Having Blog Articles Written with AI - The Ultimate Guide

Generate high-quality content with the help of AI? It's possible. Our step-by-step guide shows you how!

Table of contents
  1. Why have a blog article written by AI?
  2. 3 AI tools for writing blogs
  3. Step-by-step guide: Have blog article written by AI

You want to have a blog article written, but have no time or inspiration? No problem! With AI-supported technology, you can also create blog articles quickly and easily these days. In this article, we will show you the ultimate guide to writing blog articles with AI - both with free and paid tools. We show you how to create a blog article from a blank page to the final text.

Why have a blog article written by AI?

Writing blog articles can be a laborious and time-consuming task. In many cases, therefore, it is worthwhile to outsource the work to AI technologies to save time and energy. Here are some benefits if you let an AI write a blog article:

  1. Speed: AI technologies are capable of quickly analyzing and processing large amounts of data. This means that a blog article can be written in less time than human writers.

  2. Cost-efficiency: Outsourcing the writing of blog articles to AI technologies may be more cost-effective than hiring human writers. With respect to yourself, this means that every minute saved with AI can be spent on other activities.

  3. Personalization: With AI technologies, blog articles can be adapted to the interests and preferences of the target audience. Choose a different approach? Use the formal mode of speech instead of the informal mode in the text? Such things can be rewritten quickly with AI.

  4. Increase in productivity: By outsourcing the writing of blog articles to AI technologies, you as a blogger can increase your productivity and focus on other aspects of your business. This can help your blog grow and evolve more rapidly.

AI for blog articles? Yes, but...!

Overall, there are so many benefits to having an AI write a blog article. However, from experience, it can be said that artificial intelligence can't completely replace human writers. That's because AI texts usually lack the final spark of empathy and creativity. Therefore, consider text generators more as a co-pilot, who can support you as best as possible in your work, the important decisions and quality control in relation to your text are still up to you.

3 AI tools for writing blogs


Jasper is an AI platform that offers many functions to create different content formats. These include among others a chatbot, an AI image generator and naturally a AI text generator for a total of 29 languages. Jasper also integrates different other tools to optimize texts for the web: For example, the platform contains access to SurferSEO , with which you can automatically optimize your texts for search engines, a Grammarly integration for correct grammar and spelling, and an integration of Copyscape for plagiarism-free text generation.


Actually, there isn't much to say about OpenAI ChatGPT anymore: The tool has triggered a real AI hype in recent months and even forced the tech giant Google to step up with artificial intelligence. While ChatGPT only generates texts compared to tools like Jasper and Neuroflash, the operation is as intuitive as hardly any other competitor and the usage is absolutely free - as long as the servers can handle it. Too many requests by users can indeed lead to downtimes with ChatGPT. In such cases, the only solution is to switch to the paid version ChatGPT+, which includes a guaranteed server connection and early access to future features.


neuroflash is a provider of AI tools from Hamburg. The products include among others a AI text generator, which can assist you in writing the blog. Technically, this generator is based on the language model GPT-3, which is also used by ChatGPT. To enable particularly accurate results, neuroflash, if necessary, categorized the work on a blog into different prompt categories, such as “blog paragraph”, “blog closing sentence ” or “SEO metadescription”. Regardless of this, like with ChatGPT, you can make semantic requests that are then processed by the AI.

Step-by-step guide: Have blog article written by AI

Below, you will find the individual steps, using which you can have a complete blog article written by AI. If you were expecting to only have to provide AI with a topic or keyword and this would then create a fully-fledged, perfectly formulated text, we have to disappoint you: According to our experience, it is still more sensible to let the AI work in several steps to generate text. Nevertheless, with the help of artificial intelligence, you can save time with many sections, so that you end up working much more efficiently.

Step 1: Keyword research

At the beginning, you must define the topic of your blog article and find relevant keywords. Jasper and Neuroflash make it especially easy for you here, because both already contain integrated SEO extensions. ChatGPT, on the other hand, currently does not offer the ability to conduct an expressive keyword research. Here, you would then have to revert to another tool, such as Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush. However, ChatGPT can support you in the search for the right keywords, by asking the tool to list, for example, synonyms and buzzwords for your desired topic, which you then use in the other SEO tools.

Step 2: Create an outline

Once you have the topic and keywords for your blog article, it is time to create an outline. A well structured outline helps you organize your ideas and make your article easier to understand. To create an outline, you should definitely mention the most important keywords to the AI, from which then an outline is created. Check this outline later again for relevance. In general, this applies: Start with the general focal points and put more specific topics at the end of the outline.

Step 3: Sub-Headlines

Depending on how your outline turns out, this step is completed quickly: Have the AI create a catchy sub-headline for each thematic focal point. These divide your article into smaller sections and should give the readers a quick overview of what information they can find in the respective paragraph. In other words: Your sub-headlines should be clear and concise and summarize the most important information of your article.

Step 4: Generate text(sections)

Now it's time to get down to business: Commission the AI to write a comprehensive text for each sub-headline. For this, you simply enter a short summary or the desired key statement of the paragraph and the tool generates automatically the text for you. Depending on the tool, you must pay attention to which section of your blog article you are in: Neuroflash, for example, gives you the opportunity to choose from different blog sections such as “Introduction Text” or “Closing Sentence” - with ChatGPT, you must inform the AI when it should create a summary or an editorial. Make sure to check the text afterwards and adjust it if needed, so that it matches your topic and style.

Step 5: SEO Title and Description

Once you have generated the individual text blocks, you can take care of the creation of a meta-description and a meta-title. These are the text snippets your readers usually see first when they are searching for your topic on Google. To create these, provide the AI again with the framework topic and specify the format meta-title and description, so it can summarize accordingly. Check afterwards whether they comply with Google's character guidelines: A maximum of 70 characters are recommended for the title and 155 characters for the description. The exact number of characters you should ultimately use also depends on the pixel width of the characters used. Also, there should be a call to action included that encourages users to click on your blog article.

Step 6: Proofread! 

We can't emphasize it enough: Proofread your AI text thoroughly before you publish it. You should consider the following points:

  • Fact check: During the fact check, you should make sure that all the information contained in the text is correct and relevant. 

  • Style: Check the style of the text to ensure that it is uniform and matches the corporate identity of your company. Pay attention to correct gendering and the coherent use of terms, linkages and so on.

  • Grammar & Spelling: In general, AIs write very reliable texts when it comes to spelling and grammar. However, it can happen that certain words are spelled incorrectly or inconsistently. Therefore, always pay attention also to grammatical correctness and orthography.

  • SEO Check: Finally, conduct an SEO check on your text and see if the desired keywords have been used sensibly. Content Optimizer from Ryte or the tool Termlabs.io can help you with this.


There are many reasons for writing blog articles with the help of AI. The biggest advantage is certainly the time saved, as you can have a lot of the hard work done by artificial intelligence. However, be aware that working with AI does not work without your help. To achieve satisfactory results, your involvement in text generation is still essential.

Nils Knäpper
Nils Knäpper

Nils ist SEO-Texter bei OMR Reviews und darüber hinaus ein echter Content-Suchti. Egal, ob Grafik, Foto, Video oder Audio – wenn es um digitale Medien geht, ist Nils immer ganz vorne mit dabei. Vor seinem Wechsel zu OMR war er fast 5 Jahre lang als Content-Manager und -Creator in einem Immobilienunternehmen tätig und hat zudem eine klassische Ausbildung als Werbetexter.

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