Best EHR Software & Tools

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ERPath by eHealth-Tec streamlines processes in emergency rooms, simplifies tasks for medical personnel, and has been trusted in 100+ emergency rooms.
Price: From 16.00 € / Monat
PsyPrax is a practice management tool for doctors and therapists, providing billing support, statistics, and data collection. It's favored by group practices and clinics.
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EPIKUR is a software for doctors and therapists, offering mobile apps, online questionnaires, access to patient lists, and video consultations. Thousands use it.
Price: From 84.90 € / Monat
Medatixx is a versatile software for doctor's offices, offering cloud-based and server solutions to optimize medical practices.

More about Best EHR Software & Tools

What is Electronic Health Record Software?

Electronic Health Record Software, also known as EHR software, is a digital solution for systematically capturing, storing, and managing patient data and medical information in healthcare facilities. This software is primarily aimed at physicians, nurses, hospitals, medical practices and other healthcare facilities. EHR software is used in various areas of healthcare, including outpatient and inpatient patient care, in specialized fields such as cardiology or oncology, in the management of medical practices and clinics, as well as in research and teaching.

The core function of this software is to maintain an electronic patient file in which all relevant health information of a patient is collected. This includes medical history, diagnoses, treatment plans, medication plans, vaccinations, lab results, and radiological images. The software allows for efficient communication between various health service providers and supports continuous, high-quality patient care. In addition, it contributes to improving diagnostics and treatment by providing physicians with quick access to complete and current patient information.

The implementation of EHR software can contribute to increasing efficiency in healthcare facilities by reducing manual processes, simplifying administration, and minimizing the time required for documentation. It also supports compliance with legal requirements and standards in healthcare, such as data protection and data security.

Features of Electronic Health Record Software

Electronic Patient Records

One of the central technical functionalities of Electronic Health Record Software (EHR Software) is the management of electronic patient records. This function allows healthcare providers to store and manage all relevant patient information in a digital file. This includes medical history, diagnoses, treatment plans, notes on patient visits, test results, and vaccination information. The software ensures that data is structured, easily accessible, and updatable. This facilitates continuous, comprehensive patient care and aids physicians in decision-making by providing quick access to the complete patient history.

Appointment Scheduling and Management

Another important feature of EHR software is appointment scheduling and management. This function assists medical facilities in efficiently planning, organizing, and managing patient appointments. It allows for booking, changing, confirming, and canceling appointments. Also, the software can send automatic reminders to patients and manage waiting lists. This function contributes to optimizing the workflow, minimizes waiting times for patients, and improves overall patient care.

Medication Management

Medication management is an essential functionality of EHR software. It aids healthcare providers in prescribing, managing, and monitoring medications. The software enables electronic prescribing, checking for medication interactions and allergies, and tracking patients' medication intake. This function increases patient safety by reducing the risk of medication errors and ensuring efficient medication management.


Interoperability is a key function of EHR software, referring to the ability to seamlessly communicate with other health systems and technologies and exchange data. This function is crucial to ensure comprehensive and continuous patient care across various facilities and specialties. Interoperability allows healthcare providers to access relevant patient data from other facilities and share it, improving care coordination and avoiding duplicate examinations.

Security and Data Protection

Ensuring security and data protection is an indispensable function of EHR software. Given the sensitivity of health data, the software must implement robust security protocols and data protection measures. This includes encryption, secure login procedures, access controls, and regular security audits. These functions are crucial to ensure compliance with data protection laws, secure patients' trust, and protect the integrity and confidentiality of patient data.

Who Uses Electronic Health Record Software

Physicians and Medical Professionals

For physicians and medical professionals, the Electronic Health Record Software (EHR Software) is an indispensable tool in daily workflow. It allows physicians to quickly and efficiently access complete patient records, which is crucial for diagnosis and treatment planning. Using EHR, physicians can electronically prescribe medications, create treatment plans, and monitor patients' progress. The software also supports communication with other healthcare providers, facilitating coordinated and comprehensive patient care. In addition, EHR software assists in complying with clinical guidelines and documentation for legal purposes.

Hospitals and Clinics

Hospitals and clinics greatly benefit from implementing EHR software as it plays a central role in coordinating patient care and managing health services. The software enables hospital staff to efficiently manage patient information, from admission to discharge. It supports appointment management, bed occupancy, and medication management. Furthermore, EHR software facilitates information exchange between different departments, which is crucial for treating patients with complex or chronic diseases. In addition, it enables data collection and analysis for quality management and research purposes.

Outpatient Care Services

Outpatient care services use EHR software to ensure efficient and effective patient care outside of hospitals. The software allows nurses to view and update patient information on-site, simplifying care planning and documentation. EHRs can help improve communication between nurses, physicians, and relatives by providing easy access to current patient information. This is particularly important for coordinating care for chronically ill or elderly patients.

Specialized Practices

Specialized practices, such as cardiologists, oncologists, or pediatricians, use EHR software to meet the specific requirements of their specialties. The software can be tailored to the specific needs of these specialties, for example, through specific templates for examinations or specialized reporting functions. For specialists, it is particularly important to document detailed medical information and treatment courses and have quick access to them. EHRs also facilitate the referral of patients between different specialists and the coordination of complex treatment plans.

Research Institutions and Academic Institutions

Research institutions and academic institutions use EHR software to collect and analyze extensive health data for research purposes. This data can be used to identify patterns and trends in patient care, evaluate the effectiveness of treatments, and contribute to medical research. For academic institutions, EHR software also provides a valuable resource for training medical students and medical professionals, providing realistic scenarios for learning and simulating clinical cases.

Benefits of Electronic Health Record Software

Implementing Electronic Health Record Software offers numerous benefits, especially from the perspective of healthcare companies. These benefits contribute significantly to increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving patient care.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

EHR software automates and simplifies many everyday administrative tasks, leading to a significant increase in efficiency and productivity. The digitization of patient records eliminates time-consuming manual processes, such as searching for and managing paper records. This allows medical and administrative staff to focus on more important tasks and improves the overall workflow in the facility.

Improved Documentation Quality and Accuracy

EHR software ensures more accurate and complete documentation of patient information. Digital entries reduce the risk of errors that can occur with manual data entry. Accurate documentation is crucial for the quality of patient care and plays an important role in complying with compliance standards and legal requirements.

Cost Reduction

Using an EHR software, healthcare companies can significantly reduce their operating costs. Reducing paperwork, decreasing the need for physical storage space for files, and increasing efficiency in patient management result in lower administrative costs. In addition, health costs can be saved by improving patient care coordination and avoiding duplicate examinations.

Improved Patient Care and Satisfaction

EHR software allows for more comprehensive and coordinated patient care. Quick access to complete patient information aids physicians in diagnosis and treatment planning. This leads to improved patient care, which in turn can increase patient satisfaction. Satisfied patients are more likely to remain loyal to a facility and recommend it, which is crucial for business growth.

Improved Data Analysis and Reporting

EHR systems offer advanced data collection and analysis features, allowing healthcare companies to gain insights into their operations. This data can be used to identify areas for improvement, evaluate the effectiveness of treatments, and make strategic decisions. The ability to quickly generate and prepare reports supports compliance requirements and participation in quality improvement programs.

Facilitated Compliance and Risk Management

EHR software aids healthcare companies in more easily meeting legal regulations and compliance requirements. The software offers integrated tools that ensure documentation complies with current legal and industry-specific standards. Additionally, it facilitates risk management, for instance, by assisting in the identification and mitigation of medical errors.

Software Selection Process

Creation of a Long List

The first step in selecting the appropriate Electronic Health Record Software (EHR Software) is to create a long list of potential software solutions. A wide range of options is considered to obtain a comprehensive overview of the market. This can be achieved through online research, reading industry reports, obtaining recommendations from colleagues, and consulting experts. The goal is to create a list of EHR systems that potentially meet the needs and requirements of your own company.

Determination of Requirements

The next step is to define the specific requirements of your own company for an EHR software. This includes identifying the key features needed, such as scheduling, medication management, or reporting functions. Technical requirements, such as compatibility with existing hardware and integration with other systems, as well as budget restrictions should also be considered.

Creation of a Short List

Based on the defined requirements, the long list is then reduced to a short list. This step involves excluding EHR systems that do not meet the specific needs of the company. Initial conversations with software vendors can also be held to obtain further information and to better assess the suitability of their products.

Conducting Demos and Product Presentations

After the short list has been created, the next step is to organize demos and product presentations of the potential EHR systems. During these demos, specific features and ease of use of the software can be evaluated. It is important that key personnel from the relevant areas of the company participate in these demos to receive feedback from various perspectives.

Collecting and Evaluating Feedback

After the demos and product presentations, feedback should be collected and evaluated from all participants. This feedback is crucial to understand how well each software solution meets the needs of the company. Special attention should be paid to the usability, functionality, and the ability of the software to meet specific requirements.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

A cost-benefit analysis is an important step to evaluate the financial impacts of each software solution. This includes not only the initial costs of purchase and implementation, but also ongoing costs such as maintenance, support, and updates. The potential savings and improvements in efficiency should also be considered.

Obtaining and Evaluating References

It is advisable to obtain references from other companies or institutions that are already using the considered EHR systems. This can provide valuable insights into the performance and reliability of the software in real operation. Evaluating these references can help solidify the final decision.

Final Decision

After all previous steps have been carried out, the final decision can be made. This should be based on a thorough evaluation of all collected information, including the functionality of the software, user feedback, the cost-benefit analysis, and the references. The selected EHR software should best match the needs, requirements, and financial capabilities of the company.