
“Like the lime on a taco.” That’s what data is for mobile.de, Onefootball and Quandoo

Lime on a taco
Lime on a taco
Table of contents
  1. Three questions for Dennis Lehn from Mobile.de
  2. Three questions with Stephan Durry from Onefootball
  3. Three questions for Tiago Pérez Cavalcanti at Quandoo

Long before the rise of the platform economy, companies knew the value of data. Only businesses that vigorously analyze the behavior and motivation of their clients can really pinpoint and optimize their business. If you want to learn strategies and methods for improving your analytics activities, you need to get to the Data-Driven Marketing Day by Tableau. In the run-up to the event, we sat down with experts from large companies to discuss their thoughts on data and figured out that it all comes down to pizza and tacos.

The days of plopping an analyst down in front of a never-ending excel sheet are over. Today, you can more effectively carry out your data-driven tasks with Tableau’s analytics and visualization software. To show you how you can visualize and analyze your company’s data sets, Tableau is putting on the Data-Driven Marketing Day on June 6 at Festsaal Kreuzberg in Berlin. Taking the stage when the event kicks off at 2 PM will be OMR founder Philipp Westermeyer, Dennis Lehn, Senior CRM Strategy Manager at mobile.de, Stephan Durry, Data Lead at Onefootball and Tiago Pérez Cavalcanti, Head of Business Intelligence at Quandoo, among many others. Als kleinen Vorgeschmack auf das Event haben wir mit Lehn, Durry und Cavalcanti über ihre Analytics-Strategien gesprochen:

Sign up for the Data-Driven Marketing Day on June 6 here for free.

Three questions for Dennis Lehn from Mobile.de

OMR: How do you use data at mobile.de?

Dennis Lehn

Dennis Lehn

There are several areas of application, but our focus is on providing a 360° overview of customer needs and historical usage / traceability information. Sales representatives should be able to quickly visualize the use of paid features on mobile.de and the subsequent demand generation for vehicles sold by a specific vendor.

When you look back at the days of analysts sitting in front of an excel table and compare that to the much more comprehensive approaches of data analysis today: Which concrete KPIs have undergone significant change? In concrete terms, the call preparation time in our call centers has changed as a result of the use of the technology. While agents used to compile information from countless systems, they now receive key campaign information from a central source. In general and beyond the scope of application described here, at mobile.de we use [Tableau] in more and more areas to be more efficient, almost every team can quickly identify topics where a Tableau implementation frees up resources.

If your company was your favorite dish, what would it be and what ingredients (data) would it use? Pizza, it would be busy even without the bottom = data. In the end, the data available and its sensible use combine into a pizza that you can actually eat and that, ideally, also tastes great.

Three questions with Stephan Durry from Onefootball

OMR: How do you use data at Onefootball?

Stephan Durry

Stephan Durry

Data analytics is a core competence of our growth team. Our Analysts develop and deploy department-specific (Marketing, Content, Product) custom Dashboards relevant to each business case. Subsequently, analysts and experts together define actions and/or projects to improve the department’s KPI’s. Approximately half of the company is supported by the work of the growth team.

When you look back at the days of analysts sitting in front of an excel table and compare that to the much more comprehensive approaches of data analysis today: Which concrete KPIs have undergone significant change? Nowadays, we are much quicker and more standardized when working with our data. Manual work has been reduced which is what most stakeholders should experience. More importantly from our point of view, the amount of qualitative interactions across teams has increased. Most of our projects happen in a cross-functional set-up. 

A good example for this is our contionous optimization of the Onboarding process. One could say that the Onboarding is just one product feature that needs to be optimized. However, we started looking at Onboarding as if it was an entire user journey. From the impression of an ad to the first in-app session of a user. The project team behind it is a team of product & marketing managers, analysts & engineers. Through a central Dashboard, the teams have been able to see not only their own KPIs, but also their effects across other stages of the process. For instance, marketing does not end at a delivered install. We further look at what we can do in our marketing efforts to improve or make the onboarding on our platform easier. On this basis, we want to continuously engage users in order to avoid churn and positively impact our long term user retention.

If your company was your favorite dish, what would it be and what ingredients (data) would it use? My favorite dish is Tacos. They are multifaceted, authentic and fairly simple. The most important ingeredients are coriander, a good sauce, salt and lime. For me, data are like lime on the taco. It doesn’t work alone, no one eats just lime, however, it complements everything with it. It’s the same with our data. Our experts bring in knowledge and experience in their field of work, but with the help of data, they add value to the work and take better informed decisions.

Three questions for Tiago Pérez Cavalcanti at Quandoo

OMR: How do you use data at Onefootball?

Tiago Pérez Cavalcanti

Tiago Pérez Cavalcanti

We have an extensive set of Tableau dashboards that deliver precise information of our company to managers and clients… but what it really makes the difference (and is fun also) is letting marketeers and product managers drill and explore through the data using the web authoring capabilities of Tableau. This delivers continuous insights.

When you look back at the days of analysts sitting in front of an excel table and compare that to the much more comprehensive approaches of data analysis today: Which concrete KPIs have undergone significant change? As mentioned earlier, the main improvement comes from the self-service analytics; are able to find the best performing channels or debug those that don’t. And PM are able to completely follow customer journey through our product to fully understands their needs.

If your company was your favorite dish, what would it be and what ingredients (data) would it use? Hahaha… well I guess data is like the ketchup on a burger with chips. Burgers taste good but without ketchup would be a bit dull.

Hungry for more data and analytics? Ready to learn more? Then don’t miss the Data-Driven Marketing Day by Tableau on June 6 in Berlin. Register here!

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