
Insights for free at the Experience Festival: You’ll need a device and a little time

Table of contents
  1. On supercomputers and customer loyalty
  2. Artificial intelligence: buzzword or marketing tool?

You certainly have an entry in your diary for the OMR Festival being held on 7thand 8thMay. A month beforehand you will be getting a preview of what our partner Adobe is delivering there: The Experience Festival is the company’s virtual conference that will grab ahold of you in front of your computer, tablet or smartphone and deliver real insights into digital marketing, AI and the customer experience. 

With its new format, Adobe wants to offer a virtual conference for digital inspiration. And the event is being adapted to fit perfectly with this. On 3rdand 4thApril, the Experience Festival will be going fully digital via an online platform specifically set up for it. On both days from 11:00 am to 5:30 pm there will be a total of 22 keynotes, panel discussions and seminars, where you can join in live on your computer, tablet or smartphone. By chatting you will be able to discuss all the topics with participants and speakers and make new contacts. What do you have to do? Just click here, enter some info and that’s it. You will receive your access details by e-mail and can join in free of charge at the beginning of April.

On supercomputers and customer loyalty

Adobe wants to inspire you during the online event and give you the right tools and insights so you’ll be able to apply everything right away. That’s why 3rdApril will be dedicated to future perspectives and marketing trends. Sophie Hackford’s keynote is sure to be one of the highlights of the first day. The futurist asks the really big questions (“What happens if quantum computers make computation a trillion times faster than today’s fastest supercomputers?”). Hackford wants to make you think, especially about what will be possible in the coming years and decades.

In other sessions, you will learn how current and forthcoming digital trends will impact your company when it comes to topics like customer experience, media spendings and content marketing.Or drop in when it turns to content marketing and the customer experience. Because the one topic that you should be thinking about now is how to use a story to grab the attention of potential customers and make them forever loyal to your brand. Adobe experts will also be showing you how you can combine creativity with data to get the most out of both.

The complete Experience Festival agenda is available here.

Artificial intelligence: buzzword or marketing tool?

The second day will be devoted to AI. What can you expect from the speakers? Real-world examples of how artificial intelligence can help marketers make better decisions more quickly. Speakers from Twitter and the German digital agency Torben, Lucie und die gelbe Gefahr will be speaking on this subject and more. The latter will be providing insights into how AI can help personalize the customer experience.

This link will take you directly to the Experience Festival registration page where you can sign up for free.

Free Online Seminars

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