Exhibitor Drop No. 1: Start booking your appointments with these companies at OMR Festival 2022

Expos Exhibitors at the OMR Festival 2019 (Image: OMR / Julian Huke).

It’s been three long years since we last met. That all changes this May 17 & 18 as the stage(s) is set for the return of the OMR Festival in Hamburg! While the entire OMR team is burning the midnight oil fine-tuning the event and details, you can make good use of the time and book appointments with the over 500 exhibitors taking part in this year’s Festival. Today, we’re dropping 39 top digital companies you can connect with—and showing you how you can book your slot.

In exactly 2 months, OMR22 will finally reopen its doors to 60,000 digital marketing pros. Over the course of the coming weeks, we’ll be releasing several pieces on content, names, speakers and useful bits of information for the Festival. We’ve already dropped a couple of speaker highlights in star director Quentin Tarantino and marketing professor Scott Galloway and podcast partner Kara Swisher—the first of many to be sure. Check out the current list of speakers here. On top of all that, you can look forward to Festival fodder in April with details on Masterclasses, Guided Tours, Side Events and everything else in between.

The list of 500+ exhibitors is pretty much set (kudos to the colleagues in sales) and we haven’t even hit April. If you’re an experienced Festival goer you know that daily agendas can get really full, really quick. That’s why we strongly recommend you start contacting exhibitors directly. How? That’s easy. Just click the Salesforce, Acxiom or Zenloop logo (or any other company you are interested in). Then enter in your name, email and a brief message and click send. Everything else you can discuss directly with the company in question. This all, of course, only really applies if you are in possession of an Expo ticket or are sure you’ll be getting one before they are gone. Click here to grab either of the two ticket categories, the Festival Pass and Expo Pass—and to find out just what each ticket type offers.

Torben Lux

Torben has been plying editorial chops at OMR for four years now, penning articles on omr.com and scouring the world year-round for speakers for our annual Festival. Before he joined Team OMR, Torben cut his teeth at the Hamburg daily Morgenpost, trained as a digital and print manager at Axel Springer SE and created numerous tv pieces for broadcaster Hamburg 1.

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