Best Prototyping Software & Tools

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No price information provides an award-winning platform for easy app development without technical know-how. Offers Builder Studio and Builder Now for custom apps and prototypes.
Fluid UI
No price information
Fluid UI is a tool for prototyping web and mobile apps, offering drag-drop design, live presentations, real-time collaboration, and actual device testing.
Price: From 29.00 $ / Monat is an intuitive web-based prototyping platform with over 250 UI components, offering a 15-day free trial. Ideal for UX designers and entrepreneurs.
Price: From 14.00 $ / Monat
HotGloo is a UX, wireframe, and prototyping tool featuring mobile device compatibility, real-time collaboration and over 2000 UI elements. Offers monthly or annual plans.
Wondershare Mockitt
Price: From 0.00 €
Wondershare Mockitt is a design platform suitable for UX designers and developers. It allows interactive prototypes, flowcharts and mind maps creation, and team collaboration.
No price information
InTab boosts web design efficiency with visual CSS editing, adaptable designs, and easy CSS code export for $4/month or $49/lifetime. Ideal for developers and designers.
Price: From 0.00 €
Justinmind offers design, prototyping, and testing for web and mobile apps. It supports teamwork, interactions, gestures, and feedback.
Cortona2D Editor Pro
No price information
Cortona2D Editor Pro is a 2D graphic processing software for authors and illustrators, offering editing, combining and labeling features.
Price: From 0.00 €
Marvel optimizes design work with prototyping, user testing, and developer handoff features. It supports interactive mockups and design validation.
No price information
ActiDoo GmbH specializes in custom software, identity management, and user-centric design for an unforgettable user experience.
Price: From 0.00 €
Mockplus offers a complete design platform with rapid prototyping, collaboration, and design systems. Suitable for brands like IBM and Oracle. Comes in four cost plans.
Pencil Project
Price: Open Source
Pencil Project is a free, open-source GUI prototyping tool offering various templates for drawing user interfaces. Ideal for desktop and mobile platforms.

More about Best Prototyping Software & Tools

What is a Prototyping Tool?

Prototyping tools are specialized software solutions aimed at simplifying and optimizing the process of creating and demonstrating design concepts for digital products. These tools play a crucial role in digital product development, particularly in the early stages of the design and development process.

The primary purpose of prototyping tools is to create a visual and interactive representation of a product that can be tested and reviewed before actual coding and implementation. This allows designers and developers to visualize ideas quickly, simulate user interactions, and collect feedback before significant resources are invested in final development.

The application areas of these tools are varied and range from web and app development to more complex applications such as game and VR development. They are indispensable for UI/UX designers who can design user interfaces with them, as well as for development teams who want to improve the functionality and user-friendliness of their products.

Prototyping tools provide numerous features, including drag-and-drop interfaces, predefined templates, interactive elements, and the ability to simulate realistic user interactions. Some advanced tools even enable the creation of data-driven prototypes that can adapt to various user scenarios.

The importance of prototyping tools in agile software development and design thinking is particularly noteworthy. They promote an iterative approach where prototypes can be quickly created, tested, and improved. This approach enables teams to work user-centrically and develop products that better meet the needs and expectations of the end users.

Functions of Prototyping Software

Interaction Design

Interaction design is one of the central technical functions of prototyping tools. This function allows designers to shape the manner in which users will interact with their digital product. This includes creating transitions, animations, and other interactive elements that enhance the user experience. With interaction design, designers can simulate user navigation through various screens and functions of a product. This is crucial to create an intuitive and appealing user experience that ultimately contributes to user retention.

Collaboration Features

Collaboration features in prototyping tools are essential for teams working on digital products. These features allow multiple users to work on the same project in real time, provide feedback, and make changes. Collaboration tools can include commenting features, version control, and shared editing capabilities. They facilitate communication between team members, regardless of whether they are in the same office or in different locations around the world. This promotes a transparent and efficient workflow, which is crucial for developing high-quality digital products.


Customizability is another key function of prototyping tools. This feature allows users to modify design elements according to their specific requirements. Customizability can apply to a variety of aspects, including the ability to customize templates, add own design elements, and change the coloring or typography. High customizability allows designers to create unique and tailored designs that precisely meet the needs and brand guidelines of the project.

Export and Integration Capabilities

The export and integration capabilities of prototyping tools are crucial for the seamless integration of design processes into the further phases of product development. This feature enables users to export their prototypes in various formats or directly integrate them into other tools and platforms, such as development environments or project management tools. The ability to easily export and integrate prototypes facilitates the transition from the design to the development phase and ensures that the designer's vision is precisely implemented.

Who Uses Prototyping Tools?

UI/UX Designers

UI/UX designers are one of the main target groups for prototyping tools. They use these tools to design the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of websites, applications, and other digital products. In their daily work, UI/UX designers use prototyping tools to create visual concepts and interaction models that show what the end product will look like and function. These tools allow them to integrate and test different design elements such as layouts, colors, fonts, and images, and to test how users will interact with the elements. The ability to quickly create and modify prototypes helps them to work iteratively and improve the design based on feedback and user testing.

Software Developers

Software developers are another important target group of prototyping tools. Although their main task is coding, they use prototyping tools to get a better understanding of the planned design and user guidance of the applications they are working on. These tools help to understand the designers' requirements accurately and ensure that the final product meets the design specifications. By using prototyping tools, software developers can test functionality and identify potential technical challenges in advance, increasing the efficiency of the development process.

Project Managers

Project managers, especially in software and web development, use prototyping tools to monitor and control the progress and direction of a project. These tools allow them to visually understand the product before it is fully developed. Project managers can use prototypes to check compliance with schedules and budgets and ensure the product meets stakeholders' requirements. By using prototyping tools, they can also communicate more effectively with designers, developers, and stakeholders by presenting concrete examples and visual representations of the expected end product.

Marketing and Sales Teams

Marketing and sales teams use prototyping tools to plan and present digital strategies and campaigns. These tools help them create interactive prototypes of websites, apps, or other digital marketing materials. This allows them to show potential customers or internal teams how marketing campaigns will be implemented and how users will interact with them. Prototyping tools enable marketing and sales teams to quickly visualize ideas, gather feedback, and make adjustments before investing significant resources in final production.

Education Sector

In the education sector, prototyping tools are used by teachers and students, especially in fields like design, computer science, and media studies. Teachers use these tools to give students practical experiences in design and development. Students, in turn, use them to design and present their own projects. Prototyping tools provide a practical way of putting theory into practice and allow students to develop their skills in design and user experience.

Benefits of Prototyping Software

Prototyping tools offer businesses a variety of benefits that positively impact various aspects of product development and business operations. These advantages include both efficiency gains and qualitative improvements in the development process.

Acceleration of the Design Process

One of the main benefits of prototyping tools is the acceleration of the design process. These tools allow designers to quickly and efficiently create realistic mockups and prototypes without requiring extensive coding. This saves time and resources, as changes and adjustments can easily be made before actual development begins. Businesses benefit from this speed by being able to bring products to market faster and respond to market trends or customer feedback.

Improvement of Communication and Collaboration

Prototyping tools improve communication and collaboration within teams as well as between different departments. Through the visual representation of design concepts, ideas and requirements can be communicated more clearly, reducing misunderstandings and facilitating coordination between designers, developers, and business teams. This improved communication ensures that all parties involved have a unified understanding of the end product, leading to better results.

Increase in User-Centricity

The use of prototyping tools enables businesses to work in a more user-centric manner. By creating prototypes that simulate real user interactions, businesses can test and optimize the user experience in advance. This leads to products that are better aligned with the needs and expectations of the end users, ideally increasing user satisfaction and customer loyalty.

Risk Minimization

Prototyping tools help businesses minimize risks in product development. By testing prototypes before final development, design errors, usability issues, and technical difficulties can be identified and corrected early on. This prevents costly changes in later development stages and reduces the risk that the finished product will not meet requirements or expectations.

Cost Efficiency

The use of prototyping tools can lead to significant cost savings. By identifying and solving design and usability problems early on, businesses avoid the high costs associated with changes in later development stages. Furthermore, these tools enable faster design cycles, leading to a more efficient use of resources.

Competitive Advantage

Lastly, prototyping tools offer businesses a competitive advantage. By rapidly developing and testing prototypes, businesses can bring innovative products to market faster. The ability to develop products tailored precisely to the needs of users contributes to standing out from the competition and securing a leading position in the market.

Selection Process for the Right Prototyping Tools

Creating a Long list

The first step to selecting the right prototyping tools for your business is to create a long list of potential options. This begins with researching the market and compiling an exhaustive list of available prototyping tools. This can be done through online research, reading industry reports, recommendations from colleagues, or professional articles. It is important to consider a wide range of options to ensure that no potentially suitable tools are overlooked.

Defining Requirements

After creating a long list, it's about defining the specific requirements of your company. You should consider factors like the budget, the complexity of the prototypes to be created, the existing technical capabilities of the team, and integration with other systems being used. Also, the specific goals to be achieved with the tool, such as improved user experience or faster product development cycles, should be clearly defined.

Creating a Short List

Based on the defined requirements, the long list is then reduced to a short list. Compare the tools based on the criteria you have set and eliminate those that do not fit. In this step, it is important to keep a balanced number of tools to allow a thorough evaluation, but also not too many to keep the process efficient.

Evaluation and Comparison

With the short list, the detailed evaluation and comparison of the remaining tools begins. You can use demo versions to test the user interface, the functionalities, and the performance of each tool. It is advisable to gather feedback from the team members who will use the tool the most. Also, evaluating customer reviews and case studies can be helpful to understand how the tool works in real scenarios.

Cost Analysis

Another important step is cost analysis. Do not only consider the purchase price, but also the long-term costs, such as subscriptions, updates, and support. It is important to choose a tool that offers good value for money and fits within your company's budget.

Final Evaluation and Testing Phase

Before a final decision is made, a final evaluation should be done. This may involve testing out the most suitable tools during a test phase under real conditions in the company. During this phase, detailed feedback from the users is collected and it is assessed how well the tool meets the specific needs of the company.

Final Decision

After the test phase, the final decision is made. This should be based on a thorough analysis of all the information gathered. It is important to choose a tool that not only meets current requirements but also has the potential to grow and evolve with the company. The decision should be made in consensus with all stakeholders to make sure that the selected tool is accepted and effectively used by all.