Alternatives to BlackCurve (30)
BlackCurve is a price tracking software for online retailers that aids in competitor price comprehension and strategy creation to boost sales.
XPLN provides e-commerce software solutions for digital shelf analytics, dynamic pricing and competitive intelligence that enable brands and retailers to make confident decisions.
Priceloop offers data-driven pricing for e-commerce and Amazon sellers. It's a NoCode platform with machine learning for optimized product prices.
Mercio Pricing solution uses AI and Data Science for customer attraction and loyalty, focusing on high-margin products. Includes Geopricing, segmentation, and simulation tools.
PreisHoheit is a SaaS solution for e-commerce, analyzing product data globally to devise pricing strategies, optimizing margins and revenues in real time.
Metaprice is a repricing software for Amazon and eBay, offering intelligent repricing, BuyBox repricing, and sales-based repricing. Ideal for boosting sales figures.
PREISmonitoring ist ein Data Service für automatische Preisbeobachtungen im Internet, ideal für datenbasierte Pricing-Strategien.
SnapTrade ist eine Preisoptimierungssoftware für Online-Versandhändler, bietet Markt- und Wettbewerberanalyse, Strategien zur Gewinnung der Amazon Buybox.
Smart Pricer is a price optimization solution for the entertainment industry, offering dynamic pricing based on customer data analysis.
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