


2. Bitwarden

The special feature of Bitwarden is its ability to provide an open-source platform for password management, which also supports on-premise options. This allows organizations to retain full control over their password data while benefiting from the advantages of a powerful, flexible, and customizable password management solution.

With Bitwarden, users can securely store, encrypt and organize passwords in a user-friendly interface that is cross-platform and intuitive. In addition to simple password management, Bitwarden offers features like secure notes, the ability to share passwords with team members, identity management and much more.

Thanks to the open-source nature of Bitwarden, you have the option to customize and extend the platform to your individual needs. This allows for a tailored password management experience that meets the needs of various organizations.

The combination of an open-source approach, on-premise options, and a range of powerful features makes Bitwarden an outstanding choice for organizations seeking a secure, flexible, and customizable password management solution.

3. Enpass

Enpass is not just a simple password manager, but a comprehensive solution that allows users to manage their sensitive data in a secure way. The on-premise functionality of Enpass ensures that all access data is stored locally and under one's own control, significantly reducing the risk of data leaks or hacking attacks.

With Enpass, users can generate complex passwords that meet the highest security standards, and securely store them. An automatic fill-in function makes logging onto websites and apps easier, while the secure note function allows for storing confidential information like insurance data or Wi-Fi passwords. The data is protected by a powerful encryption technology, ensuring the highest level of security.

The cross-platform integration of Enpass allows the users to seamlessly sync their passwords and confidential information across different devices without compromising security. Enpass also offers a user-friendly interface and regular updates to ensure optimum functionality at all times.

By combining security, flexibility, and user-friendliness, Enpass is an exciting choice like Bravura and Bitwarden for anyone who wants to take their password management to a new level while maintaining control over their personal data.

Digitale Sicherheit

4. Psono Password Manager

The Psono Password Manager stands out for its versatility and customizable security features that are specifically tailored to the needs of companies. With a user-friendly interface, Psono provides an intuitive experience for securely managing access data.

With Psono, companies can implement customizable security policies to meet individual requirements and maximize security. This flexibility allows them to adjust security policies precisely according to their own needs, thus providing a high degree of control.

One standout feature of Psono is the encrypted storage of passwords and sensitive data, ensuring maximum data security. This safety measure ensures that confidential information is protected at all times and is accessible only to authorized persons.

In addition, the Psono Password Manager offers a user-friendly interface that allows for quick integration and smooth operation. The clear display of passwords and the option for easy organization make managing access data efficient and uncomplicated.

The ability to securely share access data while maintaining full control is another advantage of Psono. This allows for seamless collaboration within the company without compromising security, and at the same time promoting an effective and secure working environment.

5. Bravura Pass

Bravura Pass is a powerful on-premise password manager that offers exceptional security and user-friendliness. With Bravura Pass, you can manage your access data in your own local environment, thus retaining full control over your sensitive data.

The user interface of Bravura Pass is intuitively designed, allowing you to easily store, organize and recover passwords. Bravura Pass's encryption technology ensures that your data is protected at all times and cannot be seen by unauthorized third parties.

Another advantage of Bravura Pass is its seamless integration into existing systems and applications. This simplifies the management of access data for various platforms and services, which increases both the efficiency and the security of your IT infrastructure.

Bravura Pass also offers a variety of security features like two-factor authentication and password strength checks to ensure your passwords are robust and reliable. In addition, the application allows for secure sharing of passwords within your team, making collaboration easier without compromising security.


Using a high-quality password manager is essential for the security of your online accounts. By choosing an on-premise password manager, you ensure maximum control and security over your access data. The solutions presented, including Bravura Pass, Bitwarden, Enpass, Psono Password Manager, and Jumpcloud, offer a variety of features to protect your passwords and sensitive information. By choosing an on-premise password manager, you opt for local security and control, without compromising on user-friendliness. Secure your passwords and protect your online identity with a powerful on-premise password manager solution.

Kira Schreiberling
Kira Schreiberling

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