AdButler Costs
AdButler ist eine Ad Serving Plattform, die sich an Publisher*innen und Advertiser*innen richtet. Sie bietet Lösungen zur Monetarisierung digitaler Inhalte durch verschiedene Ad-Formate. Die Plattform umfasst Funktionen wie Display-, Video- und Native Ad Server, einen Self-Serve Marketplace sowie APIs für individuelle Anpassungen. Die Preisgestaltung erfolgt über ein flexibles Modell, das eine 14-tägige kostenlose Testphase ohne Kreditkarte ermöglicht.
AdButler Pricing
From $179.00 / Month
1M ad requests
Display, mobile and in-app
Number of advertisers: 10
third-partty ad tags
Standard ad formats
advanced tracking macros
From $682.00 / Month
10M ad requests
Display, mobile, video and in-app
Number of advertisers: 50
third-partty ad tags
Standard ad formats
advanced tracking macros
number of users: 5
From $2,988.00 / Month
50M ad requests
Display, mobile, video and in-app
Number of advertisers: 100
third-partty ad tags
Standard ad formats
advanced tracking macros
number of users: 5
API Access
Display, mobile, video and in-app
Unlimted Number of advertisers
third-partty ad tags
All ad formats
advanced tracking macros
unlimted number of users
API Access
Sandbox Account
Programmatic Advertising
From $179.00 / Month
1M ad requests
Display, mobile and in-app
Number of advertisers: 10
third-partty ad tags
Standard ad formats
advanced tracking macros
From $682.00 / Month
10M ad requests
Display, mobile, video and in-app
Number of advertisers: 50
third-partty ad tags
Standard ad formats
advanced tracking macros
number of users: 5
From $2,988.00 / Month
50M ad requests
Display, mobile, video and in-app
Number of advertisers: 100
third-partty ad tags
Standard ad formats
advanced tracking macros
number of users: 5
API Access
Display, mobile, video and in-app
Unlimted Number of advertisers
third-partty ad tags
All ad formats
advanced tracking macros
unlimted number of users
API Access
Sandbox Account
Programmatic Advertising